Alexander Dobrovinsky: "Sooner or later, they all become my clients"


He called me late at night.

- Listen, "Kirill said," one of my girlfriend urgently wants you ...

Further the line disappeared. I instinctively moved away from the bed lying nearby, then I decided that it was still, most likely, at work, she threw a robe and went into the office.

He called back in five minutes.

- One of my girlfriend urgently wants to see in the case, "continued Killukov," a beautiful such girl, you will get aesthetic pleasure. Made to me. What we are talking about, I do not know. He says that only you and no one besides you.

"The half thinks so," I decided to myself and disconnected.

On the appointed day, I calmly read the crispy newspaper, finishing the coffee in a cup with the inscription "Beloved", when I saw the side vision on the monitor that some kind of Brownian male movement occurs in the reception.

Boys walked past the expected room there and back without stopping. It was heard like girls at the reception dispersed with teeth.

She entered the office, and I slept slightly, as after the Uppercot of both Klitschko. The first round was the obvious advantage of Nelly.

We talked. Mother - Tatarka from Saratov, from her got a little dark silky leather, wavy curls of golden brown-haired, cheerful, slightly hooligan look and serious smoky chest, understandable to an experienced x-ray view through a silk blouse. Dad - a basketball player from Vilnius, whom he at one time was called to the local Volga team, gave her daughter growth, transparent Baltic green eyes with a painful and some kind of cat sports grace. With something elusive, she reminded the improved auntar of Karl Bruni in the best years, but dressed was obviously graceful than the former first French lady. However, Karl on this, in my opinion, scored ...

- What can I do for you? I asked the guest.

That is, of course, it would be better if she asked me the same question first. I had the answer from the very beginning of our meeting. But not all the cat yourself understand what ...

- I want to judge the Ric Hotel for five million euros. The one in Paris, she said and threw his leg leg.

"A serious topic," I noticed and offered to transfer to a comfortable sofa. To "rithu" so simply in the negotiations will not pick up.

We have moved. She retrained one leg aside. In the eyes darkened. "Or pressure, or interruptions with light," I decided. I corrected the butterfly and for some reason he said: "I agree." Then I thought a little and added to strengthen the legal position in the Paris court, it is definitely Russian: "Ripping, like a tuzyc warmer!" Words came out of me in a whisper and through three "p". It was terribly not only a great hotel, but also to me.

"You see, Alexander Andreevich, I am a student journalism, a secretarious MSU," Nelly began his story. - Two weeks ago I wanted to spend Weekend in Paris. It has not been for a long time, you know. I flew there on Friday morning and stopped in Rice on the Vandom Square, in short.

- Well, of course, I noticed. - Where else can you stay in Paris? Second year student. Journal. MSU. Well, just it would be ridiculous to imagine another. AND?

- On the first evening, on Friday, we went with friends to the club. Danced, laughing, it was very good. There I got acquainted with one local, Simon. Nice. It can be seen that with a serious eurocupas. Looks like a wealthy son. Great English. Although it seems, a great opinion about your pretty face.

"I understand," I said. Simon loomed in front of me in disgusting tones, but Ritz was still hiding in the fog.

- In short, he began gently care for me. Romantic and all that. Then the same Simon took me to the hotel at night.

"Here it is!" He swept in his head, and for some reason I looked at the chance of a randomly open reversal for beauty on the table of the magazine with the article "The Brave Heart of the Dobrovinsky lawyer".

- And? - I zagundosil with a French proncess again. The people in my only face longed for details.

- And ... nothing ... just spent everything. Well, kissed. Holded for the places ... And so - nothing ... nothing serious. Do you understand?

- Nellyochka, yes you do not pay attention, continue, relax. This is me looking stupid, and so I'm smart, and even very much. AND?

- Well, in general, you understood. However, I accepted the strategic decision to sleep with him the next day - on Saturday.

That is, as I understood, romantic and "for places" - it was rather tactical actions. And Saturday plan is already a strategy. Napoleon would be alive, would drive Nelly for beer with his tactics and a strategy for Nishchebrudes ... It was all the triwick.

- So far, my dear, I understand everything. In addition to "Rice". "Ritz" did not insert in my tactics or in the strategy ...

- Eschah will happen, see. In short, in the morning I had breakfast and decided to make a light shopping on Foburs-Sant-Onor, or as our girls Fobur Holy Gonorrhea call him. There are good shops ...

"I know," I replied. - Not the first day married. That is, not for the first time married.

- So. I walked a little bit in holy gonor, then I took a taxi and arrived back. Just all was in purchases for the evening ... At one of our Grymza snatched a skirt with portraits from under the nose. So cool, go crazy. And I say to her: "Why do you need a skirt with portraits? You will look pale in the coffin on their background. " And she again I am some kind of nasty. And she: "So for three hundred rubles, no one, except necrophile, will not love." And the handbag is such a cool yet, from Python with silk, I just had this, but I gave her ninke, but I forgot someone in the country at all with my dacket ... And then I found myself, and where now the handbag is not I know. And the back was given a new one, I had to give fifty dollars. Scoundrels. There was such a good photo. Almost the key did.

