Olesya Zheleznyak: "My taste is absolutely not in demand by my life"


Olesya Zheleznyak's fame brought the film Tigran Keosayan "Lily Silver", where she played a funny provincial girl, dreaming of becoming a singer. The second round of popular love came with the role of assertive and charming Larisa on the most popular TV series, the new season of which, after a large break, to joy and spectators, and the participants themselves, were removed this summer. By the way, in one of the parts of "Svatov" she starred pregnant, and today, Oleschenko and her husband, actor Apart from Cumchenko, already four children. Younger Fome - three years, and perhaps this is not the end of the story ...

- Olesya, you are all the same funny girl, which is fifteen years ago, although a large mother is already ...

- Truth? So it's great! Probably, I am because all the time somewhere running, I'm going to go ... I spend a lot of time in traffic, although I miss the house. I always had more work in the entrepreneurs than in the movies. In principle, I am a little removable artist.

- Why is it so possible? Do you refuse a lot?

- No, I have little sentences, because everyone knows that I am actively busy in the theater. And when they are invited somewhere, then I usually play so tightly (or also rehearsing) that I can not let down people. And this is a vicious circle. Then I sit on a long time without filming and I think how to be. Everyone says that I have to dismiss the time to work in a movie, for which I answer: "What if I give up something, and there will be no shooting that then?" Although constant touring trips are a hard story for a woman, for artist, for mom. But this is how there is a life that in the repertoire theater I am little in demand, they love me more as "artist of fungi."

Olese's fame brought a role in the picture

Olece's fame brought a role in the painting "Lily Silver"

Frame from the film

- But "Shatta" you managed to combine tours, and not one season ...

- Yes, but it was mostly summer shooting. And, by the way, this summer, after a big break, we shot the continuation of the "matchmakers" in Minsk. And last fall directed by Roma Samghin, with whom the mass of works in the theater was made and now the premiere of the "Last Chance" premiered, invited me to the picture "lucky case." But I myself never go to anyone.

- What is happening in "Lenkom" now?

- I continue to play my performances, rushing with these roles, but nothing new is happening. For different reasons. Although my attitude to the brand Anatolyevich does not change. He is my teacher forever.

- Your family: Spartak, children, sisters - Watch your work?

- Senior children - Savely and Agafya - were recently on the play "Cherry Garden". But actually they are not very inclusive in my professional life. I just thought that I would need to look at it while I still play cook. Moreover, I do not have a lot of classical repertoire. And they reacted very seriously to my work, discussed her with me. Sisters go to me on performances, often praise. Their opinion is important to me. This is insanely nice, because sometime they as they did not particularly perceive me. And now they are very supported.

- You are always with such tenderness, love and pain talking about your parents ...

- Nothing would not be without my family. I had an unusually talented daddy. When he said something, it fell right away in the eyebrow, but in the eye. He all the time came up with some kind of complex stories. He was generally a feast man, incredible generosity, with a hundred percent sense of humor. In general, my parents were amazing people. With a wide soul. I remember that we were sisters all the time found some cats with kittens. And my mother took us. And when my little nephew asked the mouse, my mother went outside and caught her. She brought a jar with a plastic cap, puzzled in several places where the sweaty mouse was sitting. All my childhood lived some people: relatives, friends, acquaintances. We often slept on the clamshells, there was some kind of migration around the apartment, my mother I went out to your bed ... She gave the last, although we lived very modestly, and worked in three places. We tried to help her at home and at work. In Atelier, where she worked as a cutter, in the evenings also cleaned. And we went, cleaned the snow there. I was seven years old. Probably, I just stood on the street, the older sisters did something, but still ... I was the third child and my favorite. Until now, sisters clarify relationships: they say, "loved you most." I had a wonderful family and the happiest childhood.

Olesya Zheleznyak:

The popular series "Shatta" The whole country looked with pleasure

Photo: instagram.com/olesyazheleznyak

- Now your children have a happy childhood, although you manage not to slow down the pace of work. And kuraza in relation to the profession did not become less?

- I certainly have fatigue. From daily performances, from trips, from forced communication with people ... But this is human fatigue, and not creative. I love my profession very much. Although my life is not easy (laughs) - I work a lot, I have a lot of problems related to debts, including mortgage, and repair. I all owes all over Moscow - I would sit in the debt point in ancient times, but, thank God, people are waiting. For what I am very grateful to them.

- And when did you have a vacation for the last time?

- This summer. We all went to relax in Greece together, and many years did not have holidays at all. And this fatigue really accumulated.

- Children grow up. You have already for the third child this year went to school. Heavier to manage with young children or when are they older?

