These eyes are not against ... Surgical intervention


Now, it came to talk about the eyes and areas around them, which is called periorbital.

Immediately we define the criteria for which a young look is going on. This is homogeneity, color and skin quality around the eyes. Love relief. The area of ​​eyebrows and the surplus arc is hypertrophilized, which gives the look "Openness". The fold of the upper century is located 7-10 mm from the ciliary edge.

What is happening with age in this region?

- The elasticity of the skin is catastrophically reduced.

- Atrophide subcutaneous fatty cells.

- the bone structures are smoothed, which leads to a change in the relief of the lower orbit.

- Muscular-ligament is weakening, the so-called tired face is formed.

- It is exacerbated by all the formation of a pronounced noseful and dishwretched groove.

- hypertrophing of fatty packages (hernia) of the upper and lower eyelids.

Under the eyes appear dark semicircles.

Here is such an unemployed picture.

But! Do not be sad. All questions are solved as they arrive. And every year of the possibilities of our practitioners and patients, more and more appear.

Let's start, as they say, from the end.

Unfortunately, hypertrophy of fatty packages and excess skin is extremely surgical correction. Moreover, in the lower eyelid, it can be performed in two ways: either standard (open) access, or non-alimony, through conjunctiva, in combination with chemical peeling, or fractional thermalifting so that the skin is as reduced as much as possible.

Now that a question with hernia packages and an excess of skin is resolved, ascertain our eyes towards minimally invasiveness and combined techniques.

Dark circles - the task is easily corrected using the CPU (plasma injection injection of plasma) in combination with GAG (glucosamineoglycans), vitamins and oligo-elements.

The contouring of the roseless and extractive furrow, as well as the atrophy of the relief in the region of the Abrasion arc, perfectly corrected using the following techniques:

Lipostructure. Special technique of fat transplants in the area of ​​formed by the grooves and a shchechno-specific, which perfectly fills the lost volume and relief, and also significantly improves the quality of the skin, since in the transplanted cells contain a huge number of growth factors, which has a positive effect on the quality of the skin.

Plasmophiller. From your own plasma, your own filler is preparing in your eyes, with whom we work in the above regions.

Advantage: Plasmofiller injection, except for the restoration of volume, lead to stimulation and strengthening blood circulation at the microcircular level, which significantly changes the quality of the skin and its color for the better.

With a decrease in the quality of the skin and the appearance of the grid of wrinkles, we are very fighting with the help of botulinum-toxin microinges (Botox, Dysport, Kseomin, Lantoks, Azalyur) and regularly - once every three months - the injections of the PRP and mesotherapy. All this is perfectly combined with various types of chemical peels and hardware methods of impact of various focus.

Fillers. On the basis of stabilized on (hyaluric acid), which are now a huge set in the Russian and Western markets.

Yes, I completely forgot, do not deny yourself the pleasure and try to systematically visit the beautician to obtain simply preventive procedures.

Eyes, as you know, the soul mirror. I am sure that each of you and the soul, and eyes are beautiful! So let these wonderful mirrors be framed in the same wonderful rims!

See you soon.

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