Victor Rakov: "When the wife said, he loves the other, I almost died of grief"


In Gitis, he fell without a volatile and protection, exclusively thanks to his abilities and persistence. Natives treated this venture skeptical: Victor grew up in an ordinary working family, his parents worked on a machine-building plant. Of course, at ten years, the child hit the way he copied his grandmother: tolding her handkerchief and taking a wand, the rharom moved around the room. Grandfather Vitya, rubbing away the tears, said that the guy was a straight road to artists. But who then thought it was serious? The first attempt to go to the theater institute ended in failure, and the crayfish worked on the same engineering factory. I made sure that this is not his calling. A year later, he again went to guitis to try his strength, and this time they took it. And after the end of the university, he fell into the famous Lenkomovsky troupe to Mark Zakharov. It can be said that the young actor was lucky again: the director was just gaining singing guys with sports training for the play "Star and Death of Hoakin Muriet". Selection of crayfish passed and serves in the theater to this day. He has a lot of worthy filmmaster, among which "kill the dragon", "mother", "thirst for passion", "Petersburg secrets". And yet the genes are genes. The habit of doing something with your own hands, apparently, was handed over to Viktor by inheritance. In his free time, the time of cancer rides the cottage, closes in his workshop, where it sculpts and burns clay figures. He even had several exhibitions in the Bakhrushinsky Museum. Life outside the city, cycling, fishing, hiking in the forest for mushrooms - all this helps the actor to restore energy. He is already in fifty, but he is in excellent physical form. Victor has a son from the first marriage - Boris and a daughter from the second marriage - Nastya. And the appearance in the family of the baby Danili, whom the cancers adopted three years ago, gave existence a new meaning.

Recently, you can often see on the screen. Do you now give a movie preference?

Victor Rakov: "No, the main theater is basically for me. Cinema is something coming and leaving. I refuse many suggestions: either the script is uninteresting, or in time it does not work. So I can't boast that I move from the frame to the frame, from the movie to the film. I think it is not necessary. And the theater is stable. Now there are rehearsals, and it is simply impossible somewhere tightly removed. Is that point. That's just flew from filming in Kiev. I have the role of Major KGB in a multi-family family saga "House with Lily". This is a film of Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov, with whom I really like to work. "

In Lenkom you are almost thirty years old. This suggests that you are a permanent person ...

Victor: "I had different periods in life - and pink glasses, and disappointments. And I confess, sometimes thoughts left the theater. But it is in youth, in stupidity. Thank God that I did not. Now there are no such thoughts. Moreover, due to the departure of such masters, as Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Yankovsky, because of Nikolai Karachentsov's unhealthy, I understand that we must strengthen our ranks and support Zakharov. And because of the theater, it is possible to give up some proposals in the cinema. "

Have you worked with Mark Anatolyevich? He speaks complex character.

Victor: "And who of us is simple? We already have so many years together, with half a favor, we understand each other. "

There was a moment when you were offered an interesting role in the movie "Romanovs. Ventance family, "and Zakharov said: or shooting, or leaving the theater. How to react to blackmail?

Victor: "Yes, it was. Initially, I felt some insult, but then I realized that it was not blackmail, but the problem of choice. And I did it - stayed in the theater. At that time my decision seemed true to me. Now I am theoretically admit that I could do otherwise. "

Victor Crakov. Photo: Personal archive.

Victor Crakov. Photo: Personal archive.

At one time, you were given a film "Seagull" in the nomination "Best Villain". Do you have dark sides of the soul?

Victor: "I do not share the opinions that the actor should have only heroic roles. Some of my colleagues do not agree to play negative characters. In my opinion, it is not necessary to close in the framework of one amplua. I received the "best villain" for the role of Cromwell in the play "Royal Games" and do not regret it at all. Thanks to this images, the professional palette becomes richer. As for the dark sides ... I am not a maniac, not a pedophile, not a drug addict and not a drunkard. But I love to be alone, flew something out of clay. And then it is better not to distract me. Not that I can break and row rope, but it is a little imbalance. The wife knows such a feature of my character and tries not to touch me. "

When in life, come across a deception, betrayal, is the desire to take revenge on the offender?

Victor: "No. At that moment, when this happens, "Mind is perturbed." But I am leaving a man and after some time I can look at the situation from the side. And you know, let go. "

You do not care about the confrontation of good and evil? Probably the role in the film "Master and Margarita" still makes think about such things?

Victor: "Maybe the viewer forces. I know that Nikolay Burlyaev asked the blessing of the church to fulfill the role of Yeshua. I played the master. I was supported by several of my friends in my choice, colleagues, whose opinion I rose. But with me, unlike Yuri Kara, nothing mystical did not happen. " (Director Yury Kara told about the unusual situations that arose during the filming of the "Master and Margarita". For example, about how, having arrived in the Crimea, the film crew found that the operator forgot in Moscow and the film. Kara went for them, but right Opposite the house of Bulgakov on the garden ring, his "Volga" broke down. To top it all, it began to snow in Crimea, which is extremely rare. And then in the theater broke the pipe of hot heating and flooded the film. So far, the corners are sprinkled with holy water there. - Approx. auth.)

