What are the stars for the sake of role?


One and the only role in some super ship can turn the life of the artist, turning it out of anyone who is not a well-known statist in the celebrity. It is worthwhile to be surprised that at the initial stage of its path to glory, debutants are trying in all possible ways to prove to producers and director, that there are no applicants better than them. Here, for example, Leonardo di Caprio. Having learned from its agent about the doubts of the director, whether the young man will play a guy with a serious retardation of mental development in the film "What is worried about Gilbert Grape," the actor went to a psychiatric hospital and spent ten days among patients. The creators of the project more than once told the press, as in response to the comments of the producer, who, looking at Leo's samples, doubted that a mentally defective guy behaves so, Da Caprio proudly presented his documents from the clinic for mentally ill. In the certificate, the psychiatrist explained that the actor was in the hospital in order to familiarize himself with the external manifestations of such diseases and played the head physician of Etudes, in which the behavior of real patients of this medical facility was accurately repeated.

The experience of Robert de Niro is not less indicative. Many know that before to fulfill the role in the film-painting "Taxi driver", he settled to work as a taxi driver. And on her skull, he experienced all the "charms" of this profession, including robbery. True, the attackers then managed to pick up from the artist sitting at the wheel, just five dollars sixty-nine cents. And even after that a criminal case, Robert did not refuse his idea and worked for a taxi driver for another two weeks. They say it is the knowledge of this profession (and from the technical side, and with emotional) convinced the director Martin Scorsese to stop his choice for the candidacy de Niro.

Leonardo di Caprio. Frame from the film

Leonardo di Caprio. Frame from the film "What is worried about Gilbert Grape." Photo: www.kinopoisk.ru.

Do not break the stars and deception in the struggle for the desired one. So, Anna Kovalchuk, going to the samples of the series "Secrets of the Consequence," knew that the main heroine of Masha Shvetsova in the scenario should be about thirty. But it did not scare a friendly debutant, which at that time was only twenty-two years. She appeared at the studio, after making makeup and hairstyle, which her slightly aged, and boldly added seven years. The most amazing thing is that the producers prefer precisely Anna. Although most actresses who passed casting, unlike Kovalchuk, corresponded to age parameters and did not resort to lies. Does not confuse lies and foreign actors. According to Peter Jackson, the director of the legendary Saga "Lord of the Rings", arguing the performer for the role of Frodo Baggins, he chose on Elaidge Wood, as the actor convinced others, which is the Yarya Fan of Tolkien and his books. True, after the release of the film on the screens, Wood stated in an interview that for the first time I read Fantasy-epic, which was removed by a filmmaking, only when he began to act as a hobbit. Who knows if not a harmless lie, would there be Elijah star ... In any case, it is known that before the recognition of Wood in love for the novels of Tolkien Peter Jackson assumed to give this role to Sean Ostin, who eventually played in the project "Lord of the Rings" Sam , friend of the main character. By the way, for this, an ocene at the request of the director had to recover by fourteen kilograms, to reset that later turned out to be more difficult than to dial.

Elijah Wood. Frame from the film

Elijah Wood. Frame from the film "The Lord of the Rings". Photo: www.kinopoisk.ru.

Body - in business

In fact, most often in the name of artists, artists have to sacrifice their own figure, over which they work usually with such a zeal.

Gladiator Russell Crowe spread with the ideal proportions of his body for the role in the project "A set of lies" Rigley Scott (he recovered at twenty-nine kilograms!). And Russell admitted to journalists that he liked to be complete.

Russell Crowe. Frame from the film

Russell Crowe. Frame from the film "Total Lie". Photo: www.kinopoisk.ru.

But, alas, soon the artist had to abide by the diet and exercise physical exercises to lose weight quickly, because because of the excess weight, he almost lost his role in the film "Big Game." But it happens that the actors are forced to bring themselves to exhaustion. So, for example, to get the role of Trevor Reznik, suffering from insomnia, in the film "Machinist", Christian Bale lost twenty-eight and a half kilograms and began to weigh fifty-five with a height of one meter eighty six centimeters. This is an absolute rigging record for the role in the movie history. For several months, Bale sat on a diet - coffee and one apple every day (or tuna bank). On the day he "eaten" no more than two hundred and fifty kilocalories. The last episodes of the "driver" as directed by Christopher Nolan told Christian that he would like to see him in the image of Bruce Wayne in the film "Batman. Start". But for this, the artist must bring their weight up to a hundred kilograms. The reverse process began - a set of body weight (sitting for two months only on pasta, Christian recovered by twenty-seven kilograms). Over the next three months, he managed to recruit eighteen kilos.

Our domestic stars are also ready to change their shape for the sake of work. Svetlana Khodchenkova admitted that for the film "Bless a woman" she had to fluff. Behind this process, the director of the picture Stanislav Govorukhin was followed. In the frame I needed a magnifying heroine. By the way, after the end of filming, the actress without much difficulty dropped twenty kilograms for three months. Overweight Actresses Olga Budina was also associated with a cinema. For the project "Wife Stalin" she scored fifteen kilos.

Golden kilograms

True, for many artists a set of extra kilograms pays off by a hundredfold - for example, to obtain a premium of the American Film Academy. Maybe the desire for reincarnation (not only internal, but also external) adds the nominees of points? To get a role in the draft "Bridget Jones Diary", Rene Zellweger recovered by Thirteen Kilo.

