Went out: how to understand that you will soon throw


You met the perfect man and lived together for quite a long time, nevertheless, he suddenly leaves you and goes into the sunset. But so suddenly it happened? Remember, perhaps "calls", about which we will tell on, appeared in your relationship, and more than once.

The gap is usually not spontaneous

The gap is usually not spontaneous

Photo: unsplash.com.

He behaves not as before

At the beginning of the relationship, each of the partners is climbing out of the skin to make a positive impression on their soul mate: you are tasked with flowers, arrange romantic evenings, and indeed men tend to make incredible things for the sake of the woman they want to call their own. If recently your man has changed dramatically and stopped managing the signs of attention, as before, it is worthwhile, what's the matter - just do it unobtrusively, otherwise the risks run into a negative reaction.

You no longer have common topics

As a rule, when approaching it is very important to find points of contact that help us better know a person, for example, if you constantly disappear on all sorts of performances, exhibitions and in general - live cultural life, the likelihood is that your person will also be interested in the same topic. In another case, your activity will annoy it and your relationship is unlikely to last long.

do not impose

do not impose

Photo: unsplash.com.

You begin to bother him

The man suddenly begins to annoy the things that he had previously found cute - now instead of sinking your clothes with children's prints, it begins to resent and demand from you to change the wardrobe. And the situation does not change for the better. In this case, you also need to sit down and talk to a man frankly.

It is constantly not at home

When a man is in love, he tries for a second not to part with the subject of his passion, that is, you. Permanent sequeling from joint sites in the evenings, walks or trips to the restaurant, it can say that a person does not want to stay with you alone, but also to admit to him in this difficult for some reason.

Be careful to change in its mood and behavior - the frequent absence of one of the partners can lead to a rupture, and very unexpected.

A man is ready on a lot for his woman

A man is ready for a lot for his woman

Photo: unsplash.com.

He talks about the joint future

Moreover, we can talk both about the coming years and the upcoming weekends. Having silent your plans, a man avoids responsibility for his words: perhaps he has plans, only you may not touch you. The most wrong thing you can do in such a situation is to be imposed. Try to go somewhere without it, just without putting a fame - no man who is the road woman will not suffer such a liberty. If he lost interest to you, his indifference will tell everything for him.

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