Artem Tkachenko: "Woman is fortunately all but betrayal"


Fame came to him, no, fell on his rapid acting shoulders at twenty-four years, after the main role in the film "The Middle Eastern". Today, Artem Tkachenko is one of the most sought-after actors of his generation. On the screen, he creates deep images - very often this is a man with the past, followed by a cable of gloomy secrets.

I was waiting for our meeting with great excitement, although the telephone conversation had a slightly calmed me. And yet the image of a negative character, literally pursuing it on the screen, set up a difficult conversation. What was my surprise when I saw a very soft, shy, benevolent person. I knew that Artem came to an interview after samples. Asked: "And how?" He is immediately shittingly smiling, without any superstitions, he said that and where, and then anxiously began to say: "How many years I am already in this profession, but leaving samples, every time I tell myself that, probably, this is not my job And I was worth it to do something else. Because for me, the sample almost always - torment. I feel in the profession not that a newcomer, but in general a toilet bowl, as if I am a seventeen-year-old, not even a student, but an apprentice, standing in front of the department on a huge scene of Shchepkinsky theater school. Probably it will always be so. And if not, it means I died, I'm not. " (Laughs.) And after these words I got so easily as if we were familiar to a hundred years.

- This state is familiar to me. I was worried about our meeting.

- I was also very worried, and it was a little interrupted that excitement on samples, so everything was balanced. We look like. (Smiles.)

"But I hope you still have moments of self-confidence?" You must at least sometimes like yourself in your work ...

- In this sense, I probably, a hyperequency man. Perfectly I am aware that I have misses. Because of this, I watched very few of my films, because reflecting: now I will not like some scene or it will seem that it does not play at all, and I will start to destroy myself. I am terrible Samoyed and sometimes fuck myself to such an extent that I start to press. Probably, it is inherent in all creative people, and actors are more. We often talk about this with my close friend of Pasha wooden - he is exactly the same as me. But yes, there are moments when I am satisfied with myself, I understand what I did everything. I hope that my experience in fourteen years of work in the cinema was not in vain, and something I achieved. Let not be skill, but there is some skill. If I always didn't like myself, I would not have done this profession, and would be, for example, a good malarier.

Artem Tkachenko:

The dilogy "Zameridar" made the actor famous. With Chulpan Khamatova.

Photo: Frame from the movie "Laughty

- Oh, just read about your ability to make the design of the apartment and repair ...

- Yes, it happened. I try to do everything myself: from the idea to incarnation. Now I live in a small cozy apartment, in which everything invented himself.

- This is your apartment or removable, because to decorate temporary housing there is no great point?

- It happened. And periodically reached some kind of frenzy. (Laughs.) In general, after the end of the institute I changed about twelve apartments. For various reasons, but moving always saved me from the despondency. Sometimes I speak myself that I am a nomad. Under the father's line, my grandmother was gypsy, so sometimes I can sleep at home in a sports suit under the plaid. Mom still scolds me for it.

- And the second part of your nature, apparently, mint, strives for style and beauty ...

- Yes, because my mom is also a creative man, a musician. She took possession of the strange profession of the conductor. And to the picture "Indigo" showed me squares, shares, quarters, how to conduct and what to do. I can speak with pride and tell her thanks.

- And did you learn music?

- yes-ah! I went to music school, fortunately, it lasted for a short time, for two years. Mom at some point thought that it would be nice to tie my life with music, but so that at the same time I had a real male rod. We in Kaliningrad have a Military Music School. And I lived there, and still live, and in one house with us, childhood friends are Brothers Manokhins. We went to school with them. It seemed to us that all this courageously and at the same time romantic. We anticipated how to measure the form, wear boots, but they immediately said: "You will play trombone." I knew what trombone was, but there was little growth, with large square ears (then they were drawn), and presented themselves with this huge tool. It was the first thing scared and somehow alerted. Then we were given a form, and I was surprised again: "How so, not new boots?!" The next day I was told that I was appointed in the outfit and should clean the toilet, as in the army. And this is true. You stand in a terrible toilet (I do not describe it with words), the person comes, as a rule, the ensign, splashing the bucket of water, and you wipe all this. The process may take an hour, two, three, five - you wipe, someone coming down, you wipe you again, and so infinitely. Then there were jogs with naked torso at six in the morning ...

Artem Tkachenko:

In the television series "Red Queen" Tkachenko plays the artist Lion Barsky, intellectual and lovelace

- You have not broken after that?

- I finally gave up, it seems, in a week, maybe in five days. I remember we were released, I called my mother (I was then thirteen-fourteen years old) and cried, standing in the telephone booth: "Mom, take me back," and she agreed. Then I still studied at a music school. And again, Mom said: "There is a very good teacher, you will try to play ... French horn." This is such a round. (Laughs.) I had three lessons. Apparently, I didn't have a horsavers at all. And the teacher was extremely unrestrained. I remember how he shouted at me, showed how to keep his lips to be between them there was a small alkaline, and it was impressed so close that my face was covered with droplets of his saliva. And I realized that I could not play horn, and said: "Mom, I would like to play the guitar." And not long studied to play the guitar, because then he moved to another school, where he began to engage in the theater very tightly.

