And why do we need English: a foreign language and our brain


It would seem that in the modern world almost everyone owns several languages ​​to one degree or another. However, a large percentage of people believes that they are quite enough of the native language. If you adhere to such an installation, we have a hurry to share statistics - people studying a foreign language, or even several, preserve the tone of the brain for many years and less susceptible to mental disorders. What are the more advantages in an in-depth study of language?

Permanent learning does not give the brain stagnant

Permanent learning does not give the brain stagnant


Your brain is growing

And literally. The zealous knowledge of the grammatical structures and memorization of a large amount of vocabulary contributes to an increase in the volume of gray matter. But remember, you should really work, it is responsible to approach this difficult process, only in this case you are guaranteed the result.

You do not threaten Alzheimer's Syndrome

Pleasant news for everyone who has already plunged into the linguistic environment. Neuropsychologists with world officials are confident that people who know two or more languages, including bilingual, pull the unpleasant disease at least three years.

However, it is not necessary to get upset and wait for the worst if you suddenly have no abilities to languages ​​- any active mental activity is suitable, such as immersion of mathematics or games on logic.

Children are easier to grab a foreign language.

Children are easier to grab a foreign language.


Bilings are often becoming musicians

And there is nothing surprising in this, because each language has its own characteristics, and therefore a person who is engaged in learning several languages, and from different families, it is necessary to seriously strain and disclose such parties in themselves, about which before that and did not have the idea. This is especially brightly expressed by Europeans who begin to teach tones, for example, Chinese. Absolutely different systems of signs allow the brain to distinguish such intonations and sounds during pronunciation, which ears of an ordinary person are not heard. That is why people who are professionally engaged in languages, at some point they can switch to a written letter on the tank.

Memory becomes much better

If your child has already has an idea of ​​different languages ​​since childhood, you can not worry that you have problems with the school program, especially with regard to the memorization of long texts and retells of memory. In addition, such children grow in adults who can instantly switch to a new task, if necessary, that will be an indisputable plus if a multitasking employee is required at work.

Explore as many languages ​​as possible.

Explore as many languages ​​as possible.


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