Be ready: what you did not say in 20 years


When you are 20 years old, it seems that youth will never end, which means not to worry about what. However, it is such thoughts detaining you in one place, not giving changing - it is important to understand that with age many problems if they disappear, then in return will appear new, which will also need to be solved.

What you need to know already in 20 to make as little errors as possible and not lose time?

Friends find everything more difficult

Friends find everything more difficult


Do not limit yourself to one work.

Yes, hard work is able to raise you to a new level in a social hierarchy, but the idea that your opportunities are limited to the walls of the office, erriched. All your life talked about work as a way to achieve everything, but do not forget that we live in a society where relations are not less important than your hardworking. Do not avoid new acquaintances, perhaps one person will change all your life.

Friends look no longer so easy

In childhood, find a friend is not difficult - just fit and offer to be friends. In the world of adults, most contacts are built on mutual benefit, therefore, let it go to themselves for a close distance is not so simple. As a rule, the best friends are the people you "led" from childhood in adulthood, when they have not searched for benefits from relationships. However, nothing prevents you from trying to find a close person from your environment. Who knows.

having fun but remember the duties

having fun but remember the duties


Success requires effort

We often hear about people who smiled good luck, but the remaining 99% of people should seriously try to make dreams of life. Training does not stop with the end of school or institute, you must constantly maintain the tone. It will be difficult, but there is no other way.

Decide with the direction

A person who came out in adulthood, it is still difficult to realize this: on the one hand, the young man continues to have fun and rarely thinks about the future, and on the other hand, the first obligations appear, which are not going anywhere. So try to find that edge when you can not lose youthful, but at the same time, you will begin more seriously to apply adult duties.

Work does not solve all problems

Work does not solve all problems


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