Tutta Larsen: "For the sake of my husband, I quit smoking"


Tutta Larsen

Valery Kolosov

Your first meeting?

It was during the shooting of the project "Secret Success". I remembered Valera: he flirted with some girl holding her hand. I thought: "What a handsome guy, maybe someone happiness to make up."

What was Valera's dressed?

He was a beggar as church rat. His wardrobe was then two pairs of jeans and two jampers - khaki colors and orange. In some of them he was.

And you?

Most likely in a concert dress.

Your first date?

It happened after three months at me at home. We agreed that the guys would come to visit me, and Valera all the technique "merged" and arrived alone.

Where and how did you admit to each other in love?

I do not remember. Probably did Valera. In this relationship I was restrained more than ever.

His first gift?

Souvenir from the shop of eastern goods. Still lasts.

And your first gift?

When he left back in his native Saratov, I put him in a bag of a bottle from my spirits - this smell played an important role in our relationship.

Who is the first usually take a step towards reconciliation?

We will not quarrel to such an extent that everyone goes into his own corner.

What do you think the husband values ​​in you most?

We are related souls - he appreciates me as a friend.

Are you in it?

First of all, what Valera is a real man. His reliability and loyalty.

Favorite lesson your half?

Computer games. He is capable of fighting for hours, sitting in front of the monitor.

And yours?

Spend time with your family.

The unloved occupation is yours


He tolerate can not wear children.

And yours?

I hate cleaning and do not know how to cook.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

I quit smoking.

The habit from which your husband refused?

He refused Fastfud.

Your home nicknames?

They are not, he calls me Tanya.

What kind of husband would you gladly throw out?

A couple of times I did it - some old jeans, dranny T-shirts.

Who brings some coffee to bed?

We have another ritual - the evening glass of wine after laying children to sleep.

Your first meeting?

It occurred on a music project, in which we participated with the group.

What was the right Tuta?

Honestly, I do not remember.

And you?

I had khaki, jumper and sneakers.

Your first date?

We were all not like people ... Probably, when Tanya called us with the guys to visit. And in the end I came alone.

Where and how did you admit to each other in love?

I admitted. But I don't want to tell the details and I will not - this is very personal.

Her first gift?

I do not remember, there were a lot of them.

And your first gift?

It was a subject of art.

Who is the first usually take a step towards reconciliation?


What do you think most appreciates the wife in you?

Honesty, responsiveness, kindness.

Are you in it?


Favorite lesson your half?

Tanya has many favorite activities. For example, she loves to read. Does it everywhere and everywhere.

And yours?


Unloved experience of your half?

She does not like to wake up early.

And yours?

Some household men's duties.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

Now I try not to scatter my things.

The habit from which your wife refused?

Probably some little things were.

Your home nicknames?

These are affectionate variations of my name.

What kind of wives would you gladly throw out?

Something such that it would be straight straight me, no.

Who brings some coffee to bed?

This happens rarely. Sometimes Tanyushka brings, sometimes I.

Commentary Family Psychologist:

"He did not notice how she slowly threw his old jeans and quit smoking. And she - that the husband is now trying to put his things to the place allotted. These are all household trivia. The main thing, everyone in this union found what he wanted. Valery is not only a caring wife, but also a faithful friend. Tatiana is a reliable man and the father of their children. Well, and the difference at the age of several years does not confuse them. "

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