How to distinguish natural honey


Honey is a rich source of vitamins and useful trace elements. But instead of him on the counters you can meet surrogates, which not only will not bring benefits, but can seriously harm.

When buying honey it is important to consider the following points.

Taste. When you try honey, you should feel not only a shrill sweetness. Natural product in its aftertaste has a light bitterness, which, as if burns the throat when swallowing. Buy honey only in those places where you can pre-try it.

Aroma. He must be unobtrusive. Restor is characteristic of artificial flavors. The natural product should have a light floral or herbal smell, depending on the pollen grazing season. No smell must also be alarmed.

Color. Do not buy honey with pronounced "blessing". It may say that bees fed with ordinary sugar syrup. Accordingly, the benefits of this product are significantly lower than that of honey with a natural source.

Early spring on the counters of markets may appear on sale. Bucky medical . This product is characterized by a dark shade. But be careful, it can be given a melted last year's honey. Therefore, if you like honey of the current season, get it only from proven sellers.

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