Yulia Savicheva: "I dreamed of voicing some cartoon" for a long time "


- Julia, reincarnate not in a novelty. But you voiced the cartoon for the first time ...

- Yes, and I waited for this very long time and dreamed of voice some kind of cartoon.

- And how do you?

- Very interesting. I got a tremendous pleasure.

- Did not it happen?

- It was. Especially at the end, when the voice already sits down, and you still need to talk and talk. But it seems to me that in any work that you want to make one hundred percent, sometimes it is difficult.

- Please tell us about your heroine.

- Her name is Mary. She is a wonderful girl. Very soulful, responsive, always comes to help, if someone needs it. And she is reddish. (Laughs.) And something like me in eighteen.

- And in childhood, did you have a favorite heroine of fairy tales or cartoons?

- I really liked Peppi Longs. I really wanted to be like her. (Smiles.)

Julia Savicheva, to accomplish into the role, came to the voicing of the cartoon in the same clothes and with the same hairstyle as her heroine Mary. .

Julia Savicheva, to accomplish into the role, came to the voicing of the cartoon in the same clothes and with the same hairstyle as her heroine Mary. .

- But she is partly a kid. Have you been the same?

- Partly yes.

- A is in your current heroine Mary something, what are you at all like it?

- Difficult question. In any case, she has its own character, his ideas about life. But so deeply I was not thinking.

- Mary at first not very simple relationships with the Father ...

- Yes, his name is Professor Bomb. He lives hermit. Mary comes home to him, asks how he has. And the bomb is responsible for her that he studies tiny little men who are not visible to anyone, but actually exist, and he wants to prove to everyone. Strange, isn't it? So Mary, of course, does not believe him. But only until the moment that herself does not fall into this hidden forest world and does not become as small as these people.

- Do you have misunderstanding with your father?

- Everything is fine in my family.

- The plot of the cartoon unfolds in the fantastic world. And in what fantastic place did you ever visit?

- (thinks. - Ed.) Probably South Africa.

- Have you rested there?

- There was one TV project, in which I was a guest, and I was lucky to spend a few days there.

In the original cartoon Mary and her father, Professor Bomb tells Amanda Saifred and Jason Sudyakis. Frame from an animated film

In the original cartoon Mary and her father, Professor Bomb tells Amanda Saifred and Jason Sudyakis. Frame from the animation film "Epic".

- And what did you struck most of all?

- Well, it's how to visit another planet. Just like in Japan. In Japan, it's amazing all - buildings, technique, people, how they live there, as they communicate, how tied to their gadgets. This is a kind of crazy world. And in South Africa, on the contrary, everything is tied in nature. And I got there in a terrible thunderstorm. I generally fear thunder, lightning. But what was in South Africa is just a nightmare. Such a feeling that you get to hell.

- The little heroes of the cartoon "Epic" live in hidden from the eyes of the forest world. Are you more urban people or you are important to unity with nature?

- I love to be in nature. It seems to me that she gives strength. Especially when you are constantly in a crazy rhythm, you live on a mad graphics, it is helping to relax exactly the departure to nature.

- And all sorts of bugs, spiders, caterpillars will not scare you?

- I'm not very afraid of insects. If it were terrible huge spiders, as in trials in Fort Boyard, I would, of course, would be scared. But in our strip, it seems like no tarantulalov. (Laughs.)

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