Pavel Will: "For family life, humor - like a shield"


Going on this interview, I just in case stuck with an impressive number of Valerian, because, according to colleagues, Extremely Surov Pavel Andreevich. And if you remember in addition, with what ease it is painted with Russian celebrities, even with those who are famous for its cool temper, and that is terrible. The stronger was my surprise when meeting our hero. Absolutely normal, polite young man, without any hint of plug-in or star disease. Maybe that's why our conversation turned out to be pretty light and frank.

Paul, perhaps this is a stupid question, but the half is guessing: Will is the pseudonym or still a surname?

Pavel Will: "I liked it, as it was said about this in Wikipedia, which is called" Miniward ", this application is for the iPhone. When I downloaded it, then, of course, being a man who did not interest himself, immediately driven "Pavel Will" to see what there would be a given topic. And read: "Pavel Will in one of the programs called himself Dobrovolsky, which refutes the driver's license obtained by him in Penza on the surname of the will." The best answer to the question. Specified, people, well done figured out.

For many, a sense of humor is a hereditary trait, "grown" in the atmosphere of the house, in the family.

Paul: "Well, initially, maybe yes. But then, when you become an adult man and choose humor with your paths, you have to develop yourself either with the help of humorists, professional or semi-professional. Especially since we have in this genre of special institutions or master classes. "

How are mom and dad with humor?

Paul: "Fine. My dad is always reacting ironically. In general, in family life, humor - like a shield. I think that in families who live together - twenty-thirty years, it is impossible to do without it. Well, in general, how in this country to raise a child without a sense of humor?! He will disappear! So at least you can laugh at yourself, over the surrounding reality, problems with roads, traffic jams and everything else. It seems like Pokhukhikal, Pokhakal - and went on. Therefore, the sense of humor, you work in this area or not, you need to develop constantly. At least I would like to do this to old age, because it is interesting. "

You often hool the scene and in the movies. And in life?

Paul: "Constantly. And in the ornament, I was kind and decent hooligan. Warming and active Patzanensky. I love to have fun. "

Pavel Will:

"One friend told me:" You have an appearance of a person who is still like it looks. " Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

But you graduated from a school with a silver medal ...

Paul: "Well, who does not allow you to learn?! I did not stroll lessons. I was always interested in school. Hooligan can both be on change or outside the class. Classes also did not break. And the "failure" did not have any behavior. We can say that I joked joking, but the police did not come to the children's room. "

Now young people are not particularly striving to institutes. You graduated from the university, but nevertheless do not work in the specialty. What do you think the Higher education gave you something?

Paul: "And the fool is clear that the formation is superfluous. No read book passes for nothing, nor the courses that you visited, any training will go to the future. Of course, a person may not go to the institute for some reason - due to domestic conditions or from lack of mind or lack of time. But if someone of you, young, reads this article, especially in the early, "stuffy" age, when you can still think about your future ... Guys, listen to me - a guy who missed a bunch of opportunities and now regrets this. While you are young, until you started work, you have a single chance to score yourself as a sponge of anything. Then you will not have such an opportunity, so if you have not learned to play the guitar in school years, thirty years of developing all this in sixty times more problematic than your old, cranky brain. So now read, learn, go to courses, in all sections, try to suck everything that only allows you to free time. "

You have a diploma of the teacher of Russian language and literature. In school, you teach?

Paul: "Of course, in practice. And I did it with pleasure, and in all classes - starting with the fifth and ending with the eleventh. By the way, during my practitioner, mostly students tightened to the score. And it happened not because I put an overestimated assessment. I just studied the guys. "

Why did they choose another activities for themselves?

Paul: "I have already played in KVN, I was seriously engaged in this, and after the institute I was clear that I was not a school teacher."

It is no secret that now the scenarios of the KVN teams are written by professional authors, and not those who play on the stage.

Paul: "Yes, and before it was. You have grandmothers - hire the scripts, and if not - come up with yourself. We were a poor, poor team of Penza. They wrote themselves alone. We played well on the normal, middle level. With the team "Valeon Dasson" we quickly won in the first league, quickly lost the game in the highest league. Everything. And decided: enough. By the time, everyone graduated from the Pedagogical University, everyone had their own plans. "

Where Paul would be, he is always in the center of women's attention. What gives a new reason for newspaper ducks. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Where Paul would be, he is always in the center of women's attention. What gives a new reason for newspaper ducks. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Many famous cavancers now come to the game as members of the jury. But you never performed in this role.

Paul: "Well, what should I do there? I am not a well-deserved Cavaneshch, if I played the season-other, would be a champion ... And if you don't have merit in KVN, why go to the jury? There will be some kind of team to act, who already has several seasons, and I will sit and estimate four, put three of them? They will come home and say: "This is the one that can not have anything at the microphone on the warm-up. They played with their team only two contests. And after such dubious success, he judged us? "And they will be right."

You moved to Moscow from Penza. Heavyly passed adaptation? They say the capital reluctantly takes into his arms ...

