Dreams that are good girls teach to be bad


How often do we speak to others in life that we do not want to participate in something? It happens that politely silent your opinion about someone or something not to offend others.

The habit of regularly acting contrary to their desires and intuition firmly entrenched in our behavior. However, in a dream, there are no public opinion in a dream, there are no prohibitions and the rules of a decent society, so in a dream we can declare themselves more honest than in real life.

I admit that not everyone is so, however, "good girls" will be interested to read the examples of dreams and their analysis.

Dreams dreamed of the same dream.

First dream:

"I see myself in some camp or a holiday home with strangers. And there must be some interesting moment of the meeting in which I take part. The surrounding handles rubbed and say that it will be very cool. I feel alarming at that moment, even threatening. I tell everyone that I refuse to participate in this, as I know little about the people present, I feel unprotected and do not trust them. After that, I wake up instantly and I am in a state very clear, as if I came out of hypnosis or I was "smoldered", or I was freed from something. "

Second Son:

"I am going on the market and want to buy potatoes. Chose someone to buy and ask the seller's woman before driving me potatoes, show her. She convinces that potatoes are good, and I do not believe it. She gives a knife, and I start cleaning one potatoes. First, blue spots appear, and when I clean the potato even further, then it is inside all damaged. I show this potato seller and tell her that I said that the potatoes are bad. "

Both sleep is intertwined with a common topic - distrust to others.

And if in ordinary life, many would save and did not express their alarms, then in a dream the heroine is openly and clearly declares. It is now important to remember that dreams often reflect the real situation.

Accordingly, it can be assumed that in some group of people, the dreams are making his opinion in favor of them and the fact that everyone is happy about what is happening.

In a dream, a girl manages to express himself naturally, which is similar to the removal of the spell. In this state of clarity, in which the heroine woke up, it would be necessary to set new goals in front of you, take actions that would directly lead to the implementation of the dream. It is probability that everything conceived on this day would be easily carried out, because it was not necessary to think about how it looks in the eyes of others. No need to seem good and correct, agree with everyone - it is important to just do.

But what is even more interesting - there is a female image in the second dream, whose words heroine does not believe.

It remains only to turn to the author of the dreams - with whom this woman is associated?

It is possible that communication about "rotten potatoes" occurs in the real life of the heroine.

You can only recommend it to analyze, whose arguments she takes on faith without testing them in reality.

If in ordinary life, it will not be a "good" girl and will allow themselves to experiment, check, talk about their desires and reluctance, it will be able to make it easier to exercise.

And what are dreaming you?

Waiting for your letters on the mail: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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