Evgeny Fridlyand spoke about the most important


"Four important events occurred by the last weekend that is free or involuntarily, indirectly or directly, but they had to worry everyone! So, for some people, they revealed, especially for Eurovision! I guarantee no one person who in his life was able to come up with, create and organize a little-old significant cultural and entertainment event, never say bad about Eurovision! Because it is a high and very high quality level! This is the first. The second, which is very important, for a huge number of young European musicians as a dream, a landmark without which it is impossible to motivate themselves in this heavy craft. And the political component is generally overestimated! We all live on one continent and must at least sometimes gather together, at least with TVs :-))) And by the way, I liked the competition! Especially my favorite Zlata Ognevich, with which I congratulate Karen Kavalerana. And the fifth place Garipova is, of course, the victory, ... but in many ways an advance! Now hockey! What happened? Well, played, well, first, not a cow, but secondly, the country with the National Championship number one! And our hockey, why should it be better than our cars or medicine? Even the former champions, and now the functionaries and officials were mired in corruption and rollbacks! These are they doing business in the KHL, forgot about Nazinters! But the boys, the football team, presented a surprise and lesson! Only with bright heads and pure thoughts can be achieved by such results! Later they would have remained children! You look and 2018 will win everyone ... :-))) And Last week, Alexey Balabanova was not, and this is a big grief and a big loss! He created the very necessary movie and very important! For a generation that has lost itself somewhere between the ninety and two thousandths! And even we are successful people - identified themselves and those times that we with such work and losses, but still it seems to be survived! And this is due to Balabanov, including! "

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