Father's club: "There are medicines worse than the disease"


"There was a man in California, he worked as a financial analyst. One day she dragged his computer to work and asked the IT officer to throw his personal photos to an external disk. (I, by the way, I am also going to do everything, but if my hard disk will leave, the whole family archive will disappear). He began to pump and, being a curious man, at the same time looked at. And discovered terrible. Among the 5,000 photos there were several dozen, on which small children were shot without clothes. Of course, the Aytichnik immediately talked to where it follows. The peasant immediately arrested for children pornography. Then, however, they decided not to impose the charges. But the process has already gone. Local children's protection bodies immediately selected them from parents (two children, 8 and 5 years old), and for seven months, parents are unsuccessfully trying to get them back. It is true, sometimes allowed to see. Children can not understand anything and believe that their parents threw them. Yes, also, by the way, it turned out that the bad photos were made by the elder boy when he was hung with the camera. But this does not pegs anyone.

I am not an evil person, but then the hand stretches to the jurka. Each country has its scary. What you need to be afraid. What can in any time move you and break your life. In the USSR, it was a KGB. And in America - the dehydration organs. They are smaller than in the union of pokcs, and they are not as noticeable. But also dangerous. I had familiar who once put a stroller with a sleeping child on the street. It was warm, there was a light snowball, the stroller stood under the canopy. The postman came, brought the letter. I asked my mother: "And your baby will not freeze?" "No, it will not freeze," she said. In half an hour she saw her house surround the police. She was particularly struck that there were many of them and they rang among the trees. History, by the way, I heard from first hand, directly from her. The case of a cruel treatment on the postman's complaint was initiated. But there was a special case: Mom was licensed in America by a doctor, and dad - a successful businessman. They hired a good lawyer and all managed to pay off in an embryo. And if she was not a doctor? And if they had no money for a lawyer?

When I lived in Ohio, I heard a story on a radio, similar to California. A woman in Akron fond of photography and, naturally, photographed her daughter. Somehow made a series where the little daughter washes in the shower. It did not show it to anyone, just gave to show. Technician from the photographer talked. An initiated criminal case. She was just lucky that a good journalist wrote about it, the prosecutor became the ridiculous whole state. By the way, I do not know how it ended, but it seems to be decided not to judge it. And how many such stories do not become famous?

In general, in America in part of nudity in nature, the laws of Sharia. When a few years ago, during the final of the football championship, the singer accidentally rented the chest, in no one's unnecessary television company fined half a million dollars. Because it is so terrible, it is !!! When I went hiking in Michigan, we were sent a memo, which was reported that in the wilderness area) forbidden in the lake to swim naked. And in the end, this is a personal matter. Let them be afraid. Let them go to the locker room, having wrapped off from the head to the legs. Let everything in the pool only in closed swimsuits. Some of it is even better :) But when because of this stupid prejudice, the parents of children are selected ... Here I have Maryar and Anya together bathe in the bath, it loves it very much. Even there are photos. True on them, praise Allah, the genitals are not visible. Well, if anyone persists?

With Brezhnev, the USSR all the time fought for peace. In the process of struggle, he gave money to terrorists, occupied Afghanistan, etc. The anecdote said: "We will fight for the world, while the stone does not remain on the stone!" Something it reminds me of protecting children.

There are medicines that are worse than the disease. "

More notes you can read the author's blog.

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