Dreams in the face of danger


We have already disassembled more than once that our dreams speak with us symbols, trying to break through the protection and convey to consciousness important topics that it, consciousness, should take into account.

Conflict, charged topics are stored in the bottomless reservoir - the subconscious. However, they seek to enter the light as soon as their owner has fed a little strength for a conscious coincidence with these conflicts.

Short dream of our dreams today can be interpreted in different ways.

"The other day I saw a dream, two more hands came out of the hole through the hole, they were such alive, as if I was Shiva. It happened high in the mountains, where I slept on the crowd of the rock, and it threatened to me."

Perhaps there are two brightest dream symbols: extra hands and sheer cliff.

Let's start with the latter. The rock is a symbol of support, but unspecified, unreliable, dangerous. And the hands that are more doubled, is a symbol of actions or inaction. Hands - a symbol of our actions. On the edge of the abyss of the hands becomes more - a possible symbol of fuss, additional efforts before the danger that comes.

Perhaps the dream reflects the fussiness, the stormy activity of our dreams, when it is necessary to take something in the unreliable situation in which it turned out to be.

Sleep processes the main stress of the day. Since no comments were offered to sleep, I assume that the dream reflects some not last, and the current life situation of the dreams.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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