Career All ages are submissive: how to find your direction


For a long time we were set up that after 40 years, life will not be so rich and bright, especially for the professional field. However, according to experts, the whole thing is, at what stage we are, because at 20 years old approach to building a career is radically different from 30. We decided to figure out how to distribute forces on various life stages.

You must constantly learn

You must constantly learn


You do not have 20

It's time to gain experience, of course, should not count on a high salary during this period, and perhaps you will have to spend some time in volunteer circles. For the employer, during this period, your activity and passion for life are important, everyone understands that you have nowhere to take a solid experience, and therefore make a bet on curiosity.

You already just for 20

The age of ZH 30 years is ideal for all sorts of experiments both in a career and in his personal life, because you are still burdened with family otsami, and are not tied to one place. Now is the time it is close to studying your area of ​​interest in the future to become one of the best, if not the best, specialist in its field.

You are lucky if your team consists of young people

You are lucky if your team consists of young people


You are already more than 30

You have already received sufficient experience in order to understand what you want from life, and what activity brings you greater satisfaction. During this period, you are quite ready to open your business: you have learned the features of your field, know well the market, ready for risks, most likely prepared a "financial pillow". However, do not forget how much you would not have happened, it is not a reason to stop learning - in the modern world without permanent learning it is simply impossible to build a successful career.

When you for 40

Probably the most durable period. You have already reached certain heights and try not to lose balance. You probably already have a strong family and risk your post you are hardly wanting, because now you are responsible not only for your life, but for the well-being of your children. However, at this age, many people discover new talents. In any case, if you feel the strength to do something completely new, risk, but remember that at the age of 40 it is no longer so easy to endure financial and career difficulties. Be ready for it.

After 40 you are already firmly standing on your feet

After 40 you are already firmly standing on your feet



How coaches advise, at this age we lose that energy that helped us climb the career ladder for half a century. But do not hurry to dump yourself from the bills - your young colleagues will be an excellent source of energy, so if you are lucky to be in the youth team, you will not lose to the team for a long time and you will constantly "in the topic."

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