Lena Lenin: how to become rich and earn a million


"Of the four main motors of humanity, everyone chooses the engine to taste: power, fame, sex or money. The government seems to me fading and criminal, with sex I have everything in the family in the family, and the fame of me is about tired. The first three days of writing autographs and the first three cameras were the most happy in achieving fame. Three million three hundred three are hardly given, especially since the support, slander and gossip presses, I already prank. But the money bends on the corners and this is their only minus. But your money allows a woman to buy any beautiful villa on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea with a view of the endless blue of the warm sea and with a plot of land, drowning in greenery and fragrant flowers. The money allows you to arrange a son in a prestigious school in Switzerland and never think about how much dinner is in the restaurant, a new pink convertible, a unique pearl necklace or a crocodile handbag with a diamond clasp. Your money allows you to choose yourself for sexual merits of a beautiful and charming husband and do not stand humiliating with an outstretched hand, as on Peniti, staring at the screed spouse to boots. Money gives a gait confidence, words - calm, and sleep - serenity of secured old age. Large money, however, delivers certain troubles for their preservation, reinvestment and management, but these are more pleasant concerns than a convulsive search with a dried language of two hundred to pay.

How to earn enough money? It is difficult to analyze yourself, but I interviewed for your series of books "Multimillionaires" more than a hundred billionaires and stars, so I will try to be guided by an example of more successful people. The first secret of the success of all rich businessmen (namely, the money is a way to calculate how successful people) I would call logic. It is an opportunity to be in the root and make the right decisions, guided by no emotions, and common sense. And if they also add the reaction rate, the rate of thought and the rate of decision-making, then the second prerequisite for success, I would call the second prerequisite for success. After all, in order to get ahead of the crowds of hungry and ambitious competitors, including young graduates according to the profile, annually thousands of people who pop up on the market, the speed is necessary in everything. And if for the development of logic and the mind you need to read a lot and study the experience of authorities in practice, in order not to lose the speed of thought, you just need not to drink and not to use drugs, because these destructive passions strongly affect the brain speed of less successful competitors, converging from a distance in their nonsense or amorality. The third secret of success is a high level of professionalism in the field of its competence. One of my familiar billionaire instead of relaxing and resting on the laurels, every morning studies on the way to office all the most advanced and innovative, which was published on the eve of the field of his professional interests. No tricks and tricks of the seller will not replace the quality of the sold. The learning process should continue even after the achievement of the biggest heights. Becoming a star one day easier or earn one more easier than to hold on top of a long time. The fourth secret of success, I would call the audacity. Hangi can call it confident in themselves. Healthy arrogance based on the power of will and character strength. And the fifth secret I will name the high efficiency. The efficiency and ability to bring any business to a victorious end is the main quality that I am especially proud of. Many people have ideas or projects, but only a few know how to bring them to a million, earned in this idea. Calculate how much of the planned for the day or for the year you managed to implement and make themselves any trifle to bring to a useful result. If you are smart and logical if you quickly make decisions and constantly increase the level of your professionalism, if you are confident, you have a strong character and bring all ideas to the end, then you will definitely become a millionaire.

Find a decent example to imitate in business, preferably multimillionaire, and arrange to her for a year with a personal assistant for free. She will appreciate your profitability and enthusiasm, and you will copy her even those little things that she herself does not perceive as the secret of success. And then open your own business. As a last resort, I am ready to hide young people from the regions who want to succeed in Moscow. I can write to my site. "

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