Popolina Pooh: How to get rid of allergies?


Why is allergic to a poplar fluff arise? The poplar fluff itself does not represent health hazards. After all, it consists of ordinary cellulose, like cotton. Poplar flowers in the late spring - early summer. That is, in the most peak of the flowering of cereal herbs - the source of pollen. And the poplar fluff collects the pollen of the cereal, which is the strongest allergen. That is why an allergy arises when contacting with the Pooh: Tearing, eye irritation, nasal congestion, swelling.

How to cut contact with a poplar poppump? It is known that in windy dry weather, the concentration of the poplar fluff is much higher than in the rainy. Therefore, with strong wind, it is better to give up walks in nature. The windows should hang protective nets and periodically wet them with water from the spray. Every day you need to perform wet room cleaning. We wash away more, so that the pollen can be accumulated on the face, which takes the fluff.

How to cope with allergies? Outolymphocytotherapy: a patient from veins take a small amount of blood and distinguished their cells of immunity, then they are administered under the skin. Antihistamines. Exclude cross-allergies: do not use food products, honey.

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