Elena Dementieva: "I do not believe in love at first sight"


Their Roman has developed for several years and passed the test of time and distance. Maxim and Lena met in France, at Roland Garros tournament. Her cold-blooded disgrace spoke a hockey player. Elena was a girlfriend purposeful, dreamed of conquering sports heights and did not pay special attention to men. At that time, Maxim lived in America, played for the Buffalo Sabres club, but decided to return home to be closer to Elena. At the time of lockout in the NHL, he played the whole season for "Dynamo", won the title of Russia champion and ... the heart of beauties. Then they still had to part, but Lena visited the matches with the participation of her beloved. They did not advertise their relationship, did not respond to personal questions in an interview. It was further heated curiosity. In the fall of 2007, they wrote about the engagement of the star couple, but the information turned out to be duck. At that time, Elena was preparing for the Olympics in Beijing, marriage into her plans was not included. Conquered the Olympic medal, the tennis player made a cherished dream. And began to think about what, maybe it's time to answer "yes" on the proposal of the hand and heart to the person who is so devoted to her. They played a wedding in July 2011. Pigeons released on the roof of the elite hotel "Ritz" became a symbol of a new life. Not everyone is going in it smoothly. Lena again has to overcome the distances - the truth is now between the two Russian capitals. Maxim plays for St. Petersburg Sk, and she is studying in Moscow and tries himself in television journalist. In one of these vigors, Elena, we managed to talk to her.

Lena, is there life after sport and what is she?

Elena Dementieva: "Other, of course. After making the decision to complete the professional sports career, still do not fully imagine how it all turns out. In the first year I was very hard emotionally. So many years in a row to live in a specific schedule! It was strange that a tennis tournament passes somewhere, and for some reason I don't spend ... Of course, nostalgia is present. But I always understood that after the sport would need to do something. I entered the IFSU to the Faculty of Journalism and I can say that I immediately captured me. In addition, my husband is a hockey player. I was lucky: he would prolong my life in sports, I am sick for him, worrying. And those feelings that I miss, because I do not go to the court, I feel when I watch his matches. "

Elena Dementieva:

"Maxim offered me several times to become his wife, but I all pulled the moment. And then it came to feel that we have long been one for a long time. " Photo: Personal archive. Photographer: Garanina.

Play for yourself?


"Yes. For some reason, everyone is surprised, seeing me on the court: "Do you prepare for competitions?" I answer: "No, I just like to play." It's true. As soon as the parents gave me to the tennis club, I understood my. Before that, I was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. After training, Mom complained that the aunt would hurt me on the twine. (Laughs.) And I loved the tennis immediately. So when there is an opportunity, I always go to play with my brother, with my husband or with friends who come to Moscow. "

Is your brother also engaged in tennis?

Elena: "Yes, up to fifteen years. Moreover, parents wanted me to play in one club. His - high, sports and mobile - everywhere they took carelessly, but I do not. Only for the third time, with Spartak, we were lucky. But tennis is a fairly expensive sport, two children-athletes, the family would not pull. We decided to bet on me, and the brother entered the University of Bauman to the specialty "Robotics", now works in a Russian-American company. It was quite hosted in his profession, but it seems to me that he still has the feeling that he did not give the opportunity to realize in sports. "

You have completed a career at the peak of the form, without warning anyone in advance. And coach Shamil Tarpishchev predicted that you would return. No such thought?

Elena: "You know, some in a rush of anger after some loss say:" Everything, I will hang a racket on a nail, I will not play! "My decision was not emotional, but conscious. Already at the beginning of the season, I understood that he was the last, and the whole family knew about it. I do not regret anything, although at that time I was really in good form, it was one of the top ten tennis players in the world. Just came the inner feeling that it's time to do something else. I wanted to show myself as a woman, start to spend time family and her husband. Not all understood this. I had advertising projects, long-term contracts. One of my sponsors - the Japanese firm - to put it mildly, could not accept my choice. "

So you also lost money?

Elena: "I didn't think about it then. No money kept me in sports, and it could not affect me. "

It was not a victim, which is your favorite?

Elena: "No! Even if so, I would never tell about it. We must pay tribute to Maxim: he always supported me. For me, as for a family, it is important to get the approval of native people close to me. But it happened that this is a serious decision in my life I took on my own. At that moment I so wanted to hear the words of support: "Yes, well done, Lena, everything is right, we also think so"! But I was told: "This is your choice, decide myself."

Photo: Personal archive. Photographer: Garanina.

Photo: Personal archive. Photographer: Garanina.

Mom, probably worried?

