Men's provocation: how to check it


If a man provokes you ... Rejoice!

Yes, yes, I did not make a reservation - just rejoice, and do not be offended. Because the provocation has nothing but a test, and if a man does it - he checks you, experiencing sincere interest. No one will test the woman unpleasant to him.

Do you know that the worst thing?

Indifference. When he does not care who you are, how and when you behave. He does not play, does not pine, does not let the studs, but looks at you with empty fish eyes. Then you are an empty place for him. As a person, you just do not exist for him.

But why should he need it?

You ask. But when you buy a car and take it on a test drive, you are not just going around the city at a speed of 40 km. You want to accelerate along the highway, and the SUV also into dirt to drive. If you are experiencing - then consider as a serious candidate.

A man wants to see how you will behave in stressful situations.

And not just at the table in a quiet restaurant in the process of pleasant communication. He looks at you to wait for you if you find yourself next to the long marital life in which the misunderstandings and conflicts, and different difficulties. Provocation - a sign of serious interest.

Yulia Lansk, an expert on the selection of an ideal pair for marriage

Yulia Lansk, an expert on the selection of an ideal pair for marriage

Is there no "female" checks?

Let's not chat: You yourself are tested by testing, checking your chosen one for four main points:

- How generous is it?

- How does he relate to mom?

- What does children think about?

- Is he jealous of?

Men act as well.

They are tested for the same items.

- She only takes or gives?

- What is your relationship with parents and will your mother-in-law?

- Can she be a mom of my children?

- How suspicious, will life turn into hell?

What does a man get from provocations?

He collects your full real image. This is a suitable daily clothing. Do not rub, not taking? Maybe rude fabric, presses, sewing uncomfortable? If this jacket originally did not like, no one will try to try it. If you are not considered as a potential wife, there will be no checks.

If you come across a man who provokes you, you have two tasks:

1 - Recognitive

You should see that this is not just a question or action, it is intentional or unconscious testing, your adequacy check.

2- understand

Ask yourself a question: what does he achieve this? Understand his motifs. What does he want? Why pulls for emotional strings? What result is he needed?

If a man checks you, then he is of interest

If a man checks you, then he is of interest


False move leads to loss of relationships

You did not respond, showed a bad reaction. You are suspected of easesslines, inextrics, pegs or hysteria. There are a lot of moments that can push your man. He checks you on the main painful themes for him - you can tell him that you do not have these moments or show him in all its glory. Do not show your dark sides. And even better, get rid of them.

Be environmentally friendly

No need to admit toxic behavior from its part. Respect and other borders including. No need to put yourself in the head of the universe and behave egocentric. See how your winnings in this moment will respond in all your relationships. And always, in general, estimate your actions precisely for this parameter. What will your behavior lead to how it affects the long-term perspective on the relationship?

Do not confuse provocation with violence

These are completely different things. If you were physically humiliated, swung and all the more hit, bring the relationship immediately. The person who has allowed it to himself, considers such a norm. This is not an accident, do not look for him justification. And do not listen to you inspire that you provoked it and yourself are to blame. It will not end, it is only a terrible beginning of the future hell.

Woman ... how much?

Are you with him for a couple of nights, a few weeks or months, or forever? A successful man often does not seek his wife. He is fine, he is provided, arranged in life, he was realized. Why does he need it? It may not always be aware that support, love and caressing is possible. Moreover, if before it came across only with selfish consumers. You need to show him your value, let him see that you can give him.

Temporary novels

A man who is not looking for a permanent relationship will arrange exactly that. They have no restriction of childbearing age, they do not tick watch, and short meetings in this case are optimal. And only with the woman with whom together better than one, he wants to build a family. And provocations here - the normal testing stage for the role of his wife.

To successfully overcome the stage of provocations, you need to understand a man.

You need to know who he is such a successful person who took place, and what does he need from this life? There are basic features that are always inherent in these people, and their seven:

1 trait: dedication. He knows well what he needs, and goes to this purpose, not distracted and without spraying.

