Oleg Yakovlev: "Now I felt an adult man"


- I have a square head! - Oleg admitted from the go. - I worry so much, because everything starts at me first. I found a new sound engineer, found dancers, I need to think about everything. It is so infinitely difficult, but at the same time it is interesting because I began to answer for myself. After all, before me, everything was done by the production center of Matvienko. I waited for a call: to be in a similar address, in so much. I did not think about anything. And now he felt an adult man who can decide everything in life himself. Of course, you need to force yourself to work more. If I have been waking up at an hour of the day, now - at 9 am. But the fact that I will give myself as a solo artist is a huge happiness!

- Can you call the reasons that forced you to leave a stable team?

- I decided to engage in solo career in August last year. He began to record songs in the studio, give concerts. The guys realized that I was getting on my feet that I already want to be a solo artist. At some point I realized - you will not break down on two chairs. And just did not want to be more in the group, dangle around the country. I realized that my time was too expensive, because I should have time to do something. And the guys realized that I could not keep me in the team. I left on April 1, and today my songs are spinning on the radio, and my clip was taken to the music canal.

- How did you have an idea about a solo career?

- to blame for all Alexander Kutsevol, my girl. She said: "Olezhka, you are very talented, so much energy in you, so much strength. You come so hopeless with the tour. I so want your eyes tanned. I want you to do something. In order not to be solved for you, how much to be at the airport, and you decided myself, I myself chose a musical material. How much can you dangle so? You also dream about something too, you can write something. " As a result, in the spring of last year, I scratched a turnip, and in the summer I already began to record new tracks, cooperate with composers. And in December I had solo concerts. I suddenly realized that I could write, invent, execute, concert. And I am very much thank to Sasha, who instilled confidence in me. I used to be not sure of myself, I thought I could only be a trio that I was a small from Ivanoshek. And now I am Oleg Yakovlev. This is probably the greatest achievement in my life.

Alexandra, Oleg girl, already introduced the artist with his parents who live in Nefteyugansk. .

Alexandra, Oleg girl, already introduced the artist with his parents who live in Nefteyugansk. .

- That is, your girl Sasha has also become your muse?

- Sasha is my all. She and my director, and a loving girl. She goes to bed at around five in the morning, constantly thinking about me, loves me. And I love her.

- Did you meet thanks to your work?

- We met, even when she was small. In her native city, Nefteyugansk was the author's youth program, and she studied in parallel in St. Petersburg, at the university. They periodically passed musical events, on one of which we met. We had a common girlfriend, and she spent this concert. Then Sasha arrived in Moscow, began to work on the music channel, made a journalist career. Since then, we are together.

- They say you have already had a traditional acquaintance with your parents?

- I love Sasha's parents very much. Her mother is very similar to Sasha in character. I will reveal the secret: her mother also says a lot. This is probably the best feature in Sasha. She says constantly. (Smiles.) Dad from Sasha is very discreet, high, similar to the British cat. We really were at her house, met, we were then given a bunch of dumplings with me. Of course, they are very worried about Sasha. And for me - as the second parents. Sometimes, when I am angry, I call and say: "Dad, your daughter Borsch me not SHA-Ri-la! You can know how she can, but just does not want! "

- Oleg, what are your relationship with your colleagues and producer after leaving the group?

- Guys a little jealously reacted to the fact that I firmly got on my feet and decided to engage in solo creativity. This is, by the way, pleases. We are 17 years together, they are my native roofing, brothers. But our relationships remain beautiful, friendly. And the fact that now they will perform on my presentation, I am pleased. I will sit in the hall and say: "Now, guys, spoil for me" poplar fluff ", which I sang better than everyone in the world. Let's give the relay to the young Ukrainian singer. I wonder if he would sing just like me? " I think that it will sing. I really had a great confidence that is important for any man. As for Igor Matvienko, with him, too, the great relationships. We even agreed that I would definitely take part in the significant concerts of Ivanoshek.

- I wonder how you "passed the case" by the new soloist "Ivanushki" Cyril Turguzko? Are you familiar with him?

- Well, of course, sign. Month we were all together on tour. Kirill performed two songs, and I sang the rest of the concert. And he looked like I work. Ivanushk has megasesecret, which is not all sorting out. Why does the group exist so many years? Why no one can repeat? This coincidence of characters, we feel each other. I sometimes feel what is happening with Andrei and Cyril. I even know what kind of mood they will come, in what clothes. We, without claiming, it happens, for no reason with this, let's say, white sneakers or come in strict classic costumes. There is an energy connection between us. I hope, and Kirill will become part of the group.

Oleg Yakovlev:

The group "Ivanushki International" worked in such a composition of 17 years. Therefore, despite the care of Oleg, the singers remained friends. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

- You start the solo career in another image. Now there is now the usual short-shined blond.

- I now have a new image. In my opinion, the best Russian photographer Vladimir Shirokov said me: "Oleg, well, we have already seen white white ..." and I agreed to change. When I saw the result, it was absolutely not broken. Now you need to get used to the fact that I am brunette, not blond. And it is no longer painted. I will now just emphasize something in the hairstyle according to fashionable trends. And gradually go to the image of Takeshi Kitano, an adult beautiful Asian. I believe that there is no more beautiful Asian in our country. (Laughs.)

- Clothes to you, too, will pick up the stylist?

- I myself have flair. But in Moscow I have a little cloud, because there are many fakes and unreasonably high prices. I believe that you can sometimes leave for 2-3 days in London, Paris for shopping. Find these cellars where designers sew beautiful things for affordable money.

- If the time is issued than, except shopping, do you like to do?

- I really like to sleep. I still force myself to read, because the habit of reading people gradually leaves. It is to open a closet, not the Internet, and take some kind of little book. And I also definitely pay my weekend. They must be at least twice a week. You can go to the performance, exhibition. Or just walking the day with good weather. In Moscow, there are a lot of wonderful places, but not enough time.

- They say, in your first clip shot a chic brunette in a red dress ...

- Initially, I wanted to remove the video, where I will only. But then looked at Sasha and said: "Well, let's wear a red dress!" And I am very glad that I gave way to my Sasha, it is very beautiful. And somewhere there is a little bit on the side. We filmed in the Maldives, and Sasha there was a little Muren did not bite. And then went to shoot at some sandy island and forgot that there is a tide. And when we understood it, it was too late. We already fled to the shore, holding a camera over your head, because they were almost completely in the water. All wet, but saved the camera, and the whole clip.

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