Why we abuse sweet


An interesting picture walks on the Internet. It depicts a girl who has an angel on the right shoulder, and on the left - decent. On the table in front of the young special, there are two plates: one with sweets, the second - with a salad. For all, it is obvious, for what dish is the minion of Satan? Meanwhile, the picture is not deprived of the meaning: the brain, the intestines and the taste preferences of the person are interrelated directly. So what makes us eat sweets, ice cream and other gastronomic joy with a high sugar content?

Beast inside us

Today, in the Wednesday, the Guru of Dietology is popular about the fact that thrust for sweet is the first sign of the intestinal candidosis: diseases in which the microflora imbalances arises, associated with overly rapid growth of yeast proteins. The solution is offered simple: put into order the intestinal microbiota and the sweet you will no longer want. Sounds like a fairy tale, right? Only everything that is said in it is a lie, though with a hefty hint of the truth. Indeed, the intestinal microbiota directly affects our taste addiction, but there is one important nuance: it is from what we eat depends on which of the bacteria will begin to multiply especially intensively. In a word, if you from childhood got used to lean on buns and chocolate, but they didn't make friends with salads, it could lead to a change in microbiota composition and uncontrolled desire to absorb all tasty and not useful. But before such a state you need to bring long and systematically.

Abuse Sweet can lead to a change in microbiota composition

Abuse Sweet can lead to a change in microbiota composition

Photo: unsplash.com.

Sex and cupcake

But the notorious stress is a very real reason for the dependence on sweets. Depressive moods and reduced emotional background cause an acute lack of endorphins. You can fill in different ways, for example, sports. No wonder Many business women who constantly stay in a state of stress, in any incomprehensible situation run to the hall. The simple manner instead of dumbbells most often chooses candy, because sugar is an excellent source of endorphins. By the way, at the beginning of the 20th century, doctors advised men who have dangerous weight, to have a young mistress. Modern studies confirmed - ardent feelings throw endorphins into the blood not worse than the eclairs, and therefore, if you decide to get out of the vicious circle "Stended - Sweet burned," choose a hall with a pretty instructor. Even if the novel does not turn out, even though the body will get used to regularly receive endorphins from physical activity.

Stress - quite the real reason for the dependence on sweets

Stress - quite the real reason for the dependence on sweets

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Another possible reason for pathological love for sweet - mental work in combination with an unbalanced power regimen. The fact is that our brain is an extremely energy-consuming authority. Therefore, after a severe labor day, we are so pulling drinking tea with sweets - this is the easiest way to instantly fill the lack of precious calories. Unfortunately, simple carbohydrates feelings are not brought, and they are not helpful for the brain: it needs a balanced diet, consisting of fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Another trap, in which the sweet tooth falls is the broken day of the day. If you are used to going to sleep deeply for midnight, and get up - in the middle of the afternoon, you most likely have an imbalance of cortisol, somatotropin and melatonin. In addition, during the nightly days, our body begins to actively produce hormone of famine Grethin. As you can see, the solution from a complex problem is so obvious that it is bored: Balance your diet, eat more protein and greenery, do sports, go to bed to twelve at night - and the thrust to sweet will decrease.

Our advice to you ...

An excellent way to reduce craving for sweets is to replace them with fruit and seasonal vegetables. Thus, you fill the lack of vitamins, which can also be one of the reasons for pathological love for products with high sugar content.

Strict diets sweet toes are contraindicated. They are built on cutting daily calories, which increases the level of cortisol - stress hormone - and suppresses endorphins. Therefore, candy lovers after several days of a strict diet are broken and begin to absorb sweet in triple doses.

The replacement of sweets on honey and fruit will not help you lose weight, but it contributes to the formation of the right taste habits, and after a while you can painlessly reduce the consumption of candies, cakes and cakes.

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