Mom vs. Daughter: We consider dangerous types of relationships


The first person with whom we get after birth is mom. It is a relationship with it that determine our entire further life. Especially the influence of Mom has a daughter, because the girl will be to become a woman, and in the process of growing up the daughter takes the style of behavior of her closest to her.

However, there are no always relations of two close people. It is good: there are several types of interconnection that definitely will not benefit her daughter or her mother.

when such relationship is wrong

when such relationship is wrong



Usually this type of relationship occurs between the parent and child, when a woman gives birth to a daughter at an early age - up to 20 years. Mother begins to perceive the daughter as equal to himself, which is already incorrect, because the parent must be slightly higher in the status in order to assist and protect the child, if the mother positions himself as a girlfriend for his daughter, there is a chance that the daughter will look for all life Care in another place, from a person who is used to take responsibility for another.


Not so rarely meet mothers who for one or another see a woman who represents a certain danger, for example, can lead to a man if the family is not complete and mom is in constant search for a man. Such competition inside the family leads to a violation of the self-esteem of a young emerging woman, with which it is quite difficult to cope in adulthood.





It happens that mom is not jealous of his men to his daughter simply because it never happens at home, because she is engaged in finding a satellite life. Mother can lose weight heavy in the form of a child on grandmothers or other relatives, passing through the establishment of a personal life. In such a family, the daughter grows with a sense of its own worthlessness, since at a young age support parents is difficult to replace something.

Mom baby

If in the relationship "Mom and Daughter - Girlfriends" two women are equal, then in this case, Mom tries to be slightly lower than her daughter: it constantly shows that it is weaker. In this situation, the girl will have to grow early, because the support of the helpless family member implies an adult look at life. Mother in some sense steals childhood from her own daughter.


In the family where there is such a mother, it is not customary to argue about life in a positive way: a woman is constantly complaining how terribly and dangerously live in such a world, transferring their fears and resents to the child. When the daughter managed to escape from under the control of such a mother, most of his life pursues guilt, if its reasoning does not coincide with the life of the mother. Moreover, the mother herself may not let go of his daughter, inventing his own illness, thereby holding a young woman next to him.

Daughter always takes an example from a mother

Daughter always takes an example from a mother


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