Anton Shagin: "I have a wonderful father-in-law with golden hands"


Anton Shagin really woke up by the famous after the role of Mels in the "Styles" Valery Todorovsky. Although, according to him, nothing in his life did not change. Since then, nine years have passed. During this time, not a single passing role happened in his cinema biography. It is surprisingly possible not to be exchanged, despite the responsibility - in his thirty-three, he is the father of two children, - and with all the devotion of the profession says that the main thing is the family for him.

- Anton, in the spring it turned thirty-three years, this number for a man is considered karmic. How do you feel about this, what did you feel?

Crucified, but not much like Vysotsky sang. (Smiles.)

- To thirty-three years in your success, you have only twenty-two work, and many of your colleagues for such age often under the hundred ...

- For me, the main criterion remains creativity and the desire to do what I have not yet tried, in particular, to create a new character that is unexplored. But I do not condemn anyone from my colleagues. I refuse only in case of frank lies, as it was, for example, with Peter Third in one of the serials published later. I read the historical chronicles and several books and realized that the sovereign was Obolgan. He said that he was ready to act if they alter the script and the king would not look like such an idiot. The authors did not agree, and I replied that then I refuse, as I'm not going to set a lot.

- It happened that you refused, and then regretted?

- No, I advise with Nick (wife, actress Veronika Isaev. - Approx. Aut.), I give her a script. She is my chief assistant and a gate. In most cases, we coincide. Probably because they studied together. (Smiles.) Nick always impartially says what he thinks. And I am grateful for it, because not every loving person is able to express the truth.

Anton Shagin:

In the TV series "Walking on the flour", Anton plays poet Bessonov and reads his own poems

- Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov applies to you precisely and allows you not to participate in the performance if you are not interested. Do you appreciate it?

- I came to work in Lenk with director Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov. This is the whole answer. Yes, he lets me. And this, of course, is a great benefit.

- Plans in the theater are available?

"Now I do not rehearse anything, because every day I have a shot, and we will live in the second half of the season - see. There are suggestions and my own idea, which, due to different circumstances, has been dropping for several years. This is a monospect of my poems, it takes time, and not everything depends on me. If it works, I will be happy because I have something to say.

- Where are you still tightly removed?

- In the twelve-player film for the first channel "Podkin". The action takes place in 1926. The Nizhny Novgorod thief accidentally falls into the Leningrad police, finding not only money in a torn wallet, but also a ticket to Leningrad one way. He decides to go there, fleeing. There he meets the police, expecting an excellent investigator from Nizhny Novgorod, for which he is forced to give himself further. And he does it well, he easily reveals one thing after another, because he knows the entire gangster. But, being a new investigator, hesitates a gang to rob the NKVD's main warehouse with values ​​to be sent to Germany. But it will be possible to him or not, I will not say yet, I preserve the intrigue. I have not played such a flipper. In general, it is a famously swirling retro detective. Shooting from August to December.

- It is not easy to act in St. Petersburg late autumn and winter ...

- We have already filmed most of the nature, but the interiors in St. Petersburg are cold, as nobody hangs them, because most of them are half-visible buildings. The platform is trying to include heat guns so that we do not frills, but still not hot. (Smiles.) And on the number of text that I learn every day, I'm not the brain in my head, but a library. (Laughs.)

Anton Shagin:

In the role of Komsomol Meals in the painting "Styles"

- That's about the NTV, the very expected series "Walking on the flour" in the director Konstantin Khudyakova, where you played the poet Bessonov. Will you wait for a movie and your role, worry?

- Why worry? Shooting ended. For me, this is not only the acting premiere, but also poetic-kaya. Konstantin Pavlovich Khudyakov on the samples found out that I write poems, and offered to write a few texts for this film that I did. The poet Bessonov reads the poems of actor Shagin. (Smiles.) This is a second experience when the director takes my poems into his film. Not so long ago, Alexey Herman took one poem into his painting "Dovlatov", where I played a metrostro-building poet.

- From what age did you start writing poetry?

- In the student, at the Studio School, the first attempts were made.

- Who showed at first?

- wife. And afterwards the first book of the poems was devoted to Nick, it is called "her." But I am writing mainly in order not to get lost behind the actor, for a hypocrite, to keep myself.

- Prejoy somewhere to write?

- Yes, on the balcony.

- And in winter?

- And in winter, too, he warmed. (Laughs.) For me, writing is a way to remove from the real world and the opportunity to look at everything on the other side.

