How do you lose weight this spring?


We must quickly bring yourself into shape, but how to do it? You can search another new-water diet promising an instant result. But many of us have already been convinced that the result is no better from each diet than from the previous ones. Yes, and few people have enough patience and courage Weeks, otherwise there is a very limited set of products, besides not the most beloved. If the patience is still enough, and the result is achieved, then the dropped kilograms are returned to the usual nutrition.

You can, of course, try something from those tools that are so often offered in recent years - green coffee, mezhi berries, soda or ginger. But it is necessary to remember that all these means are no more than food. They are not drugs, so they should not prove their effectiveness. As a result, no convincing data that they can really help lose weight is not. The same applies to biologically active additives. Buy any dietary supplement and read what is written on the package or in the liner. You will never find the phrases "for the treatment of obesity and excess body mass" or something like that. The best, if there is a mention that this remedy helps reduce weight. To promote this does not mean lowering. All that is required from such tools is safety. Once again, no one requires evidence of effectiveness.

But what to do if diet and fashionable funds did not help? Probably, it is worth paying attention to drugs to reduce weights that really undergo clinical studies and prove their effectiveness. For example, drugs that prevent fat suction and, thus, reduce power caloric content. They exist quite a long time since 1997, that is, almost twenty years. For comparison - the average life expectancy of the Bad - 3 years. During this time, most people have time to try a new biological supplement and disappointed in it.

Means that prevent suction of fats, such as sheets mini, are particularly relevant in our time. The fact is that in the nutrition of a modern man, fats are 50% of the common calorie content, while it is recommended that there are no more than 30%. It is such an excess of fat content and, as a result, caloric content and leads to a weight gain and obesity.

But is it enough to simply apply such funds to significantly reduce the weight? Of course not. There is no "magic tablet" that will do everything for us. Sotati mini worked, you will have to adhere to a certain nutrition - caloric content of no more than 2000 kcal per day and the fat content of not more than 30% of the total calorie content, which corresponds to 61 at the same time, this number of fats should be evenly distributed between the three main meals - breakfast , lunch and dinner.

You tell me that it is too difficult that it is not at all what you expect from the medicinal product. If you really take medicine, it should solve the problem yourself. To some extent you are right, otherwise what do you pay money for what you pay? But not quite. Restrictions on calorie and fat content teach us to proper nutrition. Sooner or later you will stop taking the drug and, if you do not learn how to eat rationally, then the usual hypercallarium power will lead again to the weight set. So, in addition to the reduction of weight, sheet mini carries and disciplining function. Notice that any lifetime diet is not about, only about properly balanced nutrition, which without discomfort can be adhere to the whole life.

Watch an excellent cartoon how to lose weight effectively and comfortable -


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