Fedor Vorontsov: "Three days before the Pope did not, I asked for a blessing for marriage"


She was named after the heroine of Roman Dostoevsky, and she was lucky to meet his Fyodor Mikhailovich. Fyodor Vorontsov and Aglaya Shilovskaya saw this symbol and on August 11 of this year in secret of the press officially issued their relations. Not only in the registry office, but also in the church. About the interweaving of artistic fiction with life dramatic - our conversation with newlyweds.

- Guys, as I understand it, you did not accidentally appointed a meeting in a sports car where football is constantly broadcast, because the Aglaya is watching the matches now with her husband, as before with the Father ...

Aglaya: I'm not a fan, but I understand the game and continue to watch the championships - only at home, on the big screen. And in our, and in the parent apartment in the TV can constantly observe the green lawn background. Moreover, if we with dad with Dynamo, then Fedya - for CSKA. Well, that not for Spartak.

Fedor: If it were different, my father would simply not give Agela married me.

Aglaya: Yes, in secret, I will say that I met with a young man, Spartak fan, and that's it all upset. And then, on the contrary, it has grown. And even the son of Fyodor Eight-year-old Matvey loves Cristiano Ronaldo, engaged in football, goes to the school of the Olympic reserve, and we believe that one day he will become a star.

Fedor: True, while he more gives hope in the commentation art, which, in fact, is also good.

- Aglaya, it turns out, for the first time you met the child when he was completely even a crumb?

Aglaya: February 14 will be seven years old as me with Fedi together, and I first met with Matve, when he was a year and a half, and he was then in the middle of the room with a vacuum cleaner. And then somewhere in a year locked me in the toilet ...

Fedor: This is a very funny story. I released the "Demons" play in the Vakhtangov theater with Yuri Petrovich, we had long rehearsals, and I asked to sit with the son of Glazhenka ...

Aglaya: Head - my diminutive-smear homemade name. So call me close. In general, in the family, I almost every six months come up with a new clikuhu. And then Matyusha really closed me in the bathroom for laughter. The situation was extreme: the entrance door is locked from the inside - no one will save, and water in the bathroom is gaining water in the bath - and the child does not make sure to crane to close it. I fell into a wild panic, sobbed, screamed, but some time later Matvey coped with a complex castle, guessed to pull the old door to herself, and I was released. That stressful situation, I must say, we combined us, and now we are friends. So the child is absolutely no injury that parents diverged and now dad has a new woman. I even with Matthew Renata Mama in normal relations, we call.

Fedor: When Matthews were accomplished in the first class, and then all together - I, Aglaya, Renata, Masha's godfather, were in one kitchen, were very pleased that all the roughness were settled and in any case one family.

Fedor Vorontsov:

"I had a wound from the previous rupture, I did not build any specific plans, and suddenly the man calls, who seems to be the father of Aglai, and offers a meeting"

Photo: Personal archive Aglai Shilovskaya and Fyodor Vorontsova

"We got a little ride ahead, you met after all in" Pike ", right?"

Aglaya: Yes, I got to the Institute of Fifteen-year old, and Fedya, despite our difference between the ages of seven years, he studied only for a rate older than me.

Fedor: I grew up in the acting family, but I was not originally thought about this profession. Did not consider her male. Therefore, first went to the RGGU at the Faculty of Advertising and Piara and was engaged in parallel with a small business. But burned and came to the conclusion that it, unfortunately, not mine. Later he was thinking about sports journalism, but already printed materials were required in Moscow State University, and I decided that it was easier to enter the theater university. So it happened. And most importantly, I liked it. It's scary to say, but I would have played even for free. Work I give me the same pleasure as the sport that is engaged in free time. I was lucky - in the premises of the Wakhtangov Theater, where I have the honor to serve, there is a beautiful gym, a bath, a swimming pool. In addition, because of the injury of the back is forced to make special gymnastics daily. Previously, it annoyed me, and now I am even grateful to this circumstance for an excellent mode that allows you to keep yourself in shape.

Aglaya: I'm not inclined to sports - madly lazy. Only swimming in joy. My real passion is music. At leisure, I play the flute and on the electronic piano, which was presented by Fedya.

"Fedor, you didn't make any attempts to drag my wife to myself in popular and, as it turns out, with all the amenities the repertoire theater?

Aglaya: While I am not ready to serve in the troupe. I agree to play only on the contract, on one-time productions. As I had in the Operetta Theater, where I worked for six years with the musicals "Count Orlov" and "Monte Cristo". I basically remove into the movies, and coordinate the schedule in case of constant work is difficult. Moreover, I am freedomizing, I got the quality from my father - director Ilya Shilovsky, who also tolerate can not depend on someone. In general, my dream - so that Fedor wrote a play, Dad put her, and I would play her, and we all went to tour. We are already doing the first steps in this direction. Fedya composed a play, and his dad is just posing at the Vakhtangov Theater. God forbid, next year they will release the premiere.