- Differently. As soon as children appear, anxiety immediately appears, and I understand that it is for life. You are worried about them, I want them to be happy, they did not suffer to not be offended ... Of course, it is impossible to protect them from everything, but I am a restless mother, such a chicken-zenet. Looking at the photo where the dog is lying and eight young, Spartak always says: "This is absolutely you." I agree. So it simply resigned with his kind, I adapt to my children, to the world ...

- Do you often know yourself in children?

- I recognize. And sometimes it pleases, sometimes grieves. Sometimes there are tragicomic situations. For example, I am very clear since childhood. And the savelius went to me. Once he fell and hit his hand. I asked him: "Savely, didn't you have acute pain?" He asked me: "acute pain?!" And ... fainted. In general, you think that children learn from you, and then you realize that in fact you are studying with them. And I often play the performances of my children: their reactions, their relationship, because an adult is almost no different from kids - only social skills and acquired knowledge.

- But there are people scammerous ...

- It happens. I recently looked with the children a wonderful cartoon "Little Prince" and thought: how to wonderfully save a child in yourself! But it is impossible to fly. It's funny when you portray yourself someone.

Another small, but remembered by Zheleznyak - in a romantic comedy

Another small one, but the remembered role of Zheleznyak - in the romantic comedy "Love in the Big City"

Frame from the film

- You have always been soft and did not know how to defend our rights in the professional sphere. How are things going now?

- I realized that this is my profession, and you need to be able to fight. For example, once he came to the producer and stated: if we want our performance to be high-quality, and not cheap, I need a wig and decorations that do not rush in your hands. And she said, apparently, so that he finally heard me.

- With domestic problems, they also kill him?

- No, they scare me. (Laughs.) The husband pays for the apartment, because one type of receipts leads me to confusion. Once at home we have turned off the light, and for half an hour I just fell into a stupor. I remember how a psychologist from school, where Savely learn, told me: "Your son solve rebuses, with which adults cannot cope, but can not get the ball from the puddle." He has already solved complex tasks in primary classes, and simple things put it in a dead end and so far. And I thought: "Lord, really is inherited?!" Once, it was a few years ago, I was driving a train from the filming, and from twelve to two o'clock in the morning with the door of my coupe, there was an irreconcilable struggle. But she could not open and left. I called Spartak, and he asked me: "Why don't you shout? You're not alone in the car! " And I was palsy from fear. After all, I still went with strange money - asked to convey a large amount ...

- What spartak husband and father? And is he not jealous of you to success, to demand?

- Not! How then to live in the family?! Spartak is an amazing person. I sometimes discern that few people know what he he is. Spartak is the best dad. And at home can do everything. Children adore him.

- Are you a strict mom?

- In my opinion, no. We do not scold children in principle. One day, Prokhor, he was not two years old, took a black marker and painted the wallpaper in a big room. And by the time we have already made repairs for two years. And when I saw it, I had a hearty spasm, but I quickly took myself in my hands and calmed down: the children have children, porridge - and God with him. We allow our lot. As Nabokov said: "Pleasure children, you do not know what they expect them." But sometimes it is necessary to show severity - for example, control the process of performing homework, which, of course, do not want to do. Savely periodically wipes, tells me that an excellent student. And when my hands comes to an electronic diary (I still do not understand how to use it, - the husband shows), I find out that everything is not so joyful. I see "Troika" and "Two", and here I get strict and starting to yell. Then I leave. And everything is forgotten until the next time.

"None of your child walked to kindergarten." Why? It would be easier ...

- by and large I did not do this and do not do on fundamental considerations. I believe that kindergarten is a place for children. I understand, some have to be decided on this from despair. But the child can not be good without mom. True, Prokhor with Agasha went to the garden year before the school, they were asked themselves, but it took place in free mode, not every day and before lunch. And I myself in childhood in any teams, except for school, was not. Even in pioneer camps, although I am a third child in the family. I liked to sit at home and wait for my mother from work. And no matter how I explained that a kindergarten is needed to a child for socialization, I'm sure: socialization will still overtake you, you can not get anywhere.

With Gauche Kutsenko in the picture

With Gauche Kutsenko in the picture "With me, this is what is happening"

Frame from the film

- Do you have any small part of life only for yourself, in your pleasure?

- She is all for himself. I do not know what I have separately for myself, it is difficult to solve. If in some hotel there is a spa, then occasionally I can go there. But the main thing is that it does not last long. Through forty minutes, I begin to ask: "When will it end? .." I have a body. I am not vegan, I do not drink liters water. We eat the house potatoes, love it, it is an affordable and simple food that can be prepared in different ways. But it is important for me that the potatoes are good. I distinguish high-quality food from bad and tasteless, I understand how the tomato should smell ... I generally love to cook when there is time. I can bake an original cake. I love feeding children.

- Have time to read not for business some book or watch a movie?

