Breakthrough in dental prosthetics: What is CAD / CAM?


Denate prosthetics techniques have recently stepped far beyond the framework of ordinary perception. To understand what modern dentistry is, we turned to the expert in this area, the head of the Lanzet clinic, the Dmitry Dmitry Dmitry Dmitry Lanzet.

In the XXI century, digital technologies have become commonplace for patients of dental clinics. The most advanced ones are CAD / CAM systems, where CAD abbreviation means computer simulation, CAM - computer manufacture of prostheses. According to professionals, this is a real breakthrough in dental prosthetics.

"After all, in place of the closer to everyone (writing), an existing one, probably, a hundred years has already come," Dmitry Lanzet explains. - It happens like this: the machine scans the kind of tooth or teeth, it gets a digital cast and creates a virtual, not a gypsum model in the computer. Later, the car makes the tooth model, which she ordered. This restoration can be changed, increase, reduce, change at its discretion for the benefit of the patient. In addition, it is now possible to make dentures for one visit to the doctor. Everything is done almost in front of the patient. No need to do cast, the manufacturing process of which does not like very many people.

At the same time, the work of the dental technique is the human factor, which is important.

The first of the main advantages of this technology is cold processing of material for restoration - milling or grinding depending on the task. It is more gentle, allows you to preserve the specified properties of the material unchanged. And the second is the highest accuracy with which the car manufactures the restoration. Tolerances at the edges when planting a model based on the basis (tooth) - 25 microns. Man's hair, for comparison, - 80 microns. Even man's hand shake is more than twenty-five microns. Such a technology is called CAD / CAM. CAD - Computer Simulation and CAM - Computer Production of Prostheses (Milling). There are many devices. The one we use in our clinic is called Cerec.

The present breakthrough in aesthetic dentistry was the idea of ​​a computer restoration of teeth with CEREC apparatus

The present breakthrough in aesthetic dentistry was the idea of ​​a computer restoration of teeth with CEREC apparatus

- How is the process itself?

- Meaning in the following. We scan the tooth, we simulate a new on the computer, press the button - the machine cuts out this porcelain restoration. It can be a crown, it can be bridge prostheses - simple or with a frame and facing. It can be the porcelain tabs. It may be prosthetics on implants. Such a car is a real laboratory that does not get sick, her hands are not trembling, her mood is always excellent. And this is very important. Why? Because there is no human factor.

- How is the tooth color seabed?

- In this case, we are dealing with the real wealth of color. In addition to all the billets are multi-colored, they can also be individualized. For example, a tooth in the neck is darker, cutting edge - more transparent. Everything is adjusted by the paints under the glaze. The doctor brings the workpiece to the mouth, tints along the neighboring tooth or by photography. Immediately there is a stove. Dry, glazed. Then everything is fixed in the mouth. In this meaning of similar machines.

- That is, it turns out that one machine performs many functions at once?

- There are laboratory and clinical machines. When the laboratory machine, the doctor scans and sends a 3D model to the Milling Center Master. We have - clinical. This means that everything is in one place. So, among other things, it turns out also quickly.

- But the main advantage is all the same accuracy and strength.

- Completely right. You can even program the tooth points that will be in contact with anyone nearby. We can choose such a contact so that chewing and the function are maximal. The car is able to copy any restoration, you can make the same as it was. For example, a crown that darkened, cracked, etc. Well, a person got used to the form. You can simulate an anatomical shape of a computer program database containing certain standards. Or use your personal catalog of the teeth, created individually. You can also use a symmetrically located tooth as a template, using a mirror reflection function. In CAD / CAM systems, individualization of the shape of the tooth occurs in different ways. There is a function of automatic fitting edge of the restoration to the tooth preparation line. The fit can be carried out manually.

- Manually? But what about the statement that you completely eliminated the human factor in the manufacture of prostheses (restoration)?

- It is impossible to say that the human factor is completely excluded. Whatever the car suggests, the doctor always controls the process. The machine produces a certain model, some form. But sizes can be changed. All in the hands of a person. Personally, I always change something slightly. Somewhere dripping, I will remove somewhere. So say that you can put a monkey for the car, it is not true. Orthopedics - the thing is too complicated. But the exclusion of the laboratory human factor (and not medical) in non-removable prosthetics is a very comfortable thing. There is no technician. On the teeth

And implants make better the car than a person. In the removable CAD / CAM prosthetics is still at the infancy. Mostly do all the techniques.

- Your great difference from competitors - availability of wonder cars and highly qualified specialists?

- By car anyone can not work. Need to study. Training lasts about six months in an intended person. But, since this car, more precisely, her great-grandmother, is already 30 years old, it is complicated. Therefore, you need extensive experience in this matter.

- Specialists send learning abroad?

- Yes. For example, I went to the German Plant in Bensheim, the land of Hessen, where these cars make, there are also training classes. I did not have more cars Ceas, but I was already studying. I knew that I would buy it. In Zurich, there is a whole training center. Ten cars, instructors who are trained. But this is only the initial level. Later it is necessary to continue and continue to learn and improve. Since science does not stand still, then CAD / CAM systems are constantly changing. And this means that structural materials are changing, manufacturing technologies for the designs of dentures of teeth.

- What materials do your installation work today?

- The main material is porcelain. It happens two species - the usual and slightly more durable. There is still porcelain containing composite. There are people who erase everything. This disease is Bruxism - a man is all the time stifies his jaws, especially in a dream, grinds, and his own teeth are erased. In such a case, we use porcelain more durable than teeth. In extreme cases, we have a zirconium dioxide material with which the machine also works. Zirconium dioxide is almost ten times stronger than tooth.

Gnatology - prosthetics and treatment of high levels, a new direction that restores the teeth as an integral part of the overall hemmit

Gnatology - prosthetics and treatment of high levels, a new direction that restores the teeth as an integral part of the overall hemmit

- Materials at the world level?

- Materials for this car perfectly special. And you can only take them where they are produced. Produce Liechtenstein, Germany (Siron, Vita). They have a stable quality.

- Do you have something in your clinic in your traditional way, in the old manner?

- Sure! When you need to get a metal frame. The laboratory did not die completely. Removable prostheses, sometimes crowns we do, as before, in the laboratory.

- Now in Russia there is already enough clinics that apply CAD / CAM systems. Tell me, how do services in your clinic differ from those that can be found from competitors?

- the quality and knowledge of the ratology - science on the device and the interaction of all parts of the dental system. About her few people know! To understand what it is, a small example. You glue a small amount of sealing material on the chewing surface. When you close your mouth, your jaw will go away. If you are a person with absolutely healthy joints and spine, then you adapt. But if a person has problems with a spine, then the forced position of the lower jaw will lead to the tension of the muscles of the neck, dysfunction of the joints. As a result, everything will go to the spine and cause pathology, absolutely seemingly not related to dentistry. Father of modern ratology

In Europe, Rudolf Movychek is considered, whose works we are actively studying and applying in practice. After all, a rutological error may cost a man of terrible torment. And in this particular case, no car, alas, will not help. So the human factor and qualifications in our profession are still important.

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