- It also happened with my mother's mild?

- Generally my whole life with my mother's light hand, including my appearance. (Laughs.) She brought me up alone. There were still grandparents with whom I lived before my departure to Moscow. All my relatives and now live in Kaliningrad in one relatively large apartment. When I come home, we are all together again: Mom, Grandma, my older sister. By the way, the sister was a smart and inadequate child, spent the nights with a flashlight and a book under the blanket, she entered the best school of our city and graduated from her with a gold medal. And then he studied at the philological faculty. And the parents thought that I could go on her footsteps. I had a good with the Russian language and literature, but the philological still was not about me. "And what about me?" - I thought. It so happened that the theater studio was in that school. I thought: "Maybe it? ..

- quickly felt that the classes were fascinated?

- Yes. I experienced an incredible stress at that moment when I went to the scene. Apparently, then a certain adrenaline addiction appeared. In addition, Boris Josephovich Benenson, the kingdom of heaven, my eternal teacher and mentor, taught me a lot. And he treated me and all of us with deceive love. We were incredibly tied to him, and he literally led me by the handle so that I would continue to do this craft. I studied in the same class with Tanya and Olya Arntgolts. Our studio by to the point already conquered Peter and other cities, but to our fifth release there was no attempts to conquer Moscow. We were pioneers. And the pinch chose us.

Now the son of Artem Tekchenko Tikhona three years

Now the son of Artem Tekchenko Tikhona three years


- If you have samples today cause such an excitement, what was the admission to the institute?

- Exit to a large audience was a colossal horror. (Laughs.) Comparison with admission to theatrical studio. Although no, after all, he was great to the institute, because the measure of responsibility is higher. We started talking about it, and I gotten, worried. (Smiles.) It will not even call the trepid. In general, all my acting profession is infinite stress.

- Nikolai Tsiskaridze confessed that before going to the scene he always raised the temperature, scared wanted to the toilet, nauseous and at the same time wanted to eat ...

- Pure truth! (Laughs.) And the arms and legs are still kocheny. I can not imagine how I would overcome admission to the Institute and Exams. Partly in this reason why I do not serve in the theater. And I consider myself not a real actor, comic, because I have no theater. With Pasha, we often discuss it often, and he also says: "It's terrible when before the first way I stand in the scenes at the scene. I'm all in the light of curse and think: why?! " Probably, all actors are so, to a greater or lesser extent. But I hope, someday I still overcome my fear of the scene.

- You are so emotional, and fall love, as I read, rarely. It's amazing.

- And thank God! (Smiles.) I have a comrade with whom we talked on this topic, and I tell him: "Glory, what happiness, you think so often! You have a constantly "butterfly in the stomach", a new muse, you always want to do something: write poems, music, turn over the world. " And he answers: "And I think, how good you are, because you have a stable and solid feeling. And I'm scared that I loved the person and suddenly I can break it out tomorrow, exchange to another. " So, it turns out, I was lucky. I am in this, as in friendship, and in food, constant.

- Two of your marriage ended in divorce. Now you are in love again ... are not afraid?

- No, on the contrary. For some reason I always thought, I even knew that God loves the Trinity. (Laughs.) And maybe even subconsciously sought to this, realizing that at some point I make a mistake.

With Pavel Derevko, colleague and friend

With Pavel Derevko, colleague and friend


- Is it really thought for the first time?

- I am grateful to my experience and I did not trade it. And I am infinitely grateful to my women, they taught me a lot. But in principle, I have always been quite positively configured, so I did not lose hope. Now I have a relationship, a loved one. So, I think everything goes in the right track.

- This time - again the actress?

- You know this time - yes. (Laughs.) I am not afraid to enter one river and twice, and three times. And then, this is my main circle of communication. And with whom can I speak on the topics of my profession? But I have already passed through the advertising of relationships, and, as practice shows, people must be with each other, and not at the bottom. At least all his time.

- So I got into a wonderful period of your life?

- In general, my life is one big excellent period.

- But I read that after parting with the same time, you were almost depressed, in despair ...

- Yes, but these were the first serious relationship in my life. And now we are very well talking. She is my close friend.

He remembered how you were afraid to come to know the wife of Katorovitsky. It was a shock, current, lightning strike?

- Shock and current? Good question. (Smiles.) It was probably the exterior beauty, the mancone, or that, which always seemed to me perfect. In the imagination, in fantasy she was just like Eugene. Therefore I saw ... and Oboml.

Evgenia Khorchevitskaya was the second wife of Artem

Evgenia Khorchevitskaya was the second wife of Artem


- Ravshan is also very beautiful, but it is a completely different type.

- Yes, completely different. I did not think that one was brunette, the other was a blonde. I am not a sweet, but I can not say that I have certain preferences: only blondes or only brunettes, or redheads.

- And your third choice is what?

