Canada - Country of perfect landscapes


You often read the impressions of tourists from traveling to Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and similar countries. But what do you know about two neighboring continents - North and South America? Meanwhile, in addition to the United States and Brazil, each country of these continents - the treasure of strangers to you. Today tells about Canada - the state with an unspoiled human nature.


This tiny mountain town in Alberta Province, located in the foothills of Canadian Rocky Mountains, attracts both lovers of nature and luxurious lovers. Visitors can spend their days in skiing, walking along hiking trails in Banff National Park or swimming on the Bow River. In free days you can visit the Ice Columbia Field or Lake Morain - the types of these picturesque places are guaranteed to plunge you in shock.

Niagara Falls

Go here to see and take a picture of a cult attraction. Sit on the boat "Virgo Fog" to feel the whole power of the waterfall. Inspect the other sights of the region, such as Niagara Glen Nature Reserve, which offers tourists a lot of pedestrian routes. And the evening can be held in the restaurant and taste exquisite wine from local vineyards - Sommelier praise them.


A trip to Vancouver is a vacation in Nature. Local residents spend their days in the mountains on skis, and in the summer - on the beach Kizilano and in Stanley Park. If you are not afraid of a height, head in 5 miles north of the city center to the Capillano suspension bridge, which is located at an altitude of 230 feet above the Kapilano River.

Victoria and Vancouver Island

While Montreal and Quebec City honor the French roots of Canada, Victoria gives tribute to the British heritage of the country. Many are visited by the capital of British Columbia for afternoon tea, excursions on the buildings of the parliament or the lesson of history at the Royal Museum of British Columbia. Others are interested in wine tasting from Vancouver Island factories. In the meantime, animal lovers enjoy the abundance of marine inhabitants - more than 80 kilves are found here.


This Canadian city enchants its visitors to buildings of the 17th and 18th centuries, which make up old Quebec - UNESCO World Heritage Site. Meanwhile, the flavors of freshly baked bread fill the cobbled streets of Paris with the eliminated cobblestone streets of the Petit-Shapelin quarter. This is a European city that will enjoy the lovers of history and architecture.


This Canadian resort city boasts everyone: from skiing and snowboarding to Bobslei and Bunji jumping. Travelers can spend their holidays in Whistler Village, enjoying mountain skiing or walking through the Whistler Olympic Plaza shopping center. In the meantime, in warm weather, the guests of the city advise to explore the Folm Park-Falls Park, where the 1330-foot waterfall is located.


The last city of European tourists will be the last on our list. With cultural attractions, such as the Greek city, small India and Koreat-Town, located within the city, Toronto has the ability to combine different cultures, satisfying visitors from all over the world. After the cultural program, climb on the CI ent Tower with a height of 1815 feet or enjoy the hockey glory hall - you will probably remember how much the hockey is developed here. Sightseeing excursion Complete in the St. Lawrence in the market to taste local dishes.

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