How was the "Game of Thrones"?


Epic Saga "Game of Thrones" is based on the zykla of George Martin Martin's "Song of Ice and Flame". In the US, this writer was called "American Tolkien", rightly considering his work with the answer to the famous "Lord of the Rings". True, if the work of Tolkien is a trilogy, then Martina has only seven books, of which five have already been published.

A proposal to film the work of George Martin received a couple of months after the release of his first book. And when they began to confidently enter the list of bestsellers according to the New York Times, from TV companies at all there was no abundance. What a large extent contributed to and commercial interest - the Lord of the Rings was just released, Peter Jackson, after which it became clear that films in fantasy genre enjoyed success. But the writer who for a long time and he himself worked in Hollywood Writer, did not trust the cinema. "From the very first scenarios, I knew: it is great, but too long, too many letters. I had to cut them, so, returning to the books, I told myself: I will no longer care about anything in this spirit. I wanted thousands of characters, large-scale battles, magnificent castles and anti-sides - all that I could not afford to my television, "the writer remembers. And that is why he considered the shielding of his works unlikely. However, the writer's literary agent adhered to other opinions.

How was the

The "Game of Thrones" was filmed immediately in several countries. Beautiful winter landscapes, the series must Iceland. .

When the "Song of Ice and Flame" came by mail the screenwriter David Benioffe, he was angry, seeing a large package of books. But as soon as I started reading - I could not stop, staying delighted as a child. And hurried to share his impressions with a colleague and other John Wayss. He also plunged into epic with his head, forgetting about things. Realizing that the story does not fit into the framework of the usual cinema, together they swung on a large-scale project and decided to ask the writer to transfer cable television franchise. Martin liked their combat mood, but one consent was small. Next, it was necessary to convince the channel that the production of such a series would pay off, because he demanded serious investments.

For the scene over the project, the huge staff of the makeup and costumes work, whose work was noted by prestigious prizes. .

For the scene over the project, the huge staff of the makeup and costumes work, whose work was noted by prestigious prizes. .

The indispensable attributes of the genre - magic, magic creatures and mass battles are expensive, but in Martin's books this is not so much - most of the action falls on intrigue. But the budget, which eventually allocated a channel on the production of the series, came out without that impressive: each series is worth the channel six million dollars. As a result, the Writer David Benioff, describing the "Game of the Thrones", gave the series the joking name "Clan soprano in the Mediterranean", emphasizing its overall dark atmosphere and the intricateness of complex intrigues in which the fantasy element is rather an addition. And the representative of the HBO leadership Michael Lombardo believes that the story itself told in it attracts the attention of the audience more than magic or exotic environment.

The writer George Martin did not believe that his work would be able to shield. .

The writer George Martin did not believe that his work would be able to shield. .

The geography of filming is no less impressive than the scale and budget of the series. The main shooting of the first season was held in Northern Ireland, at the Paint Hall studio in Belfast, as well as in Malta (although Morocco was initially planned instead) in the cities of Mdina and Valletta. Additional shooting took place in several cities of Northern Ireland and in the Castle of the Dong in Scotland. The shooting of the southern scenes of the second season instead of Malta was held in Croatian Dubrovnik and in the nearby island of Lokrum, individual scenes were filmed on glaciers in Iceland.

In order to revive the characters invented by the author on the screen, more than a hundred actors are busy in the film. The series is removed by the Hollywood stars Sean Bin and Lena Hedi, but most of the team is English theater actors. To give even more similarities with the book, experts were hired in the field of language creation. After all, the characters of the narration speak on a fictional dotracian language with their own pronunciation. This language with a dictionary with more than 1800 words and a complex grammatical structure was fully created by specialists from a language to create languages ​​that create and promote fictional languages.

The series is marked by several prestigious awards, including EMMI and Golden Globe, which went to both actors and sound engineers, costumes, grimers, specialists in special effects and selection of actors.

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