Stars tried out of tenant outfits


The premiere has become a present gift for "simple mortals." Nothing suspects were able to see a large number of stars at a distance of an elongated arm - to the entrance to the cinema stretched the red path, according to which the eminent person was distorted. Guests were encountered waiters with champagne and vases with cherries. The trinity was among the first arrived: Arina Sharapova, Larisa Valley and Alena Khmelnitskaya. True, guests did not immediately go to pose with photographers. As a true lady, who should be late at least 15 minutes, the girls spent at the entrance, and headed for photographers only after Arina said a voice voice: "Girls, let's go!". Following the "Girls" appeared Andrei Makarevich in the company of a pretty brunette. Andrei Vadimovich smiled broadly, and we could not not ask what was so influenced by the mood of rock legends.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk did not drink champagne so much as coquetty kept him in his hands and smiled, as is characteristic of the Great Lady. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk did not drink champagne so much as coquetty kept him in his hands and smiled, as is characteristic of the Great Lady. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

"I am with my beloved sister I go to the movies, what can I have a mood?" - answered the singer. Apparently, the family days out of Makarevichi is not frequent, so the brother and sister are especially appreciated.

Slightly raised Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. It turned out that the actress spent three hours in the beauty salon to overshadow everyone. Decollet of Zavorotnyuk especially struggled by people familiar with Anna Semenovich. Some of them noticed that the "leader" in this matter will soon catch up with such a pace of Anastasia.

- My dress and hairstyle are devoted to this premiere. Even if you spent three hours on the makeup, it is worth it. Even if there was no happiness to play in the "Great Gatsby" and be partner Leonardo di Caprio, in the end, you came to the premiere with stunning hairstyle and enjoyed. I am generally a fan of this play. And the previous version of the film with Robert Radford. I love the time, but also appreciate everything that provides our time. For example, the ability to stay is long. Then this was not, - Anastasia laughed.

- Anastasia, can not not ask this question, although it has no relation to the event. They say your daughter fired from television? ..

- What are you! - splashed her hands Nastya. - It was just a pause. But literally the other day its program is already restarted. She spent two weeks in New York, is now preparing for shooting. So work continues.

The appearance of the actor Igor Yankovsky with his granddaughter caused surprise of those present. Who would have thought that Igor Rostislavovich had such an adult granddaughter! Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

The appearance of the actor Igor Yankovsky with his granddaughter caused surprise of those present. Who would have thought that Igor Rostislavovich had such an adult granddaughter! Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Very surprised the public the appearance of the actress Natalia Lesnikovskaya. A few weeks ago, the actress came to the premiere with a big belly. And here she appeared a slender lady, who has no hint of the stomach and in risen. Colleagues, however, immediately found out that Natalia gave birth to almost the other day, but at the same time did not look like a new mammy. Of course, there were questions about the secret of slimness.

"I was engaged in yoga, but at some point I realized that I did not have time to do this," Natalia told. - And during the teaching of the child, I started using different asans. Then on the Internet I found out that there is, it turns out, a whole direction in gymnastics with a child in his arms.

- They say you gave the child an unusual name ...

- We called it Mark. We still wanted to call the first child. We had fierce disputes. In the end, chosen the name Yegor. Mark is a very strong leader name.

- Little leader allows you to sleep at night?

- He behaves perfectly. Wakes up only to eat - and fall asleep again.

Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

The final of the party was a fight, who was committed by the assistant of the British actor Raland Fyams ("Schindler List", "English Patient".). He did not like the perseverance of one of the photographers. The assistant tried to even apply the power and take the camera, but our legendary actress Vera Glagolev came to the rescue. She used all its charm and surveyed the conflicting parties.

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