Ilze Liepa: "The body must be brought up"


Recently passed a gastronomic meeting of two stars within the framework of the French weeks. The project's heroes were the brilliant star of World Ballet Ilze Liepa and the winner of the European "Olympiad of the Cooks", the gurus of authentic Italian and French cuisine Chef Jacomo Lombardi.

Ilze and Jacomo cooked together several light graceful dishes of French-Italian cuisine for the "Method of Liepa". In the final, all those present were able to enjoy these light masterpieces, refutable stereotypes that light and useful food could not be delicious.

And also the admission of world ballet arts presented their new project - Opera ballet "Golden Cockerel".

- Ilze, tell us about your new project.

- This performance opens the fifth world tour "Russian seasons of the 21st century" in Paris. This is the brainchild of my brother Andris, he "sheltered" this project for many years. In the production, we used the scenery of Natalia Goncharova, who had previously seen before. Music Roman Corsakov. I play the role of Shamakhan Queen. It turned out such a kind of fusion opera and ballet, I'm sure he was waiting for an unprecedented success.

- You have been demonstrating your stunning talent in ballet art for many years, now showed high culinary skills. But it's no secret that the ballerina with their eternal fear will also recover and French gastronomy - things are completely incompatible. What attracts you French cuisine?

- That's just in French cuisine there are successful combinations of exquisite satiety and absence of unnecessary calories. I like that when you get up because of the table, then there is no feeling that you are lazy, it is easy to hunger, and this is just what the ballerina needs. For people of my profession, the most important thing is as much carbohydrates as possible, so some light dessert is best suited, for example, a floating island. Unfortunately, it is not cooked at home, but the more nicer to go for your favorite delicacy to cozy French restaurants.

- I really want to know more about your new book "Liepa method. Philosophy of Body. " What is she and for whom is written?

"Those who got into the hands of this book, they told me:" They could not stop, until they reached the end, and then my husband took her and also began to read. " And it was especially nice to me. Probably, this book will be held mainly through female hands, but it will be great if they read it and men. I am not a simple author, worked on it for a very long time, about four years. On the other hand, it is checked, and it is out of time. One day my partner came to visit me, and I was during a conversation, so as not to waste time, began to do gymnastics, which was invented in our family. This is the "Liepa method" created by the Father. My partner liked these exercises, and she proposed to make a power gymnastics for classes in our studio.

Ilze Liepa:

Ilze Liepa: "Daily gymnastics in our family was mandatory." .

- What is the method?

- Our father, when we were young children, did not put the barriers between his big ballet and our childhood, and we realized that the profession of the dancer and work on themselves does not end with a ballet hall. One Eastern philosopher said that one step to monastics from the Olympians. Persistence and desire to go to the goal opens the region of spiritual life. Because you need to develop yourself all the time and think about how to achieve better results.

So daily gymnastics appeared in our family, without which I can no longer exist. So my father did, it's every day, in addition to rehearsals in the hall, was engaged in addition. This training system is shown for any level. This is the way to a healthy lifestyle for anyone, not even dedicated to the sport of a person. This method I call the "chopper", it is very simple exercises and they are effective. They are understandable, accessible to every person. Of course, they are very important for women who want to always stay slim, tightened and young.

- Ilze, and how do you evaluate modern women? Do you think they are more perfect?

"You know, in any crowd you can always calculate a ballet girl by how she moves, what is her posture. The body must be brought up, it's like the ability to use a fork and a knife. And many women dress short mini skirts, without thinking about how ridiculous they look at them. How funny looks on semi-baked knees, with a sutowe back. I love women very much and sympathize with them. I do not remember who wrote it, but I can not agree with that: "According to how women behave, we can judge the spiritual state of society." And most of our women do not even have a light gait and harmony. SUTULY spin, about grace and grace, I do not speak at all.

Ilze Liepa:

Ilze Liepa: "The main thing is to put the task and daily to strive for perfection." Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

- How to make it so that the grace, grace, harmony appear? Help women with their professional advice.

- We are all of nature very lazy. As I want to say: "It is not necessary to do every day at all." But, alas, I can not say this, especially today, when there are no people who would not have problems with the spine. And if the muscles do not use, they lose their properties. Muscles responsible for posture are particularly weakened. Movement is salvation. Movement is necessary to preserve health, but also for our spirit, those efforts that we invest on our lazy and naughty body can bring graceful fruits. Pay attention to how girls engaged in ballet are very different from their peers. Grace in everything. The artists of the ballet, who survived the 35th anniversary, look like boys and girls, but still continue to do. Why? Because the daily loads "launch" all metabolic processes in the body.

- Do you have some special diet than which you look so smart? Can you share secrets?

- Personally, I, on the one hand, the opponent of women's aspirations to copy images from the glossy magazine. And on the other hand, I am an opponent of body fat and sticking abdomen. I can unmistakably recognize, works on my body a girl or not. Many diet bring to thin, but the body becomes a flabby. If you combine the load in my method and the diet, which I stood out for many years, the body will tighten.

So: to begin with, you need to find the strength to refuse sweet! The result will be stunning. A week you can reset two kilograms at once. Try to reduce bread consumption, potatoes, refined rice and corn. I learned cheese, sausage or caviar to eat without bread, with a piece of cucumber or a sheet of salad. From juices in packages and soda, refuse too. Do not deny himself in a glass of good red wine, but to say "goodbye" cocktails and liqueurs. I try to drink green tea, coffee without caffeine and very love herbal infusions: chamomile with lemon slicing, rosehip. It is mistaken to believe that if there are some fruits, you can lose weight, just fruits are not harmless in the fight against overweight. It is wrong to finish lunch or dinner. Useful beans, lentils, spaghetti from coarse grinding flour. You can eat fish, poultry meat. Eggs I eat not often, but sometimes I make an omelet with tomatoes. Good for diet yogurts and cottage cheese. You need to eat in small portions and be attentive, not allowing even the slightest deviations is very important.

In the work on your body, the main thing is to put a task and daily to strive for perfection.

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