Why in a dream I wanted my husband's death?


Good day!

On the pages of this category, we often talked about the fact that the dream is a message of intuition, the way to reach the consciousness. Recently came a letter to one of the readers of Womanhit. With the help of it, we will try to figure out what messages we need to perceive literally, and what you need to decipher.

It is worth saying that the dream, which we will disassemble, dreamed by no means yesterday. "Duration of limitations" - 10 years. But the author of the letter still keeps in mind this dream.

"Sleep dreamed for me a long time ago, at the dawn of our husband with her husband, then we were not even married.

The metro station, the people are very small, the station itself is some kind of gray-marble. Only black rails and black tunnel. I stand in the middle of the station and see how the husband rises to the stairs. And I'm sicking it, it does not turn up, goes up the stairs further. And I remember my thoughts at that moment: "If he died, he would definitely stay mine." And I frightened and woke up from this thoughts.

Here is such a dream of a ten-year limit. I tried to comprehend him myself. At that time, I literally took my idea that I did not trust him that our relationship was for a short time. Despite all the words about love, there is no reciprocity.

And recently I remembered the dream again, I drew the fact that marble, that he is cold, solemn, but not alive. Color gamut gray, dark tunnel, where there is no hint of light at the end. The situation speaks about despair.

And so I think that it was necessary to listen to myself, my sleep, my intuition and part, not to establish relations by anything. To tolerate a lot, forgive, put in yourself. Only to not be abandoned. Maybe life would have formed differently. And give yourself a chance to find mutual love. "

It is worth saying that the letter was touched by his frankness and penetration. Thanks to the simplicity and sincerity of the author, we can say that the dream is almost completely deciphered. There is one "but" - our consciousness makes too hasty conclusions.

Now let's turn to the analysis of sleep. In a dream, the girl dies his partner who does not look at her and leaves.

The entourage in the dream "selected" is not by chance. Metro, Tunnel is some kind of dungeon. It can be assumed that the dream demonstrates that about the "depth", non-obvious, the pair of tremendous things is still not able to talk.

Perhaps on the "surface" it is easy for them together, but when it comes to the depths of relations, then there is still not built.

This dream is a decade ago. Perhaps at that time a dream was evidenced by the fact that the relationship is not yet strong that the "deep" themes are still closed with gray marble, all "solemnly" and indispensable.

Now let's turn to the thoughts of the heroine in a dream. "If he dies, then I will remain mine." The desire to keep significant relationships at all costs, I think it is familiar to many. As a lyrical digression, I can say that such thoughts do not mean the wish of real physical death. Rather, it talks about the desire to temper some passion in relationships. A lively and dynamic person can challenge, quarrel, doubt the prospects, even want freedom and leave. Because the relationship is to save, they need to "kill": to do, maybe less dynamic, but more predictable.

I can assume that the dream allegorically hints then about the desire to control relations, to delve into fear. However, our rational mind makes a reactive unambiguous conclusion: "Once a dream is so hard, then it is necessary to finish the relationship. They have no prospects. " This conclusion can be done, but our dreams are not such one-dimensional. Perhaps the best option would be to share their considerations and difficult experiences with a partner. To communicate, listen to his attitude to what is happening, express accumulated and restrained feelings.

It is important to say that sleep is still remembered. So, the message of the dream is relevant again.

The ability of a person to speak openly about the most difficult and painful experiences opens the way to build living, warm and sincere relationships.


Waiting for your letters again. Send them to the address: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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