Aida Vedischeva: "I was bilted and called vulgar"


Radiant look, dazzling smile, straight posture, confident voice. Americans respect such people - never naught, talented and hardworking. In short, Self-Made. Yes, and Vedischeva herself says: "I have a New York soul, I love this city and night walks on Broadway!" But what about Moscow? After all, it is here, the professorship of a distant Irkutsk once sought. Aida Semenovna assures that the Russian capital, and the whole "historical homeland" loves no less than America.

Aida Vedischeva: "I think that I did not emigrate from the country thirty years ago, but simply was in a long business trip. In recent years I come to Russia regularly. And there is always a serious occasion, for example, as now - at once three invitations to speak at concerts. You know, I am such a "paper"! (Aida Semenovna pulls out of a large envelope of the paper and lays them on the table.) Now look: I brought with me the reviews of my concerts in America, thankful letters from the state governors and even from the four Raigans ... And this is the page from Encyclopedia "Who is who ". I will leave, and my name will remain in it. And not only in it! One thing is human memory, and quite another - a story. Do you understand? .. "

Is it so important for you?

Aida: "But what about! This is my life! I believe in reincarnation, that I lived before and will live later, and therefore it is important for me to stay in history. I'll be back - and my previous life did not go to the fly, is it bad? I talked to one clairvoyant, she said: "Your past name is recorded in all books. You were the famous ballerina! "I first laughed at her words, but then it began to pay attention to the fact that dancing without any school and love this kind of art. Apparently, the experience of past life. "

And in this you have another talent ...

Aida: "My mother's singer was awesome. And by profession - a first-class surgeon. Aunt perfectly sang romances. And my sister - she is also a doctor - a beautiful opera voice. I generally grew among the music. Imagine: War, Kazan (Parents before the war moved from Kiev to Kazan - Dad got a professorship there, and after the war we moved to Irkutsk), and fifteen people of mother relatives escaped from Kiev are put into our apartment. They all played on musical instruments and brought them with them - accordions, guitars, balalaika ... I woke up in the morning, and American jazz sounded in the house! "

How did parents manage to feed such a "creative team"?

Aida: "Yes, the father's professorial salary was enough only for a week (he was an outstanding dentist, students of medstations of all USSR studied for his textbooks). Mom saved his family. She operated a lot to the war and earned more dad. "

Parents insisted that you learned English? He was so useful for the ocean!

Aida: "They. When I turned four and a half years, my mother took a governess - a woman who came from Shanghai. She was a teacher of English, I began to deal with her. And then, when we were already moved to Irkutsk, I taught English at home to the tenth class. And in school - German. Dad wanted me to know and German. "

So young Aida looked at sixteen years. It is not surprising that men lost their heads. In the theater of the young viewer. Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

So young Aida looked at sixteen years. It is not surprising that men lost their heads. In the theater of the young viewer. Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

Taught languages ​​in a hunt or from under the belt?

Aida: "From under the belt. Well, why do I need two languages ​​in the USSR? I did not know that the ownership of English would be my advantage would help you to rise in America! .. By the way, I had such a funny parsley with my tongues! When I studied in the sixth grade, us, girls, united with the guys, before that we studied apart. And one cute boy seems to be Idashkin his last name ... "

Oh, first love?

Aida: "No, no! It was in love with me. My only heart attachment is music. Believe me. No man could compete with her. Yes, and I had no time to fall in love, I still did not start talking, but already sang. Two years have danced and sat on the twine. Have a photo: I, tiny, stand in a pack ... "

Here you can again remember the words clairvoyant!

Aida: "Yes, yes. True, it was only in early childhood, and then left ... so. And we have taught a young German teacher. And she fell in love with this Idashkin. And he sought me, sometimes I went home. In general, I was my fan. And the teacher was very jealous. "

How old was she?

