From Osura to Suleiman: the five brightest roles of Halita Ergecha


"1001 night" (2006-2009)

From Osura to Suleiman: the five brightest roles of Halita Ergecha 21921_1

Frame from the series "1001 night"

After the role of the head of the major media holding Onur Aksala, in love with Schurzat's modest employee, the actor woke up famous. Millions of fans around the world, the prestigious television Award "Golden Butterfly" and acquaintance with the future wife of Bergusar Korel on the set. "1001 night" became for the actor a truly triumphal project.

"Gorky Love" (2009)

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Frame from the movie "Gorky Love"

The Drama "Gorky Love" puts the question in front of the viewer: what is he is ready to go for this feeling? And Ergech this time appears in front of him as a professor of Orhan's literature, which was confused in difficult and painful relations with three women.

"Our lesson:" Ataturk "(2010)

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Frame from the film "Our lesson:" Ataturk "

Playing the father of the nation and one of the most revered political figures of Turkey is not only a great honor, but also colossal responsibility. And it was for only one actor - Halita Ergest. He perfectly managed to get into the image of the Ottoman leader, although it is almost impossible to know under tons of grims.

"Guest" (2011)

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Frame from the movie "Guest"

In the image of the main character of this film there is nothing majestic and solemn, and his speeches are not filled with a secret meaning. On the contrary, Okay is a modest person who can afford to go to a deal with conscience. However, there is a trait that conquers at first glance - the ability to love passionately and selflessly, despite the established rules and orders.

"Magnificent Century" (2011-2014)

From Osura to Suleiman: the five brightest roles of Halita Ergecha 21921_5

Frame from the series "Magnificent Century"

Strong, bold, noble, principled, wise, loving and able to protect against all the troubles - this is the way you can characterize the Sultan Suleiman of the magnificent performed by Khalita Ergecha. For the sake of this role, the actor had to make a colossal job: together with the scenarios, he studied historical documents, a lot of work worked on the external appearance of Sultan and did not part three years with a thick beard. His efforts paid off with interest: the series is successfully broadcast worldwide, and the Khalit is included in the list of the highest paid actors of Turkey.

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