Paul: "It happened ten years ago, and I do not remember any adaptation. Probably, at times it was difficult, but I do not want to thicken the paint. I am not old now, and then there was generally a supermolod, I was noted that there was where to sleep and how to look. I was interested in moving forward, and everything was interesting. Big, incredible city, where you can do the topics, the fifth, tenth. I arrived in Moscow for the first time already in the conscious age, passed along Tverskaya Street and down and realized that it was my place. The feeling occurred such that I go on my street. In addition, I had friends here, and I did not arrive here alone. We moved almost to the whole team and held the first few years for each other. Therefore, at first, even the circle of communication did not change. All the same Penza guys, and we live together in one single apartment. "

And conflicts did not occur on household soil? One thing is to be friends and live in Penza, and the other in the same apartment.

Paul: "Listen, when eight guys live in a studio apartment, there is no life, which means that there can be no conflicts on household soil."

How started for you Comedy Club?

Paul: "With long hikes ... Yes, with long hikes. I dwell on Dynamo, and Artashes Sargsyan, our first indispensable lead, lived through the third ring - on Basilovka, I went to him on foot. Garik Harlamov, guys from "New Armenians" gathered there. We thought for a long time what to do. It seems to be money, and you go to work, but somehow not a fountain. We decided that we need to perform somewhere, then, however, they dismissed in this idea and fought for a year. And then, by gathering again, agreed: no matter what happens, we will perform every Saturday to perform with new jokes. Everything. So came Comedy Club. Every Saturday, not missing, we performed with new jokes, regardless of what happened in the country and what happened to us. We could be on the presentation three people could have six. But no matter - the concert was not canceled anyway, so after some time it became cramped in one room, in another, in the third. Then the television came and said: "Can we shoot you?" We agreed. That was it. No supergraduate stroke. In the sense of absolutely stupid decision to act, not even knowing how. "

Pavel Will:

Marika Press "betrayed Marry" for Paul first. Moreover, the wedding reports were contradictory: some talked about a noisy festival, others argued that the ceremony was secret. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Criticize glamor and stars is your know-how. And who invented the nickname glamorous tiller?


"I do not remember. In my opinion, someone just blurted out a joke during a long-standing performance. All laughed, and it remained. Just like Kharlamov - Bulldog, like Timur - Kashtan. "

You are inventing reprises, but surely not all of them reach the viewer.

Paul: "Well, how many do we come up with? Just the mountains, then throw off most and leave the smallest for the program. Then I write two hours on the shooting, and only forty minutes reaching the ether. "

But do you personally choose your jokes? What principle?

Paul: "Funny or not - this is the most important criterion. In our case one measure. You may say that it went, it was old, but if it was ridiculous - dug. And if it, on the contrary, did not cause laughter, it doesn't matter how you did it: culturally, smooth, beautiful, philosophically - do not care, roll from the scene. People came to laugh. "

In your opinion, humor have borders?

Paul: "I don't know. Oddly enough, the funny thing is a joke about death, about the fact that another person is worse, about sexual deviations, diseases, about prison and war. "

Probably, this is because when it's ridiculous - not scary.

Paul: "Yes. Well, in general, the person is so arranged: the other falls in the puddle - you are laughing, because you did not fall into the puddle, and he fell. He is bad, and you feel good. This is a psychology. And if seriously and deeply understand this ... Here, in childhood, I was told that the red is red, and you perceive it all my life just as you inspired, and in no way differently. Hence all your psychology and your entire philosophy. This is a worldview that has developed on the basis of what someone told us. And if at a time you just imagine that the red color is not a red color, but it is called, for example, "six o'clock in the evening" ... So I collapsed our entire world, which consisted of something durable and dense, which we thousands of years Dulbeds ".

You are filming a movie. Offer Try yourself as a film actor was unexpected?

Paul: "I, honestly, did not assume anything and I do not expect anything further. I am a supporter not to have long-term goals, and to follow the principle that you can follow the desired result in anyway. After all, an unexpected victory brings much more pleasure. And most importantly, we do not know what we really need, as best for us. Therefore, I did not plan to either starve or work on television, nor be popular or playing in KVN. "

Did you like the movie?

Paul: "With good people and work well. And the trouble is when you are already inside a bad picture and you understand that you want or not, you will have to learn in everything and a bad film with your participation will be released. Thank God, there have not been such experiments in my life yet. I came across beautiful directors, wonderful groups, the result is cool paintings. Maybe the one who reads these words now will say: "Yeah, cool! In the shit, it was possible and sits sits. " Guys, this is your opinion, everyone has different tastes. And I take your point of view. Live with her and die. "

The sensational news was a message about the marriage of the will on Layisan's duck and her pregnancy. The showman himself categorically refuses to comment - he is tired of conversations about his personal life. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

The sensational news was a message about the marriage of the will on Layisan's duck and her pregnancy. The showman himself categorically refuses to comment - he is tired of conversations about his personal life. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

By the way, from the scene you are pretty rigidly passing around the stars. Are you often criticized? And in general, how do you feel about criticism?

Paul: "Excellent. You look, we have half of the speeches consist of the fact that Garick Martirosian and I mock each other in every way. We have never allowed themselves to express our guests. We almost destroy each other. Who I was not! I am generally unreachable person. Some kind of Yamaican is an expression: "Lion is not offended."