Anton Shagin:

In the new television film "Podlidysh" the actor reincarnated in the thief

- You are very emotional, impulsive man. Has learned to restrain myself?

- Last summer, I visited the Optio desert, where she lived alone, and after that, it seems to me that some changes have happened in me. I do not want to breed pathos, but the need for confession, I have increased to life by God.

- Did you change the roles in you? After all, you were the signs: and Alexey Ivanovich in the "player", and Verkhovlensky in "Besnes" ...

- Playing Verkhovlensky in "Besnes", I got rid of my own. Not all of all, of course, but a couple of completely reserved I managed to dissemble. (Smiles.) In the acting, there are some buttons for which you need to learn to click to better understand it, explore it and disclose hidden resources.

- You always work at the limit of opportunity. Are you not afraid someday "overdo"?

- Not. The actor cannot be with a temperature of 36.6. This is an uncomfortable profession and uncomfortable condition. Psychological loads are processed. But if I start talking about it, then I will complain about what I do not want to do. These are working moments, without which no movie, nor the theater is possible. But the viewer does not need to know about it.

Anton Shagin:

In the comedy "Kiss through the wall", the role of a loser got

- You have been practically easily at the set in St. Petersburg for three months. How do you carry separation with your family, because are you a very homely man?

- Of course, I'm tied to the house and still think that the family is the main thing. But the work has a job. And Nick with children comes to me, in August they were in St. Petersburg, but, since Matvey goes to school, the next time they visited me already in the autumn holidays. I met them, we walked, went to the movies, in the museum, spent a beautiful week.

- Are you strict dad?

- We are trying to negotiate peacefully. But they are punished in the form of deprivation of sweet. (Laughs.) And every weekend we make a cultural program for children - and if there were misconduct during the week, they can lose entertainment.

- Do you like learning Matvey? And do you go to parent meetings?

- I never got to the parent meeting, but when I took Matvey from school, I spoke with teachers. In general, I like it, we have a good school. But now the formation is lame, I see that they start to undergo the topic and, without deepening it, not absorbing, without sobering it to the end, go on. Teachers do not hide that education children receive only thirty percent at school, but on the other seventy - at home. But because of my workload, this is more busy, of course, Nick.

- Nick now works?

- Yes, she still teaches an artistic word in one of the theatrical institutions.

Verkhovensky's playing in "Besnes", Anton admitted that he got rid of many of his

Verkhovensky's playing in "Besnes", Anton admitted that he got rid of many of his

- What can really be upset in the behavior of children?

- The reason can be something intimibly in their behavior in the theater or in a cafe, in any public place. And the point is not that they will say others, but the fact that children should understand: other people also came to rest. We will find a different, more comfortable place to think about. Let's go to the country, let's go to the forest, smoky, run on the site. There are rules of decency that should always work.

- Matvey engaged in some sport?

- Karate braids. Last spring was the champion of Moscow in his category and won the right to perform at the World Championship, which for the first time in forty years passed here. Alas, I could not come, but my mother, uncle and friends supported him.

- I think you should love to give gifts and even invent them ...

- Yes, I love to give gifts. To give up is big joy and happiness. I like to amaze something. For example, Nick came to his birthday to Petersburg. In addition to all the rest of the surprises, I agreed with the Russian Museum, so that it was conducted alone and showed our favorite artist Pavel Filonov. Seven years ago in Tallinn, we saw his big exhibition and were completely shocked.

The actor claims that the family is for him - the main thing

The actor claims that the family is for him - the main thing

Photo: Personal Archive Anton Shagin

- In one of the interviews, you said that you do not like falsehood and therefore rather prefer to spend time at home than walking somewhere ...

- I'm not a rejection. I just think that the family is the main thing, and why should I spend my time on some parties and people who are completely uninteresting to me? Life is too short to swamp it out and waste on what does not enriches you, but only the transit inner resource. This is my way, someone will understand it, someone is not, I'm not going to re-convince anything. And in general, it is necessary to sometimes remember that life is given once, and our stay here will end, and everyone will ask. Perhaps this is one of the few that Mitrit me with reality - everyone will still be responsible.

- But you get a lot of joy ...

- Yes, I primarily happy my family, what we live together. Pleased friends who are near. And the fact that they still meet good and bright people who are infinitely grateful for patience, responsiveness, for the lessons of life. It pleases that my creativity, my poems need someone that the group "Dancing minus" with Vyacheslav Petkuna used one of my text for his mini album. In general, I am grateful to God for living and what I have hands-legs (laughs) that all are my close, thank God, healthy.

