Stars achieved success after a divorce


Psychologists argue that after the dissolution of marriage, people are achieved. As, for example, Isa Dolmatova, which is still as a habit call the ex-wife of Raper Guf. However, in popularity, the girl has long been ahead of her former and stop at this not going.

Isa Dolmatova (31 years old)

Iza Dolmatova and Rapper Guf

Iza Dolmatova and Rapper Guf


Iza married the famous Rapper Guf in 2008 at the age of 24. In 2010, she gave him a son. But four years later, the couple divorced. Later, Dolmatova admitted: her main mistake was that she devoted his life to his spouse. When the couple broke up, Iza spoke in numerous interviews that she had nowhere and not to live with her son. But, despite the difficult position, she managed to take himself in hand. The girl began to actively communicate in social networks, do not hesitate to talk about her feelings. And now she is a successful blogger with a million subscribers. In addition, Isa is a fashionable designer and a novice singer. The other day her first clip came out. And although Dolmatova understands that it will not become a singer collecting stadiums, music is not going to throw music. Moreover, the text to the first solo song "confused" she wrote herself. Another year after a divorce of Isa and Guf, they converged, publicly recognizing each other's mistakes, they again diverged. But Soon Dolmatova was able to put the point in these difficult relationships and find new love. And last year, Iza married Dmitry Anokhin's surfer.

Julia Baranovskaya (30 years)

Julia Baranovskaya

Julia Baranovskaya

Gennady Avramenko

With a rising star of St. Petersburg Zenit, Andrei Arshavin Yulia met in 2003 while studying at the university. However, the girl did not receive a diploma: in 2005, the son of Artem was given birth, and after three years - daughter Janu. For the first time about the civilian wife, Arshavin spoke after his transition from Zenit to Arsenal. The English press did not believe in the wife of the Russian football player. They laughed above it, constantly criticized, and soon they began to write about it in Russia. In August 2012, Baranovskaya gave birth to a third child, and at the same time the gossip began to whisper, as if Arshavin threw his wife. In March 2014, Julia appeared in the program of Andrei Malakhov and frankly told, as the divorce survived and remained at the broken trough with three children. Baranovskaya took a year to come to himself. She began to visit Russia more often and appearing in secular parties. Despite the fact that the marriage was civil, Julia filed for alimony, and in the end she managed to sue the apartment in which she could live with three children, and half the income of the athlete. Soon, Julia wrote a book about life with Arshavin and became a leading television show with Alexander Gordon. Now I can be called a real star. It is much popular and more successful than the father of her children who plays in Kazakhstan. In addition, in his microblogging, Julia hints that he met a man to whom feelings are experiencing.

Ekaterina Gordon (35 years old)

Alexander Gordon was Kati's first husband

Alexander Gordon was Kati's first husband

Boris Kremer

Ekaterina received his name from the first marriage with Alexander Gordon. Interestingly, a journalist, singer and businesswoman glorified the sonorous surname no less than a popular TV presenter. Until 2008, Gordon was known only in narrow circles. And after a dirty scandal with Ksenia Sobchak in the live radio "Lighthouse", when the blondes exchanged the bags, Catherine began to fall into secular news. But she became a scandalous person in 2011 due to the proceedings with her husband Sergei Zheorin. The journalist blamed the famous lawyer in brutal beatings. True, it did not prevent her to give birth from him son. And after the divorce again to get out of Zhorin married, and then it is again for a divorce. Many newspapers began to write about the Kate, but the girl stood with the frequent discussion of her personal life. Now she is engaged in journalism, acts as part of his own group and created a company that provides legal and psychological assistance to women.

Mary Poroshina (42 years)

Maria Poroshina and Gosh Kutsenko

Maria Poroshina and Gosh Kutsenko

For a long time, the actress is not called otherwise as the ex-wife of Gooshi Kutsenko. With his civil husband, Maria met at the entrance exams at the MCAT Studio School, where Kutsenko has already studied in the third year. Together they lived for five years and became the parents of the daughter of Polina. Colleagues have long experienced parting. In addition, Mary, unlike the popular Kutsenko, did not make a career. For several years she starred in the episodes of the passing series. Because of the little daughter, the poultry could not completely surrender to work. Nevertheless, the actress did not despair, went to castings and agreed even on episodes. The first luck was her job in 2002 in the series "Brigade", and a year later, the whole country spoke about the artist thanks to the painting "always" always ". Star status for poroshina fixed after work in two "watching". Now she is a favorite actress, a large mother (a little more than a month ago she gave birth to the fourth daughter) and a happy wife. By the way, with Kutsenko Maria retained friendly relations. The actor still admires his student love and blame himself in the collapse of the family.

Anna Banchikovova (41 years)

Anna Banchikov

Anna Banchikov

Gennady Avramenko

Anna only graduated from Ligitmik when he met his first husband Maxim Leonidov. After two years of relationship, in 1999, they got married. And for the role of an exemplary wife of the famous musician, a young actress left the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. Spouses lived together for four years. They say that they had passionate love and Maxim was against that his spouse returned to the profession. But after the divorce, which discussed the entire Petersburg, Anna had to start life from a pure sheet. The separation of Anna and Maxim covered with numerous rumors, but the former spouses did not comment on their relationship. Nevertheless, after the dissolution of Marriage Anna was without a family, without the theater, without a movie and even without housing. From the luxurious apartment of Leonidov, she had to return to one-room to his mother. And then Anna decided to throw everything in his native St. Petersburg and go to Moscow. Banskishov began walking on castings, and soon she was invited to the cinema, then they called from the Native Theater of the Commissioner and asked to return. In Moscow, the actress found a new love. In the second marriage with lawyer Vsevolod Shahanov born two sons.

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