You are also DJ. How long has this passion appeared?

Paul: "It seems to me that it is generally one of my oldest hobbies. DJ is the one who drives the track with a track. I did it at home always. Then played for several days of birth, and someone invited me to play for grandmother. And go! Of course, this is a lesson for the soul. DJ fees are much lower. On the other hand, and nothing should be done: I took Mouzon - and put it. Although I try not to spoil, but, on the contrary, establish an atmosphere in the club. If for this you need to put "eighteen me already" groups "hands up!", I will do it. Regardless of its own musical preferences. "

You also play your own songs. Is it true that the first thing you brought to the radio was met very dry?

Paul: "All songs are so encountered, you might think, I will sound from every toilet. No, I am a moderately rotable performer. I write and release. Who is interested, listens. Yes, I remove even some clips, I spend money on it. Since this is a splash of me what I would like to lose in myself. I wrote a song, and she tormented me as long as I would not release her. As soon as she came out - all, my headache is over, your start. Listen, criticize, hate, love, make up your opinion - I no longer care, I got rid of my migraine. I am pleased that it finds some kind of response, but initially my message is very selfish. "

One of your last songs you recorded with the singer of the Christmas tree. Why did you choose to partners?

Paul: "We are friends, and she singer. Good girl sings perfectly, she has a really great voice. And when I wrote a song where there is a female vocal in the chorus, without thinking about it: "Lizok, Hello ..." In my opinion, we didn't even really discuss anything. Made everything quickly and cool. She's just clever. "

You married a press so many times, and every time on different girls. And how do you react to this?

Paul: "I don't even want to deepen it. I think everything happens in modern, so to speak, journalism, especially on the Internet, to you, as a rule, has nothing to do. Even under the blanket at home they hide, but the publications will still appear. Your life still continues without your participation: you marry, die, get into the accident ... The most opposite - you have to calm the relatives, say that you are alive and healthy.

It is like that war with windmills. And I'm not Don Quixote, so everything spins out regardless of me. I do not like to feel the star. And I do not comment on my personal life one by one just a principle. There is a brilliant truth, invented by me: "If talking about a personal life, it ceases to be personal."

As the showman himself noted, he is lucky to role in good films and on partners in the site. In the face of Irina Rozanova, he found a loving mother. .

As the showman himself noted, he is lucky to role in good films and on partners in the site. In the face of Irina Rozanova, he found a loving mother. .

Are you a gambling person?

Paul: "I am gambling to life, but not to the games. Avoid Penista has a rule: you lost here, I won here, the main thing is to stay at the table. So I'm in life as well: Somewhere I lost, I won somewhere, but always at the table. It's the most important".

And how do you feel about extreme sports?

Paul: "Very positive. I am very fond of skiing, snowboarding, kite, wakeboard, skate, longboards. Give boards, skiing - and let's go on something! And faster cars ... "

Judging by your words, the driver you probably are dying?

Paul: "On the road, I try not to striking. The older you become, the more you understand what it is for nothing. You can, of course, cloudy when you are alone in the car and one on the ground. For example, in a clean field. And if people are sitting in the cabin and there are other participants in the movement, it is foolish to do it. "

Are you early steel?

Paul: "I think that being independent is that no one needs you. But we all need people. Native and close primarily, so I would not put my independence at the head of the corner. "

They say you tour a lot with your program?

Paul: "Yes, I have a lot of programs, and most importantly, I always have something to tell the new one. It seems like it works well, even several times the flowers were given. I have never in my life could imagine that the hall will gather, a few thousand people, and sometimes more, who will listen to nonsense, which arises in my head. This is happiness. "

Pavel Will:

On the set of pictures "Happy New Year, Moms!" Will the opportunity to get acquainted with the Alain Delon himself. "I am grateful as a child," the Comedy resident in the social networks wrote. .

What style in clothes prefers Pavel Will?


"Any, I'm in the fig. One of my comrade somehow saw me and said: "You have an appearance of a person who is still like it looks." I just take things from the closet and put on. Someone says that I have some kind of style. Yes, probably, it is, but I do not pay attention to him. A man consists of words and actions, not from clothes. If you are a real man, no one will never pay attention to what you wear. "

They say you courageously struggle with a bad habit ...

Paul: "Yes. And it turns out well with me, although I used to fly two packs a day. I can share the experience. In the parent house, I never smoked and, having arrived at him, adhered to this rule. Realizing that I can do without cigarettes depending on the circumstances, I decided to introduce my own prohibitions for myself, reducing the number of places where I most often smoke. Having bought a new car, it took a rule in it do not smoke, although the rest did not forbid it. In my car smoked everything except me. Then he stopped doing this in his apartment. And after a number of such restrictions, I noticed that in the end, I had only five cigarettes per day. That's all your thrust for something harmful gradually dissolved. "

Do you have any men's weaknesses?

Paul: "Well, football on a moderate scale, big championships, good teams. And as a Russian inadequate man, I support our team, hoping that we become world champions, no matter what. "

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