Elena: "She was always for me with a friend and the advice - not only as a loving, wise mother, but also in a professional plan. I was glad to my victories, comforted when I suffered defeat. All these years for me there was no man closer ... It seems to me that my departure from sports she took heavier than me. I immediately spun a new life, family, study. And Mom went large of her life, and there was no replacement. Although we are just as close and communicate every day. "

Is it true that it was the parents who suck you with Maxim?

Elena: "No. It just so happened that at first our parents really met. There was a hockey match in Miami, and their places in the stadium were near. They talked: "Oh, your daughter athlete? And we have a son Hockey player, born in 1979. Or maybe together at the dacha? "When we came home, my mother showed me a photo of Maxim and asked if I wanted to meet him. But I strongly replied: "No!" I did not attract a sport-shift. It seemed to me that it would be much more interesting if my young man would be from some other sphere. And then I realized that no one would not understand you so well, with anyone would not be such emotional intimacy, as with a person who passed through the same tests. "

Your first meeting with Maxim happened already at Roland Garros?

Elena: "Yes. After one of the matches, he invited me to sit for their table. For some reason, this is scary to indulge. At that moment I was all concentrated on the game. Such a serious tournament, the first time I reached the final ... as a person disciplined, I could not afford to be distracted. And then Max, who arrived with friends to take a walk in Paris, watch Roland Garros. And this is their state of relaxation did not coincide with my. And then, when we are coaches, with the federation, with Nastya (tennis player Anastasia Myskina. - Approx. Aut.) Already celebrated victory at the France Championship, Max also found himself in the company of common acquaintances. And we still met. "

Love at first glance was not?

Elena: "Yes, I do not believe it at all. What can be seen at first glance? Spectacular appearance. And for me it is not the main thing in a man. To make love, of course, you need to know the person better. At first there was a sympathy, and then we talked for a long time, were friends. "

Yeah, whole seven years! How did he still manage to conquer your love?

Elena: "We must give Maxus due: he showed an incredible patience! First of all, in relation to my desire to make a sports career. I always had tennis in the first place, not every man can take it. Then, my mother was very wary of Caring Max - it seemed to her that our relationship could prevent my successes in sports. "

Elena Dementieva:

"I have changed a lot. Previously, it was difficult to compromise, and now it became softer, flexible - in many ways due to her husband and the desire to keep our relationship. " Photo: Personal archive.

She herself wanted to introduce you?!

Elena: "Well, it was not seriously - just by the way I had to. Nobody walked me. So Max manifested the maximum of patience and resist all the trials with honor. In many ways, thanks to him, we managed to preserve our Union. He played in the NHL, I generally flew around tournaments around the world, we saw not so often. "

Probably when he did a proposal, said that everything - a cup of patience overflowed ...

Elena: "I felt it myself. (Laughs.) He offered me several times to become his wife, but I all delayed the moment. And then it came to feel that we have really been a single whole, close people ... Well, how to live without him? "

Did you not be afraid that someone would lead the enviable groom?

Elena: "There was no such thoughts. My Maxim and I felt well, without a stamp in the passport. But we have both families of the old hardening, and this official part was important for them. "

You somehow said that tennis forms egoists, and hockey - personalities who know how to play the team. Marriage is a union. Do you have to change yourself?

Elena: "I think I really changed. I used to make it difficult for compromises, since childhood showed character. Without this would not achieve success in sports. Probably, in something he behaved hard, too much demanding towards others and to themselves. And now I became softer, flexible - in many ways, thanks to Maxim and the desire to keep our feelings. "

Do you have a democracy in your family or still a major man?

Elena: "And I do not know what he is the main one. We respect each other's solutions. We have never had conflicts. Even when Maxim chose, staying him to play NHL or move here, to Russia, I told him the same thing as he once me: "Decide myself, and I will support you in any case. Although, of course, I would like to spend more time together. "

Elena Dementieva:

"As a family family, it is important for me to get the approval of loved ones." With parents and elder brother in Vsevolod. Photo: Personal archive.

And apparently, your desires coincided. He now began to play better?

Elena: "When Maxim moved here, he had a very difficult period, because he received several serious injuries. Now he fully recovered and ready to play. "

Your support is important for him?

Elena: "Yes. When I went to the court, I didn't care if someone sits on the podium, is it sick for me. I focus on the process. And Maxim is needed to be somewhere nearby, watched the game live, and not on TV. Therefore, I try to ride all his matches. "

And celebrate victories?

Elena: "For me, the path to victory was always more important. But as soon as the reward is conquered, I move on. And Maxim - Yes, they with the guys celebrate a series of successful games. This also shows the command spirit. " (Laughs.)

Do you still live in two cities?