Aida: "Ten years old for years. So what? I have about the same difference in age with one of my husbands. It's not scary ... And now she threatened me to take revenge on the final exams. I gave me to understand what would be in my Troika certificate. Why do I need it? Especially since the linguist I am beautiful. With mathematics - yes, I have a bad thing, but with tongues, with literature - on the contrary! .. In short, I decided not to get involved. If the conflict, I am always leaving, I do not enter into battle, it remained. I say a girlfriend: "I will pass English." And I go to the group in which I never studied, but where my friends studied. By the way, among them there was Vauchka Sharykina, remember the Pani Zosu from the "Kaschka" 13 chairs "? .. We studied with her in the same school. So, I go to pass English, who did not teach a day at school. Everyone was only ashounted: "Well, Wecich gives!" I was called Weisika at school, my surname then was Weiss. And passed on the top five. "

Moscow Saga

When did you go to Moscow to enter the theater university and failed, worried hard?

Aida: "Yes, it was a blow. I passed all three rounds, and it seemed that the case was done. I had very good preparation in Irkutsk. I already worked in the Tyuze to work and in parallel studied at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(the parents insisted that I did it there). I was transferred to the correspondence department and thought I could study in Moscow, and this institute would end. And then suddenly, people with portfolios from the commission say: "You have already enrolled in one university, now you want one more?! And we have those who want to learn only with us. " Or maybe another reason was, I do not know. In general, they did not take. Life seemed to be over. And Moscow-River saw the only way out. Although now I think that I was just lucky. If I did, my fate would not have happened so interesting. I returned to Irkutsk. Updated at the Institute and worked in different philharmonics. And when he worked in the Oryol Philharmonic, met the future husband. He called me to Moscow, where I really wanted. "

The second husband of the singer, Boris, was the head of her concert team. Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

The second husband of the singer, Boris, was the head of her concert team. Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

Your first husband seems to be a circus artist?

Aida: "Vyacheslav Vedishchev was a very famous artist. He introduced me by Oleg Lundstrem, and I worked in his orchestra. But Oleg Leonidovich had to ride all the time, and we only got married with glory, I wanted to be together. Therefore, I went to the cliff, who took us both. But in his team stayed for a long time. I wanted to go further, and then I was stuck on three or four songs. The arrangements are expensive, so the repertoire did not change. What remained to do? Rocks were very offended: "No one left me yet!" I: "Dear Leonid Osipovich, you found your swan song, and I still have to work and work before. So I have to go ahead. Sorry".

You had a chance to communicate with such celebrities as Lundstrem, Rocks, Papanov, Mironov, Gaidai. Who made the strongest impression?

Aida: "For culture, by education, of course, Oleg Lundstrem."

And on male charm?

Aida: "What are you talking about? You are not addressed to that addressee. Men did not interest me. Only music! It's about my soul, and not about my matter. "

But you met Vyacheslav, and then several times got married.

Aida: "I never met anyone. Once it was. It was they met me. Glory, for example, met on the stairs in a provincial hotel. We left for a concert with my accompaniment. Glory asked him: "Who is this?" In response he heard: "Oh, this is a real star, I don't know what she is doing here! She needs to Moscow! "I really liked the glory, he came up, invited to his speech. I remember I watched his number and thought: "Poor his wife! This is horror - to see how the husband balancing on some boards and cylinders, to which even climb scary! "Then this wife herself and became."

Aida Vedischeva:

"Singing Novels" had a deafening success. Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

In one of the interviews, you said that at first everything was fine, and then ...

Aida: "Well, what are you talking about! I have a son from him. I married at twenty years, and a year later, Volodya gave birth. And they separated because they just had different people. "

Country Soviets

Aida Semenovna, maybe it was not worth leaving?

Aida: "I left the USSR, because I understood: all that I create, it will always be desirable here. I had a tendency to do something like musicals. We lived for the "iron curtain" and practically nothing about this genre knew. And I was always in the forefront. For that they beat me and despised, because they believed that I was vulgar, all the time I am very sophisticated, I always want something. And I was born with a singing artist, I have the essence of this! I was brought to the first injury when I did not put my surname to the titers in the Caucasian Captive, and then in the "Diamond Hand".

