Well-groomed hair - the best accessory


The desire to receive thorough knowledge about the properties of the hair feathers Steven Stephano to get an education in the field of chemistry. It is own enthusiasm, as well as the combination of deep scientific knowledge and practical experience of the stylist allowed us to succeed in research and synthesize natural keratin protein (HKP - Human Keratin Protein), capable of effectively restoring hair damage. Rather, not just effectively - it was fundamentally different working with hair. The discovery was not easy: colossal work was carried out, and laboratory studies of hair heated to a liquid state became one of its stages.

In 1975, Joico released its first shampoos based on evolutionary natural keratin protein, which did not have analogues at the hairdressing market. In the first stages, production was limited in small batches - for its own Salons Steven Stephano. But success was so staggering that it was decided to significantly increase the volume and start selling Joico products in California, and then throughout America. In parallel, scientific studies were not stopped, aimed at expanding the line of hair care products. In 1984, the Cationic Triamine Complex ™ (CATIONIC TRIMINE COMPLEX ™) was patented. The product molecules are so small that can penetrate deep into the structure of the hair and restore damage much faster and better than others, and due to a positive charge, they are saved for a long time in her hair. The technology was so successful that Steve switched his attention to the development of its own line of dyes, corresponding to the brand mission at the time, called "the art of healthy hair". The goal was to create dyes that restore hair and providing "real" colors. The best stylists and artists from England and Italy were involved in the team, and in 1991, Joico Vero Color dyes appeared

on sale. Italian roots are traced in the name of the dyes line, where Vero translated from Italian means "true". Among the professionals, the dyes were adopted unanimously, because they allowed to create their own shades, not limited to those that the manufacturers themselves were asked. 1996 was marked by restarting Joico Vero Color with the new TRANCE Cuticle Delivery System ™ (TCD ™) formula. Starting from this year, to this day, this is the only dye where the technology allows the product molecules to penetrate the hair structure (cortex) through the pores in the cuticle, without opening it and without requiring severe disintegration and swelling of the hair, as with ordinary in ammonium dyes. Due to this, it was possible to get the most resistant, smooth and rich color.

Perennial efforts brought the company a deserved award: in 2000, the reconstructing mask of Deep Penetrating Reconstructor from Joico was awarded the prestigious American Stylist Choice Awards award, which is sometimes called the "Oscar" of hairdressers. A special reason for pride was the fact that since then this product gets this title annually, including the current, 2013.

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Joico has a special dye for the age hair of Joico Age Defy. Thanks to the "Triple Protection Technology" returns softness and natural healthy shine. .

New turn

Victory in Stylist Choice Awards, innovative developments and many other Joico achievements attracted the attention of "big players", among which the famous Shiseido. In 2002, the company's representatives made Stephano's proposal from which it was simply impossible to refuse. Having received the consent of Stefano, Shiseido acquired its brand on special conditions that guarantee the full preservation of the brand development strategy. The owner's change provided Joico further development, because Shiseido annually invests in the development of new technologies of the beauty industry more than 200 million dollars and owns super-modern laboratories in which the best scientists work.

Already in 2006, another patent was received - on QuadraMine Complex ™, which is used in modern Joico products. The Innovation of QuadraMine Complex ™ is to use to restore Hair 19 keratin proteins, as in natural hair, and not 18, as in well-known counterparts. QUADRAMINE COMPLEX ™ Molecules are specially distributed in size and weight from 150 to 2500 MWC, which allows them to significantly better restore hair. A year later, a new semi-performent dye Joico Vero Chrome was launched, and the QUADRAMINE COMPLEX ™ restoring complex began to add to all formulas of dyes, providing hair restoration during staining.

Another breakthrough in stained was 2009, when the dye launch was launched for the age hair of Joico Age Defy. Developed in the Joico Laboratory "Three-Protection Technology" (3-Defence Technology ™) allows dyes of this line to return elasticity and glitter to age-related hair. Joico Age Defy Gamma Tones Premixovanny, because, according to the results of marketing research, customers of this age category are quite conservative

And prefer classic shades.

Currently, under the brand name Joico produces a rich range of professional products for the care and restoration of hair. One of the most powerful regenerating procedures is the salon "four-phase hair reconstruction system", with which you can restore even the most damaged hair. Depending on the degree of thinning hair, the wizard independently determines the number and sequence of the steps of the procedure. It is in this procedure that the brand bestseller is involved - "Mask Reconstructive Deep Action".

Training - the key to success

The beauty industry is inconspicuously changing, and the key to success is constant, continuous learning. That is why the Joico Artistic Institute is established, which is represented in America and Europe, for continuously learning to all nuances of work with Joico products, especially with dyes, both own teams, employees and technologists-distributors and stylists from around the world. Training in Joico Artistic Institute is radically changing attitudes

Color and shape, and also allows you to achieve incredible heights, confidence in the profession and expands the creative horizon to infinity. Joico stylists are hairdressers

by world name. Only in 2013, two of the Joico Artistic Institute was honored with the Victory in the prestigious Stylist Choice Awards Awards - World-Level Expert Beth Minardi received this year the title "Best Podium Stylist", and in the nomination "Best Star Stylist" Win tobate Kofi, network owner Successful Salons and Salon Business Trainer.

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