Anna Plenev became blonde


The "Vintage" group, the shooting of each new video is accompanied by some incredible stories. This time the new video "Sign of Aquarius" turned out to be surrounded by mystical events, amazing life coincidences and predictions. Detales shared a vocalist of the group Anna Plenev, who even had to change the color of the hair.

"Anya, no one has seen a clip, and there are already many rumors around him. Is it really that the astrologer Paul Globa himself found you before shooting?

- Everything was so focused on the word "horoscope" that the rest of the songs somehow did not hear somehow, and in the song there is also a phrase "I lived in horoscopes" ... I can't disclose the details of the meeting with Paul Globa. But she really was, and Pavel Pavlovich wrote a special horoscope that could be seen in our new video.

- Do you believe in mysticism, did something like this happened to you?

- And you do not remember? I broke my leg, getting out of the coffin on Halloween, what could be mystically? (Laughs.) Although I believe in everything good, for example, that the strongest desires necessarily


- And in horoscopes?

- In those horoscopes that are printed in glossy magazines or who are read in the morning of DJ on the radio, of course not! I recently also showed a computer program that such horoscopes is, given that the same phrases often did not repeat ...

- Do not be afraid of predictions, interventions in fate?

"I'm not afraid because I believe in myself and in my capabilities." Fate reduced me several times with people who were adepts of spiritual knowledge, and each of them somehow told me that he sees the power in me, which leads me to the goal. When I analyzed their words, I realized that my whole life was confirmed by this.

- In the video you are blonde. It is said that white hair color is the state of the soul. You, being brunette, did it feel?

- I felt that I was wildly uncomfortable to be blonde. The director even had to cut a few scenes. And I experienced a huge relief when finally returned to my hair. I advise all the girls before bleaching your hair, try to first like a few days in the wig and feel what it is like to be a blonde.

- What do you appear blonde, somehow connected with astrology?

- Whole this image with a snake, which wraps my body, is associated with astrology. All are known to 12 constellations that correspond to 12 zodiac signs. But few people know that there are still the 13th constellation, which is called the serpento. By the way, this is a part of the mystery that is encoded in our video.

With this color of the hair of the PLANY, much more comfortable. .

With this color of the hair of the PLANY, much more comfortable. .

- In the frame you have a boa, it was not terribly?

"After all, I'm a snake myself and I do not fear myself like." In general, when born in the year of the snake and under the constellation of the lion, it turns out a rattling mixture. But it is this duality that it often helps me in life. As a snake, I possess good intuition. I can add a little snake poison to my jokes and I also know how to hypnotize men with a look, like a boa kaa ... Although after one story, which acquaintances told me, I was slightly worried when Reptile was stretched along me. They say that so snakes are trying on whether the victim fit inside. And my 40 kg - is not a problem for good luck. (Laughs.)

- What impression was the astrologer on you?

- Pavel Pavlovich is a man who will make to believe in astrology even the most recent skeptics, and without applying any effort. I and Ironia referred to the fact that allegedly day, an hour and a minute of birth can somehow influence the fate of a person. But after the globe quite accurately described several facts of my life, doubt gave way to interest. For example, he called the exact number of our meeting with Alexei Romanov, when we first thought about creating a group. Even we ourselves did not remember this day and restored different facts in memory to check ...

- Is it really possible to find out your near future while watching the clip?

- Yes it's true. Write a horoscope for the clip was not so simple. After all, it is usually described in detail that a person is waiting in various spheres of his life: love, career, health. But in our case, it was necessary to choose the very essence, the fact that for each sign will be most significant and formulate it in three or four words. Here every phrase is the main, and it is very important not to miss it! In general, in the clip there are many different signs and symbols that only dedicated people familiar with the laws of astrology can understand.

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