7 products that in combination with alcohol destroy the body


The list of these products has already traditional snacks. But the doctors warn us and do not advise them to combine them with alcoholic beverages. Tell me why.

Cakes with cream. Our digestion is equally difficult to cope with both sweet and alcohol. But the first thing is the cakes, of which the body is trying to get an important glucose.

You will find nausea, supported by a hangover - as a result of the high amount of insulin and alcohol intoxication.

Chocolate. Pancreas is especially injured after such a holiday. Alcohol may cause gland spasms, and chocolate blocks its flow channels.

This leads to a severe inflammatory process - pancreatitis.

Fresh tomatoes. It should not be combined with tomatoes with strong vodka. As well as heavy alcohol, the tomato is annoyed by the gastric mucosa and causes an indigestion.

Fat and fried meat dishes. Most of all, the liver, stomach and gallbladder suffer from such a combination. After all, these products prolong the effect of alcoholic beverages and double the load.

Sharp. Sharp snacks have the same effect as roasted. But in addition, they can lead to a burn of the mucosa of esophageal paths.

Marinada. If the pickles support the water-salt balance, then pickled cucumbers and tomatoes only aggravate the burden on the kidneys and the liver.

Grapes, melon and watermelons. When combining fruits with alcohol, one moment should be considered, which we have already mentioned in the Sweet point. The sweeter will be the snack - the later the processing of alcohol will come. It enhances the effect of alcohol.

About the melon under wine at all forget, if you do not want this "Shabash" in my intestine.

But still There are things that you can safely eat alcohol. The cheese is suitable for wine, it will emphasize the taste and saturates with the useful substances. Choose low-fat meat, sauer cabbage or vinaigrette for vodka.

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