The child refuses to come to contact: what to do


Many young moms still during pregnancy represent how they will spend time in the company of the same young mammies and their kids in playgrounds and events. However, reality does not always coincide with expectations and your baby may be an extremely unavigible child, which is most likely to blame for the parents, and not the baby himself. What to do if noisy clusters of children become a nightmare for your child.

Why is the child difficult to communicate?

Children are closed in situations when the child feels the danger emanating from the outside world. The reasons may be regular scandals between parents, hostility of other children, lack of communication, constant criticism by parents

The child's temperament also plays a big role: the closure can be a manifestation of phlegmatic nature of the baby.

Not all children love noisy companies

Not all children love noisy companies


What to do?

While the child is completely dependent on you, help cope with your fears and establish contact with the outside world you can only. How to do?

Help him make friends

Help him make friends


Get the opportunity to communicate

Very often the problem of visibility is solved by expanding the circle of friends. We regularly attend playgrounds, make a meeting with parents, after which you can invite them to visit along with children or visit them yourself.

The child will not be able to answer why it is difficult for him to communicate

It is useless to demand a response from the kid why he is immersed in his thoughts or does not want to have fun along with the rest of the children. He just does not know himself why, your interrogation will only get out of it either immerses in an even greater bunch of sadness. Instead, try to pick up the baby, ask what he would like in the data moment, go to the movies or spend all day together, doing what your child just loves.

spend more time together

spend more time together


Stop conflict

For any child, the scandal is a real stress, especially if the quarrel occurs between his parents. Try to keep yourself, even when it is very pulling to clarify. In any case, any problem can be solved by the usual conversation, without increasing the voice.

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