And how many cones you got for the song "Help me"!

Aida: "The main thing, the film took off Gaidai, Zatresin wrote music, Derbanev - poems, and accused of all sins of me! By the way, the creators of the "Diamond Hand" so wanted the Vedisyev to sing this song, what caused me from the Far East, where I was on tour ... I was delivered to the second injury when I took away the musicians who were not just accompanied, but were busy in my Theatrical program "Singing novels" as real artists. I was told: "You will find others."

And found?

Aida: "Of course. And again he worked with them so that they would not just stand on stage and played the tools, but participated in the presentation. But some dark story happened to these musicians. In my opinion, some of them even beat. As a result, I decided: everything, I will work alone, and asked the conductor Yuri Silantyev to record musical accompaniment on the film. Yes, I first used the phonogram in the USSR. But it was not "plywood"! I am unfairly called the first "pensher". Only music sounded in the record, and I sang live! And since the musicians did not, it was necessary to revive the scene something. And I took three twin brothers, Chechens, with stunning plastic. They danced. It turned out a special genre. Plus, a light mirror change, a huge mirror descended from above, and slides were projected on it. The impression is fabulous! But we were not allowed to work fine. The director of the Vladimir Philharmonic was even fired when she took our team. I remember, at the tour in Tashkent, I was asked: "Aiidka, are you still here?" - "Yes, and what's the matter?" - "We came to the orders to unagine all your records, because you went to Israel." And I was not even going anywhere! "

With Oleg Lundstrem, a year before his death. Los Angeles, 2004. Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

With Oleg Lundstrem, a year before his death. Los Angeles, 2004. Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

Who did all this?

Aida: "A whole team. I had my salierie, and Furtseva put my hand ... I remember, I came from Sopot, from the International Festival of the pop song, where I was sent as a singer with the largest circulation of records. And what a scandal broke out due to the fact that I sang there "excess" song! Just accepted me very well, called on the bis - well, I sang the song Viktor Shainsky. She just got the first award on the song contest of the 68th year. But the program did not declare, and I dreamed sing! Obtained! Shainsky at that time was not in Favor, but I did not know. And Vlipla. "

And was there any last drop, pushing to departure?

Aida: "Concert in the Academy of Zhukovsky. Imagine: All tickets are sold to Vedischev, and I am removed from the concert. Announce that the artist is sick. They put another singer, such a girl with a blond scythe. My girlfriend Violetta comes from Irkutsk and runs with flowers to my concert. I am not here, I am out. In the evening, calls: "What's wrong with you? Sick?! " - "No, I'm healthy." It was for me such a blow! I think: what to do? Friends say: "Why don't you do" Lara Operation? (So ​​called departure in the 73rd singers Larisa Mondrus. - Approx. Auth.) And I could not decide. But shortly after this concert, as I remember, I left the house on the sofa. And fell asleep, probably. Suddenly, the door of the neighboring room was opened. A woman entered in a shiny white robe, similar to a statue of freedom, but without a crown, and says: "You must leave." When I woke up (and maybe I did not sleep!), The door creaks, you want to believe, you want - no. That is, it was, apparently, Spirit, Spirit! I shocked that my thoughts this woman said out loud ... But, you know, Russia is still my country. "

Do you have friends here?

Aida: "Alla Ioshpe and Stakhman Rakhimov. Vauchka Tolkunova. She spoke to me in recent years: "Aida, I have nothing to do here!" He suffered, very suffering. It is a romantic one - and the time is different, the songs are no longer ... and Muslim went. This is generally horror, a terrible loss! Empty without him Russia. "


It was hard to adapt to the USA?

Aida Vedischeva: "I had a good school. I am very grateful to the Motherland-Mother, which was born here, and not there, outside the ocean. And suffered a culture there! In America, I did not succeed in a single day. As I arrived, immediately went to study at the college of the arts. "

It was also forty years!

