First Love: A model of relationship that the child will sweep through the years


There is nothing more permanent than temporary - this phrase is a joke, many adults pronounce and not in vain. It is the first love that quickly ends, remains in our memory for life. Surely now you remembered the first relationship when everything was in a novelty: take a young man by hand, kiss or decide on sex. Well, if this experience brought you sincere joy and good memories.

Mutual love

Many young people and girls crave dramas, although they do not recognize themselves in this: they like to fall in love and suffer from unrequited love instead of finding a real partner. Talk to the child of adolescent age about what is important for him in relationships. Surely he will be shy, but if you are close, tells everything about my presentation. Explain that he should not pass through himself for the sake of a friend or friend - a loving person takes a partner as it is.

Mutual love gives wings

Mutual love gives wings

Safety above all

You can get an infection from a simple kiss. Understanding this, the child becomes more responsible and carefully approaches the selection of a partner, and does not kiss with the first oncoming club. What to talk about intimate relationships - unprotected sex in adolescence practicing is especially dangerous. Young people have no sufficient experience and the possibility of carrying material responsibility in the case of venereological illness or pregnancy of the girl. Explain how important it is to use condoms - it is better if this item becomes mandatory from the first relationship of the child. If a young girl is lucky with an experienced guy, she will avoid delusions that men inspire, just not to enjoy contraceptives.

Self confidence

At a young age, children are especially angry: it is not enough to a smart classmate to say a remark about the appearance of a child, as he starts to complex. First love can also provoke hatred for yourself, dropping to insults during a quarrel or words like "where do you need?" This in young people plays immaturity - the lack of meaningful arguments is replaced by brave. If you see that the child's partner suppresses it, gently propose to go to a psychotherapist. Modern children adequately perceive such sessions, considering it important to take care of mental health.

The partner should increase your self-esteem, and not to underestimate

The partner should increase your self-esteem, and not to underestimate

By the way, any problem at an early stage is easier to solve with a psychologist to assimilate the life lessons and not allow mistakes in the future. The earlier the child learn from self-analysis, the easier it will cope with the problems and experience negative emotions.

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