- Acting Union, in your opinion, benefit?

Aglaya: At all, not sure. The element of rivalry will invariably present. We know examples and do not want to repeat them. For this reason, I am also pushing Fedya to another area.

Fedor: Frankly, at first jealousy to the healing media, her success, I had earnings. But then I killed this feeling in myself, because I felt how cool to do something together. Perhaps the cinema is still ahead. Emboscience to what I do not want, the benefit of the theater salary it allows me, and in those pictures, where I strive do not claim. Mind - this is not an end in itself. I'm not used to building something. Not from those actors who, leaving the evening on the stage in the role of Othello, refuse to end the garbage in the morning and wash the dishes. I can also kill the shelf if necessary. The farm does not scare me. In the future, perhaps I will get a farming, I will build a house ...

Fedor Vorontsov:

"I paid attention to how much Fedya is restrained and decent - even when everything in his family was completely not good, he remained absolutely closed for other women"

Photo: Personal archive Aglai Shilovskaya and Fyodor Vorontsova

- Apparently, everybody does not bother you both ...

Aglaya: I am a bad mistress. I can't worry, wipe dust. This dad launched me - always forgive me a little creative mess and defended to my mother when she called on everything to put in place. Now, Fedor Mikhailovich suffers because of this.

Fedor: This is not true. Aglaya and erases, and stroking, and cook learned. When we just started meeting, somehow have invited my comrade to visit, and she treated us "Glasman", so this dish called my friend. It was digestible, half-winged stone buckwheat. We hardly tried to swallow a couple of spoons in order not to offend, but it was a real test. Now the agile is stunningly cooking borsch, it is her corona dish. And with others also copes. In principle, we clearly do not distribute duties at home: who is not busy now, he performs what you need. We do not swear in such trifles.

Aglaya: Even tired, having arrived from the performance, Fedya will always help me to pull out things from the washing machine, spend them ... He is perfect. (Laughs.)

- Your relationship, in fact, rose from friendship. In your eyes, Fyodor became a father, you were aware of each other ...

Aglaya: I remember how he congratulated him with the birth of the firstborn, we considered photos. I drew attention to how much Fedya is restrained and decent - even when everything was not good in his family, he remained absolutely closed for all other women. Right energy slam down - not to break through. Only when he left home, something began to gradually change. He invited me to visit ...

Fedor: It's great that the Head showed the initiative in our convergence. We suddenly saw each other in a different way.

- If this is not love at first glance, it does not make sense to ask about the first impression ...

Fedor: From what! I remember how I went to the audience and saw some man with a child. It was seventeen year old. But then she looked at her classmate. The head smiled by a children's smile, the light fell from the window on her, and she reminded Madonna.

Aglaya: And I have a picture: I sit on the first floor of the institute, Fedya comes into the premises, it is immediately literally fascinated by classmates, they say something, and I think about myself: "What a handsome guy!" Then I was on the show, where the light suddenly turned off, and Fedya, improvising, quite ridiculously played this moment. The sense of humor Fyodor Mikhailovich is one of the most powerful guns.

Fedor Vorontsov:

"When Dad lay in the hospital, I waited for the operation, I began to think: what should I do while he is alive? The decision came itself: to ask for a wedding blessing"

Photo: Oleg Zotov

- Aglaya, in an interview you have repeatedly recognized that in relationship you like to be such a capricious girl and give the palm of the championship to a man ...

Fedor: This is true truth. I am director of the theater, but I pretend that the head is the main director and artistic director. Aglaya, after all, has a strong rod and clear understanding, which she wants. It is this combination of femininity and strength besides the beauty and everything else attracted me. With an irrepressive desire to control everything and the whole earliest was still brought up in a classic family, where the man is chief, so dreams of driving her hand. I suffer with all this. And with the girl, and with the rod. But at the same time I adore and idol.

Aglaya: You know, we are intangible people, we do not concentrate on luxury items, on some stylish setting and live by other values. It is important to us which person is near. That's when I moved to Fedor, I didn't care that he temporarily lived a classmate, and I did not sympathize. Fedor promised him a shelter for a while and could not help but hold the word. I had to put up with a stranger. And still wash the dishes in the bathroom, since the sink broke down ... It was difficult, but we did not focus on it.

"Fedor, father's daughters are usually difficult to leave the hearth, and the head of the family strictly follows the cavaliers. How did you get the relationship with the future test?

Fedor: Today we are friends. And then, six months later, as we started to meet with Agela, I still had a wound from the previous break, I didn't build any specific plans, and suddenly someone calls me, it seems to be a meeting. Well, I, of course, agreed. Eight hours we spoke in the house of the movie.