- And? - I tried to interrupt the "flow to infinity."

- Why are you all tormented me, Alexander? This is all very important for the court, you will see.

Since in the process of conversation my patronymic unexpectedly was shown, like a puppy of the boxer tail, I realized that we quickly approach intimate ...

- So. I returned to the hotel, left all the concierge of Piera-Francois. Beautiful such guy, blond, but, in my opinion, his women are not interested. And went to the bar on the first floor. I just do not eat for the night, but I will be like my zara, and in the movements some awkward appears after a heavy dinner. So I decided to eat something from them. I ate twelve oysters Fin de Claire, then six more with pink cristal, tea with mint and half-macaronly, they are fat, but tasty - horror, even better than in Pushkin. And went to the room to gain strength and relax in front of the evening.

"Yes, of course, a strategy," I snatched, approving daytime sitt.

- I still wanted to wear a new pajamas. Just the end of the world! Spin naked, white collar, silk, chanel. Sexy to the inability. But then decided to leave her for the evening. In short, he lay down in anything. Opened the eyes of an hour later. Dizzy. Disgusting, as before testing. Legs are not legs, wool. I stopped to the bath. And ... Do you remember children's poem? Blavontina raises sails!

"Brigantine," I corrected.

- What's the difference! From all seats - one solid nightmare! Wild poisoning. No strength. Fell into bed. Sick of like a gun. I can not stand. I do everything in the bag, and he is paper! All flows ... I, damn ...

- Stop! - I said. So I did not want in detail.

- Concierge I call, and how to explain what you do not know with me, and I can not. I'm trying to convey to him that I have a "Rigoletto" fountain, and this Baran I am about the opera some nonsense.

"Tupaya Cattle," I quickly agreed.

- In the end, the doctor called. I thought: "Everything, the end to me came here." Put a dropper. Tablets and all that. Looked in bed until the morning Monday. Facial color, like the dead man on the third day. Two days did not eat. No one flew to Moscow. Already chest hung. I barely came to myself ...

- Chest? - Just in case I asked.

- Yes, I myself! In short, I now want five million euros. With Ritsa. Here.

- Why so much? - Slowly began to move to the desired.

Nellie looked at me with an embryo of easy surprise. In the left eye, it was read that her friend Kirill was intercepted me, and the lawyer does not extend something. The client sighed and continued slightly fallen voice.

- How do you not understand? I all found out. Syoma is really the son of oh-very rich parents. So, if we were on that evening everything took place, and I would marry him, after a year, with a divorce, I would get the first five euro from him.

I was shocked. Such logic, such a turnover from the dead oyster, neither I, nor the deceased mollusk expected.

I began to explain. Full hopeless. Of course, I understand that the judicial attention will be attracted to the plaintiff, but the same lawyer will rise against me, only French. He will quickly explain the nonsense that she could eat six oysters around the corner, before or after Ritz. And it was the oyster for Ryu de Rivoli that caused a cunning blow to the memory of Ekaterina Medici from the neighboring Louvre. And that, if you remember, pokes each counter, especially Tatar lithuania. Or Lithuanian tatar. And the rutic shell is not having a sleeve to the Vandom column.

Nelli did not give up for almost an hour. She designed for nothing bought pajamas, on a shiny eye Simon on Friday evening, on my stupidity ... and on a reusable "Rigolet" in the paper bag Hermes.

Already in the door, flashing with a green eye with a slightly painful or tear, I no longer understood from fatigue, a second-year student Zhurfak asked a sacramental question:

- Alexander, and what should I do next time in a similar situation?

- If you bring me a piece of G. on the seal of the hotel "Ritz", then we will break the hotel, and Simon, and all his birth to New Year's confetti. Tuzik with its heating lamps off the envy ...

She went and left. With nothing. With broken hopes.

Several years have passed. I met her that had a chalkworm of diamonds and added noticeably in the classroom, at one charity ball. We twisted in two words about this ... for some reason I remembered the chastushka "My dear in the coffin, I was attached ...". But in contrast to the logic of the folk folklore, instead of me there was a formerity of the first row of the notorious list.

- Are you familiar with Alexander Andreevich? "Smiling, asked Nellechkin's husband."

- Oh yeah! - My old friend answered. - We just talked about how it was possible to eat in the hotel "Ric" before the repairs began there a year ago.

"I am sure that your spouse can cook no less wonderful dinner for you in Moscow." And and, and personally, herself, - I noticed with my peculiar to me with a kindness and understanding of the storylines of human relations.

- What a wonderful idea, Alexander Andreevich! You, as always, a storehouse of wisdom! We certainly have to call you the other day and everything is to discuss everything, "Nelly noticed, taking her beloved on hand.

Sooner or later, they all become my customers ...

No, wrong. Rather, it is bad or in good.

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