- These hands also know how much ...

"Not much (smiles), but I try and strive to learn, the benefit of anyone." I have a wonderful father-in-law, Alexander Semenovich, with golden hands. He made us at home incredible walls from marble. There is my little part there. Marble is a very fragile material, pull one segment, smear it with a solution, attach, and in the solution turned out to be pebbles, and everything crashes. And you spent twenty minutes on this segmentik, having calculates it from all sides. But it's all, of course, the training of patience, humility. (Laughs.)

Anton Shagin:

"I am mainly writing to not be lost for acting, for a hypocrisy"

Photo: Personal Archive Anton Shagin

- Do you have hot conflicts with nickname or do you just have a pastoral picture in this sense?

- There are, of course. But not scandals, not fights, but just small misunderstandings. And in this situation you have to clarify everything, talk. If I'm wrong with something, then I will definitely apologize. Maximum half an hour we can pour each other, and then smile and go on.

"I know that you have some household changes - a car appeared. When we met last times, two or three years ago, you confidently said that you don't need it.

- So we have two children, it was a necessity. (Smiles.) My wife and I went to a driving school and sat down at the desk. We decided to become alignifications again, we studied together and got right.

- And who has mastered this science faster?

- Probably, nevertheless Nick, because I am a man with a restless character. And here you need rationality, it is important not to connect your emotions. But from driving I get great pleasure. And in general, I realized that the car is wonderful. Included pleasant music, blocked, and ... good. (Smiles.)

- When choosing a car, thought about prestigidity?

- No, we bought Toyota. It is comfortable, reliable, roomy, first of all in order to ride the cottage.

With wife Nicky, Children Matve and Polina

With wife Nicky, Children Matve and Polina

Photo: Personal Archive Anton Shagin

- I understood that the car is needed primarily because of the cottage that has appeared. Country life to you joy?

"We feel great outside the city and very rejoice in the circumstance that we managed to buy a plot. He is under Sergiev Posad, not far from the Lavra. We wanted the plot to be completely empty to start doing everything from scratch. Wake up, a wheelbarrow in your hands - and ahead. First, the fabric is a cloth for the track, then the sand and crushed stone. My wife and I put an apple tree, pear, drain and other trees. It is said: "Make Paradise" - here we are trying. We have a greenhouse. Happiness to grow vegetables there and feed their children. This is a completely different taste, smell. Despite the huge work, from farming we get a buff.

- Do you already have a house?

- A small house set. With their own hands, they began to build a bathhouse with her own families, the foundation was flooded, and the next summer will continue construction. If possible, we do everything yourself, because once he was hung up on the "specialists", which we conducted a water pipe, but the pipes began to burst - all work went to the rush and investments too. I had to re-dig a trench with the test and redo everything. The soil we have clay, so that two meters deep into dig - the case is fascinating. (Laughs.) But here is also present and the educational moment - the children see that not everything is simply given in this life.

- Matvey already helps?

- Sure. Even Polina helps in their three and a half years. The hostess is growing. (Smiles.) She wipes, she has its own Lechka, and we are with Matvey we have rubbank and sand. So all in business: come to the country - there is no time to rest. (Smiles.) True, kebabs and tea drinking in the air are still happening. We bought a large antique samovar in the XIX century by the company "Alenchikov and Zimin" under Sergiev Posad. In my opinion, tea from Samovar is tastier. In general, life has played new paints.

Children of artist

Children of artist

Photo: Personal Archive Anton Shagin

- It happens, the cottage appears - and people stop driving somewhere. And you previously loved to travel ...

- And continue to do it. This year they went along the Volga on the ship "Vasily Chapaev" to Cheboksary. It was an unforgettable journey. They saw fifteen cities, and most importantly, on the ship were completely amazing people.

- How much time can you relax and do not think about what you are not removed that they do not call off proposals?

- On such days I take a sheet of paper and write poems or read, because the sense of dissatisfaction does not leave me. And with joy I spend time with my family. But, of course, without acting profession, I can not fully live.

- Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov likes to talk about the fact that the officer's wife chose an officer, as they considered it the fundamental in how his future life would be ...

- I fully agree with this. Always say that we can not even appear on the world. (Smiles.) Develop and take place without a woman - generally unthinkable thing. (Smiles.) Therefore, all my merits absolutely can be attributed to my wife Nicky.

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