- This is a very beautiful girl, brunette. (Smiles.) But so far this topic is very intimate for me.

- Do you support the same warm relationship with Zhenya as with an equal one?

- No, they are different. But we have a child, so everything is fine, humanly.

- Son for you - is it a step of adulthood?

- After his birth, I had the most saving straw, which does not allow the bottom of my despair. And so that: "Old man, you have a son born, your life will now change!" - No, it's all the delights. What is different? We are the same as before, we are friends with someone, we meet, work, walk, fall in love, mirkely, quarrel, sometimes we make reckless actions sometimes. But I am immensely happy that I have a son. Tikhon for three years and two months. He is amazing. Good and very dirty. I like that even in such a small age with him can always be agreed. He is my friend. We are very close. Now I work little, so we see much more often than once a week, we regularly spend time together. And he lives periodically. I understand that as soon as I begin to actively work, I can not see him and for a week, and two, and a month, so I try to use the opportunity now.

- Recently, on the first channel there was a series "Red Queen". You play a real personality, artist Lion Zbarsky (here - Barsky). What did the hero "hooked" you?

- First, we did not have the goal of playing a screening real person. Why agreed? Because the character, although brightly negative, is interestingly discharged. I can imagine how saturated everything happened. But still, I justified him for myself, did not try to make a bastard. I was wondering if I could play so that the audience would even feel sorry for the audience and at some point they got up on his side, wondered: "Why does a person make a lot of dentities, and whether he regrets about it later?" And it seemed to me that I still show a person not evil, not cruel, not vigilant, but rather weak, which comes so through the prism of the mouthpiece, through the prism of supposedly internal strength and success.

- Some actors refuse to play negative personalities: they are afraid to look into this abyss. Others say that in the image of the attacked villains just get rid of negativity. What happens to you after such roles?

- Yes, it is not worth playing such a really existing character: why perpetuate evil on the screen? But, for example, Stalin or Hitler - historical personality, the monumental changed course of history. This is a completely different scale. I would be interested to play similar heroes. I do not think that, playing the bastard, I will become so. Yes, and incarnate villains much more interesting than good guys.

"Watching your demonic hero in the TV series" Long Way Home ", I also hated him, and sorry, and I believed that he had changed, deceived and believed again. I think you were where to get roaring ...

- If such thoughts arise, it means I coped with my role, because I tried to justify a person. (Smiles.) I do not justify evil in any way, only circumstances. It was interesting to do this in the "Red Queen". Now we will wait for some positive characters until I finally recorded me in the bastard. (Laughs.) In the "player", where I starred with Zhenya Kregyde, Maxim Matveyev, Igor Mirkurbanov, I have a positive role. And soon, I hope, the eight-player film of Egor Baranova will be released "Sparta", where I also play a positive hero in partnership with Sasha Petrov.

- Do you need to get adrenaline from something else other than the profession?

- Close relationship is also adrenaline. And around adrenaline is enough. In Moscow, it is worth going to any track - already such a release occurs ... and in my life there are types of sports that you bring acute sensations. For example, a motorcycle. This is the fear that I dorish in myself. I love all water sports: a blackboard or a water scooter is all very exciting.

- You are a bolder. And how do you feel about not very brave people?

- I think that by the end of life I will not come to jump with a parachute from the plane, because the fool. If someone can not sit on a motorcycle, but he has five children, then he is really a brave man for me. The courage is different. (Smiles.) You know, there is a fearless thing that is called, not from a big mind. For what and I can blame myself, because on all these shows (and I passed the "big races") people of our profession need to still think about the future. Thank God, nothing happened to me, but Alexander Emelyanenko, with whom we were running from bulls together, bull knocked out his teeth. Such a hardship does not lead to good.

With his first wife's wife's first wife, Kurkova Tkachenko still friendly

With his first wife's wife's first wife, Kurkova Tkachenko still friendly


- And how bad should a woman be? And what is the most beautiful sex, unlike men?

- A woman, probably, forgiven everything except betrayal. And the bold, it seems to me, it should be to know yourself and not be afraid to show this man. In general, I believe that women are much stronger than us. Men remain boys all their lives, and girls grow up, become custodians of the hearth, mothers. Woman wisdom is an extensive concept that includes both femininity, and an understanding of how and at what moment it is to present, and patience, and still a lot of things.

- Or maybe women also want to stay at least a little girls?

- just a little. (Smiles.) Very supporting it and love. The actresses are surrounded by me - they are generally special creatures and, by the way, very bold. But there are such bold women who can enter the relationship, as in the burning hut. This is also an extreme, in my opinion.

- I know that you really believe in the materialization of thoughts. Do you and with positive it "works"?

"I, apparently, finally believed that." In my life, it is steadily fulfilled by what I think. But when the bad idea still comes to mind, you are afraid how quickly all this is embodied in reality. I know for sure that if, riding a bike, I will tell myself: "I haven't fallen a long time," I will be on the ground in ten minutes. (Laughs.) With something good everything happens not so fast. But the main thing is not bad thoughts to drive off, but replace them with positive.

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