Hike - Is it only for men?


Myth number 1.

"You can go to the mountains in white sneakers. After all, they are soft and very comfortable. "

Ani Dubnikova Instructor Comment:

"It is impossible! It's like going hiking barefoot. I met once such a person in the Carpathians - he wasted his sneakers attached to the backpack, and he shched himself in the mud (after the rain it was) by the ankle. The group seeing his traces, thought that we were attacked by the trail of the species of Grizzly! "

Tip from "Direction":

"Usually, shoes and some second shoe shoes take a hike. Shoes for the hike should be comfortable, waterproof and with a good sole. Recently there are so-called trekking (trekking boots). Unfortunately, they are not noone, the cost of the main number of models - From $ 150. In the most decent of them there is a membrane, for example, Gore-Tex, and the sole of Vibram. When fitting the shoes, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances. First, the shoes should sit on the leg and do not harm (but also Do not hang out) in the sock. When you get up on the sock (i.e., with the maximum permissible bending of the sole), the upper part of the shoe should not put on the leg. Secondly, the boot must necessarily fix the leg in the transverse direction. When you get up on the side edge of the boot soles The foot should not be converted. By the way, that is why it is not recommended to go to sneakers in the mountains, especially in low. "

Myth number 2.

"You need to carry a lot of things with you, the backpack will be mixable!"

Ani Pomazova Instructor Comment:

"You do not need to take a lot of things in the campaign. Than them are less, the better. Usually, equipment is divided into two categories: public and personal. Public equipment is a tent, food, butchers, and personal - clothing, shoes, sleeping bag, hygiene products, etc. Social equipment divide participants of the campaign: someone carries more, someone less. The most important thing in the campaign is a high-quality shoe, a good reliable sleeping bag (to sleep slightly and dry) and a comfortable backpack (which will be convenient to sit on the back and in the shoulders). It is very desirable thermal underwear - it takes moisture, heats and "breathes." The tourism club "Direction" is always the list of things necessary for the trip and very recommends to adhere to it. "

Tip from "Direction":

"There are" not things "who in the campaign are extremely not recommended - these are urban problems (materialized in such a thing as a phone, at least turn off!) And the bad mood (to give the victory to the station, let them be sad - they remained).

In the mountains it is not recommended to walk in sneakers. .

In the mountains it is not recommended to walk in sneakers. .

Myth number 3.

"In the campaign I will not have to wash out"

Comment by the head of the club, instructor Mary Urbanavichut:

"As a rule, hiking take place along mountainous terrain. Mountain terrain is not only mountains, but also mountain rivers and lakes. Of course, the temperature of the water there is not such as in the tap of the bathroom. But pleasure to swim in the mountain river after a long hiking day nothing is comparable! We, for example, bathed in the Ice Lake in Altai: The temperature of the water there was no more than +3, but it was magical! Bathing in such water can be compared with a bath where you get into the cold font, then get out, and sparkles run on the skin. Miraculously refreshing! "

Myth number 4 "Hiking food is 90% stew, and I do not eat it!"

Ani Dubnikova Instructor Comment:

"Do not eat stew?! This is amazing! You will become a true friend of our big tourist group! Maybe you do not eat something else? Are you firmly confident? And we had such participants: first everyone pleases the statements that they do not eat stew or milk porridge, but in fact it turns out that they eat, love and appreciate!

And seriously, the "direction" to the issue of nutrition in the campaign refers very checkety. As if harsh, there was a hike, even before the start of the route, the instructor makes up a hiking menu. Of course, this is not a dinner of a la carte in a restaurant, but also a hiking tourist is fed. Porridge, rice, dried fruits, grazing, marmalade, cheese ... Add to this the power of real, living tea on fire and scent of the fire ... And, believe me, from the millet porridge, cooked in the campaign, you cannot refuse. "

Myth number 5.

"Sleep in the tent is very cold, I will be frozen all the time and I will not get enough sleep"

Ani Dubnikova Instructor Comment:

"Will sleep at home! And in the campaign you do not have to sleep - most likely you will be full of fading in the starry sky and listen to the bikes by the fire. Yes, and, in the extreme case, you will not like to sleep in a tent, if only you "princess on the pea" or you got a snoring neighbor. In other cases, good gear will save you (namely). And ask for a middle, if you are mourned, the bodies of comrades are the best heating in the world! "

Mountain terrain is not only mountains, but also mountain rivers and lakes. .

Mountain terrain is not only mountains, but also mountain rivers and lakes. .

Myth number 6 "Hike is only for men!"

Comment by the head of the club, instructor Mary Urbanavichut:

"On our experience, now the beautiful half is half, or even more than our team groups. As practice shows, a fragile thin girl can carry a backpack weighing 20 kg and at the same time stay wonderful feminine. Rather, a hiking life unites or separates non-gender signs, but on hobbies. If you like nature, dawns, sunsets, mountains, people and fire - absolutely no matter, man you or woman, young or old. Changes all ages are submissive. The age of our tourists is from 11 to 70 years. "

Myth number 7.

"Why go hiking if you can go to lie down to the sea and warm up in the sun"

Ani Pomazova Instructor Comment:

"And really, why? In the campaign, many surprises, unfamiliar people, unfamiliar places ... Unless you like adventures, love to discover new, uncharted plates of the planet, new interesting people, and that there are people there - some of themselves in such conditions re-opened! This is not for everyone - everything is really better to warm the sea. Active journey is a way to see the place different, alive, pulsating. In addition to routes in the mountains, there are still ethnographic tours, active travel lights that perfectly combine the possibilities of moving life and songs by the fire with recognition of a new place, a new culture, a new country. It seems to us that the pleasure of this cannot be compared with lying in the sun. Much more interesting when everything can be combined - and we also have such tours! "

Active journey is a way to see the place different, alive, pulsating. .

Active journey is a way to see the place different, alive, pulsating. .

Myth number 8 "I don't know what to choose, choose something too complicated. Where to start if a hiking experience is zero? "

Comment by the head of the club, instructor Mary Urbanavichut:

"If you want to go hiking, we recommend that it will come true with your overall physical training. It happened that from the first time the tourists mastered autonomous campaigns with a duration of 200 km on off-road, and someone will seem tedious to some of the carpathians.

If you want to try, choose routes where you do not need to carry a lot on yourself. For example, hiking in the mountain Crimea are ideal for newcomers: a mild climate (not cold, not hot), a little gear (because of the climate you do not need to take a lot of diverse clothes) and beautiful views are provided.

Try to go on a hike: now this kind of rest is very popular. You are actively walking with a light backpack, and your backpack is moving at this time by car.

So, we recommend to decide: what do you want from the campaign? Tired, relax, break away from civilization or diversify beach holidays? For each of these categories there is a hike.

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