Peter Pan Syndrome: how to understand that you are infantile


A person does not become an adult after graduation, access to work and even the birth of a child. It all depends on our psychological setting. Often we do not notice children's features, but those around them are perfectly visible. Let's consider the main items that give you a infantile person in you.

Learn to prepare elementary dishes

Learn to prepare elementary dishes


Your mom still collects you dinner

Nowadays, more and more young people stay with their parents just because they have no opportunity to shoot a separate apartment or just a room. However, the joint residence does not mean that everything will remain as it was at the time of your childhood and adolescence. Of course, Mom will offer you to take a job with you and will even call him to pack, but you must remember your adult status, a working person who himself is able to prepare lunch itself.

You do not know how to iron

It would seem that a difficult thing here? Nevertheless, a little less than half of the population of our country under the age of 30 people do not imagine how to stroke the shirt correctly. Understand that you should cope with household issues yourself, without attracting parents, otherwise the risk of encounter with serious psychological problems after you really live separately from the older generation.

tell more friends than mom

tell more friends than mom


Parents pay repair your car

And again to the question of independence. Personal car, apartment - attributes of your adult life, where there is no place to raise money at mom on gasoline or replacement of the seat upholstery. Of course, you can ask for help when you need it, but do not need to turn parents to the service personnel with an ATM.

In an emergency, you call mom

Mom is worried about us throughout life, and often already grown kids do not understand that at one fine moment your problems should be only yours, at worst, ask a friend / sister / husband about help and share problems with them. Mom does not necessarily know about everything that happens in your life. Praise her nerves.

Pay bills yourself

Pay bills yourself


You do not know how to cook anything

With this problem, young men are most often faced, which are just beginning to know the taste of separate life, however, it applies to girls no less. For elementary survival, it is necessary to see the difference between the scrambled eggs and the omelet, to know that not all cereals are boosted equally, like meat. Now there is a huge number of ways to master this or that dish, most importantly - practice.

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