Notes of Thai Mommy: "After horror with a visa, my husband and daughter could not sleep"


"Lifting - at five in the morning. On the street - another night. We rush to collect things. Exactly 5.30 at the entrance to our village, a mini-bus takes her husband and daughter and takes off somewhere in the darkness. They urgently leave Thailand, leaving me alone in someone else's country.

I, having filled them and failing after the bus, sigh reliefly: Oh, finally, you can at least one day to be alone with you, my beloved. Like a cat, walking by itself, to be one adore. Well, and her husband and her daughter quickly drong in the neighboring Myanmar (which Burma) will return back.

Such trips from Thailand to the nearest Burma (just three hundred kilometers in one direction) are committing thousands of expansions living in Phuket. And what to do: Russian citizens can be in the territory of Thailand without registration of a visa only thirty days, so everyone has to cross the border of the kingdom every month and, putting a cherished stamp already in Myanmar, immediately return back. Some "lucky people" such travel has accumulated ten passports pages.

Myanmar meets gilded stups and pagodas.

Myanmar meets gilded stups and pagodas.

You can, of course, make yourself an annual student visa, paying training in any language school Phuket. That is how we acted immediately upon arrival in Thailand. But documents on the ED visa are preparing for about a month, or even more: all papers go to the Thailand Ministry of Education, where they are rechecked and assured, so this procedure is not fast. So I had to my husband with my daughter, while their documents are still drawn up, urgently go to Burma.

This business has already established. Pay 1200-1500 baht (in rubles - as much) for a one-day tour called "Visa-RAS" (Visa-Run) and - further already give up the power of the driver of mini-bass. He takes you dark in the morning of the house, lucky to Myanmar, for the road, it helps, helps to fill the necessary documents, pays $ 10 for a Myanm visa, and then brings back to Phuket.

Hundreds of boats with tourists run from Thailand to Myanmar and back.

Hundreds of boats with tourists run from Thailand to Myanmar and back.

On the one hand, convenient. But there is also the second side of the medal, invisible to those who have never drove the Viza Ran. In any case, her husband and daughter, returning after her short trip, categorically stated that they would not go for visas with this tourist company. And on the other - too. Do not go with any tourist companies at all. Because only a few hours of your journey, they sawing such horror that a couple of days would not be able to close the eyes ... "

Continued ...

Recall that Olga Saprykin left last year in Thailand to give birth to a son in the country of eternal summer.

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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