How to emphasize the power and feminine clothes?

Anonim continues the rubric in which Karina Efimova, an expert on creating an authentic wardrobe, gives advice for each specific readers applied to it for help. Today is our heroine - Maria: "I never listened to third-party councils. In childhood, somehow everything was organic - that it was possible to get it, it wore. Parents are artists, so and with taste somehow, it seems, normal. And then. Then everything is also harmonious. But there are still questions:

1. Color gamut, most suitable for me by the type.

2. What kind of silhouette suits me the most? What length? I have a short neck and periodic weighing problems. How to hide it?

3. What to wear categorically impossible? "

Maria - today's heroine

Maria - today's heroine

The first question about the color gamut is pleased with the simple, because Maria is a bright representative of the winter color, and this is completely exactly cold bright, saturated colors. Black and white in conjunction with any bright color Maria will perfectly result and transformed. It is confident that there will be no questions for the heroine in determining the color of the color - it grew up in the family of artists, and let's remind you that the colors having a blue subton are considered cold. That is, it is 6 colors opposite to the color circle with orange and yellow. Yellow can also be cold, and blue - have warm shades, except for orange temperatures constant - it is warm, even hot.

So, for Mary Ideal colors - bright clean cold. They most beautifully emphasize the cold pinky skin shade and dark eyes and hair.

In my opinion, the best dresses will be maxi - to the floor. In Mary, I feel strength, earthlyness, and therefore, in my opinion, long clothes will look very harmonious. At the same time, I would not recommend choosing elongated jackets, they should ends at 5-7 cm above the widest place of the hips in order to visually not expand the figure. Maria writes that it periodically has overweight and prefers to hide it. I believe that the best way to hide extra volumes is not to hide them. It sounds periodocal, however, trying to hide yourself for wide hoods, women once again emphasize or clearly hint that they have problems with weight. The only correct option is to competently pick up your size. The clothes should not be too tight, pull or be unnecessarily free. Choose those storks that sit clearly in a figure, having denoted the chest, waist and rounded the thighs line. Just as you should not drag yourself from above, you do not need to choose and pants or skirts, closely tight-tight legs, for the bottom of the kit there should always be allowed for free-fitting. In this case, it is better to choose fabrics having their weight.

Hence the answer to the last question - what is categorically impossible? You can not close, hard and dry costumes, you can't frivolous styles and decor, thin heels and sharp gems of shoes, as well as too rude and aggressive elements of clothing - spikes, predatory prints. It should be left on the border of strength and femininity, which is inherent in Mary in life.

As for the neck, it is better to choose hairstyle or haircuts that open the neck, open the zone with the neckline and do not wear turtlenecks, as well as cuts under the throat. With the help of decorations, you can also visually eliminate the neck, putting the elongated necklace, thus, contrary to the beliefs about long earrings, they will only shorten the neck, showing that it is shorter or the same length, like these very earrings - we do not give such an opportunity for Comparisons and choose earrings-cloves or other models located on the lobe.

We remind you that each reader can send a letter with his questions on the mail: [email protected], this will help us make a rubric constant.

Karina Efimova, an expert on the creation of an authentic female wardrobe

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