Rene Zellweger. Frame from the film

Rene Zellweger. Frame from the film "Bridget Jones Diary". Photo: www.kinopoisk.ru.

Before the actress stood a difficult task, and to catch the necessary weight in five weeks, she sat down on an unusual diet. A hamburger eaten a hamburger for breakfast, Potatoes, donut and drank a calorie cocktail. Dinner Rena consisted of pizza, chips and sandwiches. And for dinner, the girl pumped into herself spaghetti with meat and fried potatoes. As a result, she still scored the necessary weight, and a year later the film was released, for whom Zellweger spreads goodbye to his excellent figure. After the filming of Rene with difficulty, but returned to itself for the same forms. The spike situation was that after a couple of years, actress was offered to be held in the continuation of the film, and she had to push the weight again, however, this time is just seven kilograms. And again on the rolled: After completing the work on the picture, the beauty of Rene again took up weight loss. By the way, the "Diary Bridget Jones" tape brought Zellweger her first Oscar.

Robert De Niro had to recover by thirty-six kilograms for the role of Boxer Jake Lamotte in Martin's film Scorsese "Mad Bull". Moreover, for the initial episodes, where his hero is still going to the ring, the artist scored nine kilograms. Taking a four-month break, he recovered for another twenty-seven kilos. And appeared in the image of the fatty Lamotty, who at that time, leaving the boxer career, became the owner of the nightclub. By the way, later Martin Scorsese said that Robert's poor fellow because of the excess weight began with health, shortness of breath began, and the director was worried about his condition. But the torment de Niro was not in vain - for this role he received an Oscar award.

George Clooney for the sake of possession of the highest kinonagrada also passed through the mockery over the face and body. For the month, he recovered by fourteen kilo, spaghetti and pizza. As George admitted later in one of the interviews, he ate a lot, until she felt nauseous. And although the film "Siriana", for which Clooney suffered so much, was filmed back in 2005, the actor still cannot see pasta and bypassing the pizzeria. Also for work on this picture, George reflected his beard. It turned out to be painful too. As an actor complained, her vegetation was annoyed on his face, causing itching. But it was worth it, because for this role, Clooney got "Oscar" as the best actor of the second plan.

Charlize Theron. Frame from the film

Charlize Theron. Frame from the film "Monster". Photo: www.kinopoisk.ru.

But the Hollywood diva Charlize Theron had to be very seriously buried on his role in the film "Monster". First, she recovered at sixteen kilograms, secondly, to get used to dentures, she wore them without removing for two months. And the main thing - she was forced to shake their eyebrows. From the grima, she began inflammation of the skin, which demanded a long-term treatment. True, Charlize was for what to suffer - she was given a cherished golden statuette.

Hair is not a teeth

Half a year ago, Hollywood was shelled the news: Charlize Theron grimaced naked for the role in the remake of the "Mad Max" ribbon. Journalists perceived this information as a duck. And in vain ... Already in the fall, the actress appeared at the Lysoy's secular party. One of the first American actresses who decided to get rid of the hair in the name of art was Demi Moore. At that moment, she starred in the film "Soldier Jane." Since the end of the filming coincided with the divorce of Demi and her wife Bruce Willis (no one could understand the reason why the actress left her husband-Superman), in America there was a long anecdote in America. The judge asks the lawyer Moore: "Maybe at least you explain to me, why did she decide to leave Bruce?" The lawyer spreads his hands: "So there is no hair, here's head and hit!" By the way, this is not the first radical "modification" of Demi. So, for the sake of the role in the film "Striptease" she lay down under the knife of a plastic surgeon, pulled out excess fat from the back, hips and abdomen, and also changed the shape of the chest.

Kate Blanchett. Frame from the film

Kate Blanchett. Frame from the movie "Paradise". Photo: www.kinopoisk.ru.

Kate Blanchett also broke up with curls to get a role in the painting "Paradise", but the most serious victim of the actress considers smoking. In the film "I am not here" Kate played Bob Dylan, and she had to learn to smoke, as the singer was an avid smokers.

But the Russian actress Daria Moroz was left without hair because of the father, director Yuri Frost. Once the girl asked her father: "Why don't you shoot me in your films?" He replied: "If you wanted naked, rent." At that time he started working on the picture "Point", where one of the heroines was Lysoy. Daria went to the hairdresser and tried under zero. Dad fulfilled his promise.

For such cardinal measures, overseas stars are mainly going. This is due to the multi-million fees that they get for each film. So, can afford after the end of the shooting spend time and money to regain the former appearance. Our compatriots go to feats solely for the sake of art and extremely rare, since they cannot afford a big break.

The active record holder (both among domestic stars and among foreign colleagues) is undoubtedly Leonid Yarmolnik, who for the filming of Alexei German film "It is difficult to be God" for seven years, while working on the project, did not swipe the beard. Such a condition was provided for by the contract signed by the actor. This is a heroic act - to associate itself with obligations for such a long time. In order to evaluate the scale of the feat that artists are going, "playing" with their appearance, it is worth thinking: And are you ready for a similar act? Someone will answer that for the sake of a large fee or the prize of a prestigious film festival can be tried. But it is worth remembering that hair extension and the appearance of vegetation on the face, a set of weight or weight loss is just physical changes, because without talent and professional skills, no role will bring the artist success.

Alexandra Egorova

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