Elena: "So it turns out. I study in Moscow, Max plays in St. Petersburg. But I come to all games there - so four times a week ride back there. "

And where is your common house?

Elena: "In Moscow, we both were born here. And we plan to live here. "

What is your mistress?

Elena: "Probably, he is indisputable so about himself, but I think, good. (Laughs.) I am pleased to do something at home - apparently, because in my youth I did not play in these games. I am not a lover to walk around restaurants, but I love to cook myself. I used to be infrequently successful, since all my life was held in the roads and hotels. I think the cook I am quite good, although no one has specially taught me. In any case, Max, everything seems very tasty. " (Laughs.)

How do you spend your free time, what do you like to do together?

Elena: "The fact is that Maxim is absolutely different. He prefers an active rest - forever some extreme. If I want to calmly read the book on the beach, then he must be sure to jump with a parachute, or to rise to the mountain, or arrange the races - that is, to do everything that I do not like. He likes to relax in hot countries, and I do not carry the heat. Movies, too, look different: I prefer French romantic comedies and melodramas, and Max, who from eighteen lived in America, a fan of action, thrillers. Personally, I feel sorry to spend time on such a movie. "

After all, you also performed in America?

Elena: "Yes, and very many times, but I came there for a month or two. And always felt how I was pulling me home. We have a completely different mentality with the Americans. I respect to them with respect, but I feel very comfortable in this country. "

Where do you see yourself in a professional plan?

Elena: "It's hard to say, I have not yet decided. I did not understand what I want more: whether it is sports journalism, or television. We must finish the institute, now I am in the fourth year. "

You have learned the program about hockey. Liked?

Elena: "Yes, last year the season worked on the KHL channel. It was an unexpected offer, I had to immediately, without prepare, enter the frame. I thought it could be a good experience for me. During this time I learned more about hockey, I had interesting guests - athletes, coaches. Perhaps it was not exactly my format. I would like to do something more authoring, implement my ideas, somehow show myself. Although I was given a maximum of freedom in certain framework. Questions prepared myself, something told me the editor, the subject was discussed together with the director. Maxim helped very much, because each sport has its own specific moments. Do you know what struck me most? Hockey is one of the most severe, traumatic sports, and the guys players, oddly enough, are very soft in character. In no one of my guests, I did not see the malice, aggression and pronounced egoism. Although, in theory, such contractions should harder. "

Elena Dementieva:

"We and Maxim are absolutely different. He prefers active rest, forever some extreme. If I want to calmly read the book on the beach, then he must be sure to jump with a parachute, or to rise to the mountain, or arrange the races - that is, to do everything that

How did you react to your defeats?

Elena: "Always very hard! With offeure, with tears. I told my mother: "What a shame, I'm so embarrassed!" She comforted me: "For what? You fought. " Probably, the majority of top athletes are peculiar to some "bloodthity" - the desire to win, be on the head above the others. I never had it, I just, I am a perfectionism in character and try to do everything well. But tournaments are often held. You forget about the loss, you begin to prepare for the next competitions, you acquire experience and learn to adequately take strikes. If you "cohere yourself badly, there will be no way forward. The defeats were angry with a good and forced to work more. But how much I saw athletes, lowering hands after failure ... There are tightening periods, when you train, try, but there is no result. And you can't understand what is the reason. Maybe that there is no good coach nearby, and maybe in something else. But constant work will certainly bring the result. It is necessary to be positive-patient. True, I realized this is far from immediately. Not a single victory has motivated me to new achievements as a loss.

And in the life of the defeat as perceived?

Elena: "Probably, seriously, it was simply not. Of course, there were some troubles, but nothing particularly tragic. "

And unfortunate novels were?

Elena: "To be honest, I never really interested me novels. I have been aimed at another since childhood. Previously, I was often asked in an interview: "Don't you want to somehow disperse, take a walk?" No, I did not pull me in this direction. "

Men probably lost such a coldness and self-sufficiency?

Elena: "Someone liked, I do not hide. (Laughs.) Perhaps, and Maxima attracted. "

Will your children give?

Elena: "A difficult question. I think for boys, sports is good, since they form the power of will, dedication, discipline. Does professional sports need girls? I'm not sure about that. And I can say on my own, and on others I see how hard it is then to arrange a personal life with such character, independence, self-sufficiency. It is difficult to overwhelm yourself, and not always enough wisdom, experience to learn diplomacy and not so Yaro demonstrate their leadership qualities. So if my daughter does not want to be an athlete, I will not insist. "

Do you think about replenishing your family?

Elena: "Of course. Ideally would like a girl and a boy. Max has a sister, I have a brother. Together grow more fun. "

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