Christine Asmus found a replacement


Ivan Okhlobystin: "I would agree to be treated for all my interests"

- Ivan, how are the relationship between your Dr. Bykov with a new ward?

- Initially, of course, they were torn to each other, which naturally. Bykova even a little outraged her independence. But then he saw that she was a very responsible person who wants to work. But still remains in its repertoire.

- How did the new actress joined the team and could it work with her easily?

- Yana perfectly joined the team, she is a very good actress, because she came from the theater. So there was no difficulty with her.

- Your hero himself is now waiting for a child from his beloved woman. And you yourself experienced father. When do you work on the way, Bykov during pregnancy Anastasia Kisagach, do you remember yourself and bring any special features in connection with this?

- Yes, I often remember my child's waiting condition. But this concerns the first two children rather. Because after the third child, I'm already nicking! However, our scenarios who have children and who themselves stayed in this state of waiting, perfectly prescribed the current image of Bykov, so that the merit is not mine. However, I do not deny that playing the future of the Father I am easy.

Dr. Kupitman (Vadim Demm) in a friendly manages the pregnancy of Anastasia Kisačach (Svetlana Kamynin). .

Dr. Kupitman (Vadim Demm) in a friendly manages the pregnancy of Anastasia Kisačach (Svetlana Kamynin). .

- Would you like to get to such a doctor as bulls? And who from the interests would agree to be treated?

- Bulls - a wonderful doctor. Yes, and all interns, I would also agree to be treated. After all, all the same their treatment will lead to the bull. And the bulls are a wonderful doctor!

- Do you still do not allow your children to watch "Interns"?

- I do not forbid children to watch "Interns", but they do not look at them. And even if you already looked - I never expressed my opinion. In general, my children try to keep in the shade of my glory, so to speak. In social networks, almost everyone is sitting under the fictional names, except for Dusi - she doesn't care. Even if I julie Caesar, I still would not change the name.

- Dr. Bulls is a magnificent cynic. Is the actor Ivan Okhlobystin often disagree with the bull?

- Bulls - not a cynic, and pragmatist. Just like all doctors. I have a lot of familiar doctors, and there are no cynics among them. Yes, when it comes to the profession - for example, when someone is bad on kebabs, "they have a cold eye. But at the same time they are the most ordinary people. I am sure that those who have to dine in the morgue do it not because they are nice, but simply because they have no time to go for lunch. And in this profession, the doctor is worthy of respect.

- Is there any quality, the presence of which one unequivocally says that a person needs to be a doctor?

- I never thought about it. For example, my daughter Varya chose a medical university because it is interesting to her chemistry. But there are no other reasons and premises. Although we brought up our children in that spirit that they should bring people benefits. Perhaps it was for this reason that she chose a profession of a doctor.

Yana Guryanova: "Fortunately, I am not like my heroine"

- Yana, how did you approve on the role?

- Since my first trials on the casting until the start of the shooting passed more than six months. Producers were looking for a very long time to actress Polyna Ulyanovoy. In the end, I approached, what is insanely glad.

Christine Asmus found a replacement 21381_2

Before you get to the "Interns", Jan Guryanova withstood Casting. .

- Tell us about your heroine.

- My heroine Polina is the "Loban Girl". She in general, without complexes, rubs the spur, says what he thinks, and does not understand why others are sometimes offended. In some situations, she behaves simply stupid. It is this character trait that will be the cause of numerous curiosities. In addition, Polina is very naked. Judge themselves: declared to bull and literally forced him to take it in the internship! At the same time it is quite good-natured and does everything from a pure heart. Fortunately, I am not like my heroine.

- In the "Interns" already formed a team. How did you get?

- Ivan Ivanovich, of course, in retratically reacted. But I'm closer to all Sasha Ilyin and his character Lobanov. Such a typical Russian man.

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