Aida: "Yes, what's the difference, I was young! I am today young! I then had the same feeling as many years ago, when I arrived in Moscow from Siberia. In America, I still studied for a long time, I suffered a new culture. Young guys, my classmates, loved me very much. And the professor at all listened to me, because I knew more about the Stanislavsky system than she. And they taught us on the Japanese system, very interesting. The essence of her is that the monologues we had to read in one breath, while walking on semi-bent legs. This is how correct breathing is produced, and when you sing, do not suffocate. After that, I began to work. I left in the USA in the 80th, and already in the 82nd sang in Carnegie Hall Broadway Program! Joe Franklin opened me, the creator of the talk show. Lisa Minnelli passed through his hands, and Barra Streisand ... He told me: "Aida, you are very talented, but unusual for the American scene." Alas, it is impossible to become an asterisk when you arrived in forty years. But the maximum that is possible under these circumstances, I reached in America. "

After all, you left the USSR not only with my mother and son, but also with her husband? ..

Aida: "Yes, with Borea, the second husband and the artistic director of my team. He was nine years younger than me. An amazing person, I respect him very much and love. A tragedy happened to him in America. The fact is that Boria grew up in the army. Parents still have given him to military music school, and he was with a very thin nervous system. It was not for him - Mushtra, Rough peers ... His psyche was even left even then. In the US, Bore became very hard, and he ended up with him shortly after we broke up. "

Have you been a divorce initiator?

Aida: "There was no divorce. When we arrived in America, he said: "I don't want to be connected with you." And we immediately diverged, although they continued to work together. I did not understand why he accepted such a decision, thought, maybe he has any plans. Bore pulled religion, he, by the way, led me to church, for which I am very grateful to him. "

With the fourth husband, NIM, and the poetess of love Voropayeva (in the center). Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

With the fourth husband, NIM, and the poetess of love Voropayeva (in the center). Photo: Personal archive of Aida Vedisyeva.

Are you an Orthodox or Catholic?

Aida: "What does it matter? God alone, and the path to him is different ... And Bore and the Church did not hold. Men are very weak. We, women, must help them. But Bore I could not help. I remember him with great warmth ... "

Farewell, millionaire!

And why did you move from your favorite New York to Los Angeles?

Aida: "Because of the climate. He is really terrible in New York. My arthritis began because of him. Perhaps the Lord God crossed me to another coast so that I met my millionaire there, the third husband. Everything is not by chance! .. I sang in a fashionable club "Fryers-Club" in Beverly Hills. This is a unique place, there are absolutely all the stars there, including Frank Sinatru, Bob Houpa ... There he saw me and began to search for me. And I really do not like accidental dating and I do not give phones. But he learned my number through some agent. I began to call, I asked about the meeting, I said that everything would do for me, I will be in Hollywood and absolutely so much. Well, got married. "

He seems to have Russian roots?

Aida: "No, he is from Poland. But during the war he was in the partisans, so he knows Russian ... He gave me absolutely everything, but did not give freedom. I wanted me to stop acting at all. For this and tried to punish with a divorce. "

At that time, did you meet the Naoma with whom happy to this day?

Aida: "It turned out very funny. I came to his son to make copies of video tapes with my performances. Cassettes were sold after my concerts. Naim as a business supervisor began to view the record. "Recording" was pretty. Next time I come to pick up the cassette, and he did not know a word in English through his administrator (Nam from Israel and did not know a word in English) transmits me that he wants to meet me. I: "Why does he himself tell me this?" "He has a language barrier, he does not know English." "That's when I learn, then we will get acquainted." Then I forgot about this case. And when the cassettes ended in two or three months and I again came to make an order, the administrator again turned to me with the same request. I did not know what to say. I just ended this terrible divorce ... But one of my girlfriend advised: "Well, meet! Serious man, businessman. Teach him to his English, you are a teacher! "

Then you got sick. Doctors set a terrible diagnosis - third degree cancer. Serious testing of relationships!

