Star losses: celebrities that died from Covid


2020 comes to an end, and for all of us without exception, it was probably one of the most difficult and strange and strange over the past few decades: Coronavirus did not just violate our plans, but also carried the lives of many people. Today we decided to remember celebrities, who left this world, failed to cope with Cowid.

Maria Teresa Bourbon Parm (Spanish Princess)

One of the first representatives of the monarch of childbirth who died due to COVID-19 was the cousin sister of the Spanish king Maria Teresa Bourbon Parm. The woman suffered a disease in severe form, the progress of which the doctors could not stop. Residents of Spain were called Maria "Krasnaya Princess": Bourbon-Parm advocated a socialist monarchy. The princess was never married, since all his life adhered to tough feministic views. Maria died at the 88th year of life.

Sergio Rossi (Italian designer)

Probably, everyone heard of the famous brand of shoes, which Patched Rossi, opening his first workshop in the distant 1968. The famous stiletto sandals that Rossi developed almost independently began to be almost a separate direction in shoe fashion. This model tried to repeat many designers, but the original model Sergio still uses the highest demand. The designer sought to emphasize the beauty of the female leg with any way available to it. Unfortunately, the Master could not overcome Cowid, Rossi died on April 2, 2020. He was 85.

Li Fierro (actress)

We all remember the divanctural "jaws" that Stephen Spielberg presented to us. It was in this film that Fierro received the very role that glorify her to the whole world: Lee played a woman whose son became a victim of a killer shark. The actress also received a positive test result on COVID-19, unfortunately, the woman could not overcome the virus died on the 92nd year of life on April 5, 2020.

Lucia Boz (actress)

Italian star of the middle of the last century. Boz was born on January 28, 1931, after 16 years the girl became the winner of the beauty contest, and after three years he received the first role in the movies. One of the most outstanding films in the career Boz is considered to be "Satirikon", the director of whom was the great Federico Fellini. Lucia died from Coronavirus on March 23 of this year in the 90th year of life.

Lucia Boz

Lucia Boz

Photo: Social School

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