Aglaya: I was eighteen years old, I myself earned money, and I was forced to come home to eleven. I was psychodula, went to Fedor, who fell in love before he was in me, and thus unconsciously provoked this conversation. I do not know what they were about them, but everything was the best. They can now speak several hours on the phone.

Fedor: I think Ilya Vsevolodovich was convinced of my most decent attitude towards his daughter. In addition, my grandmother's concern bribed him. During our conversation, she called me from Peter, I apologized, said that it was holy, and took the phone that it clearly caused respect. Well, football turned out to be unlucky. In general, through Mom and Pope, I fell into love more in it, so they impressed me so much - extraordinary, multifaceted, and at the same time affordable, understanding, honest.

Couple together for 7 years

Couple together for 7 years

Photo: Personal archive Aglai Shilovskaya and Fyodor Vorontsova

Aglaya: The fact that Fedy accepted and fell in love with my relatives was also a decisive factor. I would not categorically be able to live in a permanent hostility with relatives. After all, if those who do not really trust, do not like your chosen one, it means that there are still adequate causes. And today I, if we quarrel, we throw subjects (and this happens often - we are an Italian family for temperament), my wise parents, provided that I am not right, it proves it argued, taking the side of my husband, and it's nice. Of course, we behave selfishly, interfering them in our relationship, but they are first-class psychologists and can pick us up instantly. I, in principle, the person prone to depression, panic attacks, I even registered in the rider that everywhere there should be a mother with me. Fedor, I can't carry with me everywhere! And my mother soothes me with his presence. So if I am a fifteen-year-old buzzer, that, as an adult, eating one into the shooting expedition, then at the moment it is difficult for me to break away from the family that gives heat.

- Aglaya, the parents of Fyodor you, a girl from the famous family, also accounted for?

Aglaya: Yes, and I was not afraid of a responsible dating with Fedin Parents - we are colleagues! With the Fedina Mom, there was an exceptionally warm relationship, I can call her, talk and complain about something. And with dad, which this year, alas, left life, we had just separate love. When I sang him in the Georgian language "Tbilisi", Mikhail Ivanovich was conquered. And how we have fun to celebrate the birthday of Schukinsky school - all the four times got drunk to hell!

Fedor: Three days before the Pope did not, I asked him to bless our marriage, and he gave it to me.

Aglaya: We had a quiet wedding, and according to the gradation of emotions, it will not compare from March 23, that afternoon, when Fedya asked me to become his wife. It was so beautiful! Like in the movies! I could not even imagine anything like this, although I have been waiting for a long time ago. It was like this: I was filmed in the Crimea, and in one of the weekends we agreed with my mother to go to see the Palace of the Tsarist Family in Livadia. Mom has already become strangely to behave in five days - plunged into telephone correspondence, but I did not give it values. On the way, I wrote messages to dad, and he did not answer me what was out of a series of outgoing. In Livadia, Mom began to call me hard for some reason first to church, and not to the palace. There I put a candle - and here I saw the part of Fedor. I was shocked! We came out of the church, he handed me a ring of his great-grandmother, I saw a dad-thrown out this scene and burst up ... The comicness of the situation gave the fact that the tourists passing at that moment, having learned me, rushed to me, roaring, for autographs, but seeing the proposal Fedor with a ring, stopped and waited with curiosity than everything will end. We have already lived together for six years, and I thought that we were just as a week and get married, but Fedya could surprise me, made a holiday. Romantic fairy tale.

But married lovers only recently - in August 2017

But married lovers only recently - in August 2017

Photo: Personal archive Aglai Shilovskaya and Fyodor Vorontsova

- Something changed the legal marriage?

Fedor: No for me. My parents got married very late, and I never understood why it was necessary. Then I realized that if I love a woman and she wants a wedding, then you should not resist. When the dad went in the spring and lay in the hospital, I waited for a leg amputation surgery, I arrived in their apartment on Arbat, lay down on the bed and began to reflect on what I need to do while he was alive. The decision came to say with itself - ask for a wedding blessing with Agelia.

Aglaya: We had such a swing: our happiness - and immediately tragedy ... After the wedding, I immediately felt the difference in relations before and after. I became much calmer, peaceful, internally already coming on concessions with myself. And Fedya, maybe, he does not give a report, but also became more tolerant and closes his eyes on some things. For us, it is obvious: it is forever, and all difficulties we must pass together, to lie to the bones so that the family does not break.

- In addition to creative what other joint plans are building?

Aglaya: Now our primary task is a daughter! We even came up with her name. And one more boy.

Fedor: And in order to ever disappear from our living life. To this internal connection, live emotion, based on attention to each other, sometimes ironic provocations, never broke. But this is my personal goal.

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