Vodonaeva introduced a new cavaller with her son


The popular TV presenter and model Alena Vodonaeva seems to be in love again. She still did not have time to finish the divorce with his legitimate spouse, Alexei Malakeyev businessman, but rumors about the new tele-star novel have already appeared. In recent days, Vodonaeva began publishing photographs in his microblog in its microblog, on which it appears in an embrace with an unknown tattooed man. It is saying that the chief of the former participant "Doma-2" was the St. Petersburg party of the glory of Panthers.

"St. Petersburg handsome traveling around the world with a wonderful sense of style, taste, humor. Alain made a faithful choice, "one of the visitors of her microbloga wrote about the new chosen one.

Alena Vodonaeva and the glory of Panthers. Photo: Twitter.com.

Alena Vodonaeva and the glory of Panthers. Photo: Twitter.com.

In the pictures of Vodonaeva looks absolutely happy. A couple does not hide his feelings, taking advantage of the hands, then sending air kisses, then purchasing each other. On one photo, Satellite Alena gently kisses her.

On the severity of the relationship between the water and panther, the fact that the TV presenter introduced his chosen was and with his son Bogdan. On one of the photos, a young man walks with a boy who sits on his shoulders.

The glory of Panferov with the son of water. Photo: instagram.com.

The glory of Panferov with the son of water. Photo: instagram.com.

True, not all fans of Alena approved her new passion. In his comments, the Folloviers water do not hide emotions: "Kapes! Protection Malakeeva on some hippie? Seeing and really, love evil! "," Mad couple "," do not fit each other at all. Alain - a gorgeous woman, and he is a hippie, "" Yes, she likes the cum-tattoo sneakers! Of course, the noblest Alex is the most opposity of this funny man)))) ".

Recall that Alexey Malakeyev Alena Vodonaeva lived in marriage for 7 years. The pair will finish the official design of the divorce on May 28.

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