Aida: "We literally wore me on my arms. Although even wives are thrown in such a situation! After that we became friends. Many years have just been friends. Then got married. Naila has a good soul. And most importantly - he never interfered with me. On the contrary, helped. Without him, I would not raise the musical materially. After all, I have for several years, the musical was walking on Broadway - "masterpiece and singing freedom." One would not mastered. "

What do you think that helped you do not fall in spirit, survive and then speak again?

Aida: "Prayer helped. God. He experienced me and saw that I was strong. After all, cancer happens when the spirit is being left when we lose our mission. And then we start to eat yourself. So I pray every day and ask: Do I do right? And God leads me. Without it, it is impossible. Especially artist. We are responsible for carrying people. "

Heart of good fairy

You say that you are not afraid of death, believe in reincarnation. It seems to me that you would like to be a man in the next life ...

Aida: "No - only a woman and only blonde!"

By the way, you are from nature dark-haired and repainted when you left the USSR. Did this change change your character?

Aida: "Absolutely not. I remained the same. But I was terrible brunette! "

Have you always believed that the soul returns to this world?

Aida: "Of course not, I was an atheism! I did not even know who I did not know Jewish laws. I thought Russian, because I lived in a Russian country. But I was given to see what is unnoticed by others. A completely mystical story happened when dad died. I was then twenty-six years old. I performed in Ivanovo and, apparently, I already felt something. She told the musicians: "I will not work today." Of course, I behaved ugly, but something was incomprehensible with me. The concert, of course, worked, could not be disrupted. And the husband wakes me in the early morning: "Let's go." Me: "Dad?" - "Yes." We arrive in Irkutsk - and immediately at the funeral. I was waiting for me. The coffin performs teachers, students, doctors, so it was touching ... Pope was a real medical luminary. And suddenly I: "Mom, look, he breathes!" I was given to see the cloud over his lips. I then realized that this soul was flying away. And then screaming mom: "Look!" Sister - "Look!" And they do not see. I: "Yes, here's a cloud! He breathes! "It was the twenty-second April, it's still cold in Siberia ... I then fainted. Then he had a half year. The death of the father was very harming me ... buried him on a Jewish cemetery, for me it was another tragedy. I always thought I was Russian. Rather, I did not think about this topic. And here - the Jewish cemetery. Why? What? And where will I be? And mom? She is Russian! .. "

And who in his interviews do you call the congestion?

Aida: "Oh, I have two of them! One name is Antonio Martinos. When in 1999 I participated in the international competition "Golden Hang" in Belarus, the organizers asked: "Can you bring someone from America?" - "Of course I can". And in 2000 I brought there Antonio. And he won all the premiums - and the Grand Prix, and the prize of the public. From this began his career. With me, in essence. And Oleg Ivanov is called the first of my godfather, he is famous for the composer in Russia. Do you know his story? He was a student of the Barnaul Medin Institute. I performed there. After the concert, the boy came, brought a few notes - the song "Comrade". You know, this is an ordinary story: People come, ask: "Aida, spoil my songs!" I looked poems, melody - I liked everything. And it began to perform this song at concerts. Passed with a bang. And when I arrived in Moscow, I went to the radio to the familiar editor: "Look." She: "Great song! We will soon have a contest for the 25th anniversary of the victory, let him participate. And who is the author? "And we have like: a composer of a good song should be Esphai, Felzman, Frakkin - be sure to be known. Therefore, having heard that the author is a simple student, she, of course, ash,: "Did you go crazy?! I will be expelled from work. " I: "Well, not need." In a day, calls: "You know, Aiidka, we have a competition under the motto, the authors do not declare, let's risk, let's see." And the song gets the first place! Hit! People in the Commission are awake: theological, Kolmanovsky? .. When I learned that just Ivanov, they removed the first award and gave the second. Funny! And "Comrade" became a hymn of young people of the seventies. I Oleg recorded the record - all Komsomol songs. And he joined the union of composers with her. Changed profession. Here are my godfather sons ... "

Marina Boykova

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