How to become rich: 7 steps to Financial Olympus


Each person dreams of financial supply, but not everyone is trying to become financially competent. Financial literacy is the key to a high financial situation, reasonable spending and investment of money, proper accumulation. Unfortunately, these knowledge is not given in school, and not every parent takes care of the financial literacy of their children.

We highlight and examine several steps that will help make friends with money and improve your financial situation.

Step 1 Optimize expenses. Always. This should be an automatic habit.

Optimization means reducing the level of expenses without lowering the standard of living.

First of all, it is necessary to take control of expenses and record them at least within 1-2 months, and it is better to do it all the time. Next, it is necessary to analyze them and understand where the means "rejected".

Examples of cost optimization:

  • Purchase through online stores of goods at a lower price
  • Purchase of large packages, which are usually more profitable
  • Analyze prices for the same goods and seek the most advantageous offers.
  • Use discount cards
  • Rental of low-use goods instead of buying
  • And another 101 way to purchase the best for a smaller price.

Step 2 Work negative installations relative to money. It's the most important!

Very often, exactly our attitude to wealth determines our opportunity to earn. Negative installations operate at the level of our subconscious, predetermine our actions and inhibit development.

It is necessary to find them in yourself, write down and work.

Ask yourself questions: What am I thinking about money? What do I think about rich people? How much can I be rich? How high I appreciate myself and my job?

Remember what negative installations you heard from parents, peers, teachers. Perhaps they are and you.

Opposite each negative installation, write positive affirmation.

For example, a negative installation "did not live richly, there is nothing to start," which you could hear from parents, we replace on "I like to be rich."

Track your negative thoughts about wealth, reread positive affirmations from time to time.

Change your thinking, learn how to appreciate your work, do not be afraid to raise the price of your products and services. Then your income will certainly grow!

Step 3 Look for new sources of income. Always. The modern world is very dynamic. Companies open and dying, professions go into non-existence, new. You must have several sources of income in order to confidently look into the future.

In each profession you can find additional earnings: start doing blog, conduct master classes by what you know how to look for additional orders.

You can begin to monetize your hobby (needlework, drawing, manicure) or master the remote Internet profession.

If you have only one source of income, develop a clear action plan in case the circumstances will change.

Step 4 Learn and improve your qualifications.

Learn something new, pass courses and trainings, read literature. Become a valuable specialist in your profession. Open business. This is not so difficult to learn. This will certainly lead to an increase in income.

You always need to learn. This is the necessary requirement of modern reality.

Make a training plan and start implementing it. Do not forget to include practitioners on personal growth in this plan.

Step 5 Create a airbag.

Airbag are funds that can be spent on unforeseen expenses. For example, to fix the car or buy medicines in case of illness.

This safety measure allows saving money that is usually spent on monthly needs and long-term goals. Also, this amount allows you to be calm for your safety in case of loss of work.

If nothing unexpected happens, this amount will be a contribution to your investment portfolio.

Step 6 Put the goals and postpone the monthly shopping.

Simple calculations will help determine the amount that must be postponed and the time to which purchase will be possible.

Step 7 Take your investment.

Stop thinking that investing is a terrible and dense forest.

Investing money in securities, real estate objects, intellectual property, currency.

In long-term purposes, this will allow you to have passive income from capital.

Carefully learn the materials on this topic and do not fall on the tricks of the scammers.

These simple steps will help you improve your financial situation and become more competent in this area.

To be friends with money, you need to interact with them. Start reading more finance literature, plan your expenses, change your thinking and remember that money is your assistant in achieving goals.

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