- It happens, but only on the road. I was presented with a smartphone - before I had a push-button phone. I am among the lagging in this matter. (Laughs.) So now I have mastered several programs, but I do not communicate in social networks, I always better do it live, than virtually.

"You somehow said:" Love is a living thing, even children are not a hindrance to her. " And I remembered what you were tortured who did not sleep when Thomas were born, and Spartak said: "What we have done!" ...

- Yes. But these thoughts arise into a transitional moment when a new person appeared. Men are less persistent. But we slept, and everything was improved.

- I remember you told me that you can't play a "lady's visit" - you do not feel your beautiful ...

- Yes, in that work it really was important. But I am not for aggressive beauty, I don't think that beauty should declare about himself. I generally stopped thinking on this topic. I want, of course, to be young, beautiful, healthy. But the main thing is adequate, time and space.

"You just feel like your appearance, including in clothes." But I was very laughing, having heard your phrase: "I am with a beauty" ...

- Yes, I love shopping very much. But now I have "everything for the front, everything for victory" - that is, repair. Recently, with Tatiana Grigorievna Vasilyeva were in Kharkov. They did not know what to do, and went to some expensive boutique in the city center. And ... all day there spent there. Merili, dressed up, chose a lot of outfits, then removed, they said that they would come to them and buy. (Laughs.) Somehow came through his wardrobe, looked at things - and thought that all this would probably be worn by Agafia. I bought fur boa in America for fifteen dollars, but they look expensive. I often think my taste is absolutely not in demand by my life. (Laughs.) We do not go to guests and red tracks. But they gathered Agash at the graduation in the fourth grade, and she said: "Mom, I have nothing to wear." They began to choose a dress - I offered her what we bought in the winter, to which the daughter said: "I have already seen me." I laughed: "Well, Agafya, you just choose how to choose a red carpet."

Olesya Zheleznyak with her husband Spartak Subchenko and the Senior Son Savely

Olesya Zheleznyak with her husband Spartak Subchenko and the Senior Son Savely

Gennady Avramenko

- Spartak was chapped by you in Gitis, when you were weirdly dressed and even without makeup. And now it needs to be surprised by something external?

- No, but I think my husband is still surprised by the fact that I am an artist. He meets me after the performances, sees how the flowers give me ... I am very interested in him, and I hope that he too. You need to choose a husband with which it will be about to talk about. Some couples do not talk at all with each other! Sometimes I see how young people come to the cafe, each with her phone, will cuff in it, everyone has their own life ...

- Do you have guests at home?

- We meet with some people, but not at home. I have one close person in the theater, you can call her friend, - Tatyana Kravchenko. She is my pain, my cross, my joy and trouble. We have a hand together with her for a long time. Created, discuss a lot, but come to visit ... - There is no time for it, so we are found only at work. And Spartak can sometimes break out to friends, but rarely, when I am at home. Although, I confess when I am at home, I want him to be near. We live quite closed life. We have enough of our society, probably.

- But friends are friends - almost native people ...

- So I have no such. And it seems to me that they do not need me. I miss mom - here you want to talk to her. I now remember how she confessed me, little: "I so want to talk with my mother!" I then did not understand this. And now, when there are difficult moments in my life, I think: "How I want to call my mother! .." And I understand that I can not do this. Sometimes I sit crying, children come and ask: "Mom, why are you crying?" - And I answer: "It is from happiness, son." Here is such a life.

- It is impossible to defeat pain from mom's loss, although it takes time ...

- Yes, the feeling that something was taken out of you, this emptiness will not be filled with anything. You simply live with her, you think about it every minute, you don't always be so acute, but she does not disappear anywhere. And I feel so sorry for my children when I think I will not be ... But in general, we are fine, there is a cat, a dog. In the summer, the cat broke his paw. Agasha climbed into the closet - there she hides candy from their brothers - and from the darkness it looked like a cat with burning eyes. And she automatically closed the door, frightened, and he glanced his paw ... We had the last day in the garden at Prokhor, graduation. We arrived such spiritualized, and the cat hangs his paw. Spartak went to the veterinary clinic with him. Called from there and asks: "What we will do: Operation - is it worth thirty-six thousand - or to sleep? We can't repair the car ... "But I answered Spartak that I have no moral forces to sleep a cat. In the evening came to the performance and shared with Tanya Kravchenko, that I had a cat broke my paw, and she said: "I will give you money. You can not give away - this is not you, but the cat. " Then we looked at the poor fellow, made him injections.

- With your sense of humor and self-irony, it is time to play a monospect flow about your life ...

- That's why my stories are paid, the case has not yet come. (Laughs.) Although I often say that I can ride with stories by cities and water. But I love to play with a partner and is very proud of when they say: "With you so easy! You are such a wonderful partner! " There is no better praise for me. It seems to me that it's great to give, and the more you give, the more you get in return.

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