2 traits: responsibility. It moves the locus of control over himself and is fully responsible for its actions.

3 traits: positivity. He has a bright, kind, well-minded thinking. It does not hit the constant negative.

4 traits: carefulness. Whatever, his decisions will never be directed against his close - wives, parents, children.

5 Damage: Dignity. He knows his price and knows how to keep himself. He has very well developed self-esteem.

6 Damage: self-control. He knows how to control his emotions. He keeps himself in his hands. This man is really the owner himself.

7 Damage: Saturation. He lives an exciting life. It is filled with azart, courage. His emotions are bright, saturated with positive.

How long will these relationships last, largely depends on your reactions

How long will these relationships last, largely depends on your reactions


Most Popular Mens Provisions

We need to know slippery moments of relationships and able to successfully pass any male testing. Do not panic - adequately evaluate any situations. There are basic types of provocations you need to be prepared:

1 provocation: "Do you want to marry me?"

2 Provocation: "What do you give?"

3 Provocation: "What restaurant will go to?"

4 Provocation: "When was the last sex?"

5 Provocation: "Do you call your former?"

6 Provocation: "Who is your perfect man?"

Forbidden topics

There are topics that at the beginning of the relationship are absolutely not allowed to discuss. For the harmonious development of relationships, you should not touch them, but men violate your borders, and this list of forbidden topics is voiced almost on the first to date. If these questions rise, this is a provocation, and you can not answer the same.

1 topic: about work

If your interlocutor asks about this, he checks your self-sufficiency. What do you think in this society? Do you want to sit on his neck? Such questions almost always contain a double bottom.

2 Topic: About former relationships

You have the right not to answer, it is not interrogated in the police. No one has the right to poke his nose into your personal life. If you want to tell, do not put yourself to a victim, displacing the past partner, that you devalue yourself.

3 Topic: About Family

A man will follow your reaction, analyze relationships with parents, will understand what to expect him if you live together. Is it ready to become the father of your children? Did your family? Similar things are personal, and they are very important for understanding who you are.

4 Topic: About the Future Family

The man is important that you will give yourself a complete picture of what you want in your life. If such a question from a woman sounds like a running line "I want to marry!", Then here your interlocutor wants to understand what you are configured. Do your expectations coincide with his readiness?

5 Topic: What kind of husband you need

If a woman does not know what he wants, she does not have a movement vector. She creates the feeling that it is ready to tie relations with the first ones. And all because there is no criteria with which she compares its applicants.

6 Subject: Philosophical Questions

If a man with you is only philosophized, talking about eternal, see - are you not in the Friend Zone? Perhaps you are just a friend, and you do not see a woman. Soul conversations are good if they are against the background of intimate attraction.

7 Topic: Intimacy Questions

Questions can be as harmless, for example, you are afraid of tickling and tactless - about sexual preferences. You need to be ready for it and beautiful and witness to stuck. I think it is the only correct way out of a scrupulous situation.

8 Topic: Questions about bad habits

If you ask about this, you create yourself the image of the right mommy, instead of the welcome woman. The man tests you on errors and mistakes. Questions can be completely provocative: "Still pouring wine? .. And you like to drink?"

Reaction to provocations

It should always be adequate. It should not say that he hung you - it's like to complain that the spoon is to blame that you are nourished. Keep your borders and do not let a man further. Do not fountain with emotions, evaluate the situation wisely, do not lose control over it. And even more so it is not worth moving the locus of control into the outer zone, on another person. Responsibility for your emotions are only you yourself.

How to get out of difficult situations?

No need to be offended and accused a man for such questions. He checks you, so keep in touch. Understand that you are not obliged to answer them. You have for this full right. You can stick to his phrase - it will be the most optimal that you can come up with. But it is best to view and think about these situations in advance and keep home billets into different universal cases.

I, Julia Lansk, an expert on the selection of an ideal pair for marriage, I wish you to overcome all the difficult moments and deserves to get out of these situations to a happy marriage with a loving and beloved person.

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