Master is close as a man?

Victor: "No, I don't think. Not particularly".

You can both be called creators. Ceramics occupation helps to maintain a mental equilibrium?

Victor: "It's very nice when you can do something with your own hands. Not just glazed balcony or put a wall tile - I can also. And something connected with the artistic embodiment. I was a little painting, but when you go out in the third dimension, this is something else. I realized that it was better than drawing. "

And where did your passion begin?

Victor: "In the mid-nineties, actress Irina Serov advised me to do ceramics. I was postponed for a long time, and then suddenly I bought a stove, clay. Ira taught me technological azam. And - about a miracle! - Everything began to get. There was an opening day in the house of the actor on Arbat. We were given the entire first floor, posted my and Irina under the common name "Clay Balagan".

Victor Crakov with his wife Lyudmila. Photo: Kirill Icolade.

Victor Crakov with his wife Lyudmila. Photo: Kirill Icolade.

I heard you all crown?

Victor: "Mostly yes, but something wife does not give. (Laughs.) Because of the shooting schedule and rehearsals, I do not have time to do so many products. At home there is a chamotte clay vase, a rose candy. The wife collects frogs, so blinded her frog. Ashtray - While the only thing I did on a pottery circle. This is the next stage of my creativity. "

Your interesting hobby ...

Victor: "Someone brands collect, someone antiques. My older brother makes wooden furniture. And I love ceramics. There were exhibitions in the Bahrushinsky Museum and in the theater center on passionate boulevard, where the actors, directors showed their work. I have seen the wonderful paintings by Oleg Shklovsky, Vladimir Vasilyeva, soldiers of Nazarov's genes. These people are talented not only in their profession. "

You said that you love to be alone, but you have a beautiful family ...

Victor: "I will clarify: when I am painting. In general, I am a family man. Very rushing with your loved ones and I consider the family of one of the most important values ​​in the life of a person. "

You with Lyudmila together for twenty-three years. Immediately saw a related soul in it?

Victor: "Probably yes. Although, maybe it was not immediately able to admit to himself. " (First, Lyudmila and Victor checked their senses in civil marriage. And when the daughter of Nastya was to appear on the light, they were signed and married in the church. - Approx. Auth.)

At your wedding photo, she looks like a very young girl ...

Victor: "Well, yes, she acknowledged me a little. (Laughs.) We met in the theater thanks to our common friend, who dragged a lu at the performance. Then it was still allowed to smoke in public places, so in the intermission we all went to the cross. They stood behind the scenes, talked. "

What impression was on you then Lyudmila?

Victor: "At first glance, I noted: Pretty! And this is quite a lot. I liked her independent character. Although it looked funny: it is a small height, the meter is sixty, and at the same time a very brisk. And Lucy then confessed that she was simply struck by my shoulders. "

And how did your relationship develop? You are a famous actor, she is still a young student ...

Victor: "Well, then I was not so famous. To live with a people's artist, you need to marry usual. (Laughs.) Yes, it's not about who is who, but in something else. I think the main thing is love. "

Believe that marriages are performed in heaven?

Victor: "Having one bitter experience by shoulders, I think that it is so." (For the first time, Victor married early, on Olga's classmate. Their union lasted five years. And then the wife reported that he had to another man. From this marriage, Rankov had the eldest son Boris. - Appra.)

Victor Rakov and Alexander Abdulov on stage

Victor Rakov and Alexander Abdulov on the scene "Lenkom". Photo: A.Sternin.

In one of the interviews, you said that the meeting with Lyudmila was a reward for the first, unhappy experience.

Victor: "Well, not unhappy, rather unsuccessful. The gap I worried hard. When the wife admitted that he loved the other, I almost died of grief. So badly I was physically, and morally. Apparently, at that time I had a fantasy well developed quite well. When you come up with a person, and it actually turns out to be absolutely different, it is very difficult later with this inventing way to part. But we have to. So I am grateful to fate for sent tests. After that, I had a revaluation of values. From a dreamy, a little infantile young man I turned into a man. Something changed in life, and Lucy appeared in it very much. "

Having survived the betrayal, it is difficult to believe someone again ...

Victor: "I had an incubation period of the year and a half."

With the eldest son you have any relationship? You are communcating?

Victor: "Of course. The relationship is good, friendly, trusted. Although he is twenty-five years old, he still's a boy still. I think I was myself, and I remain so for my parents. "

Do you protect him, takek?

Victor: "As far as possible, yes."

Medium your daughter has already married, created a family. Are you ready to become grandfather?

Victor: "No! Even morally not ready. I think, at first Nastya still must end up the institute. "

She is studying in Gitis on producer. She is interested in cinema?

Victor: "In general, to be honest, her a little sausage, as young people are expressed now, from side to side. So far I wonder, and then we'll see. " (Nastya paints perfectly and sings, it is fond of capoeira. This is Brazilian martial art, combining elements of dance, acrobatics, games. By the way, she met her future husband to Pavlom. - Approx. Auth.)

Do you like all your children equally?

Victor: "No. Because they are all different. The main thing that I love. "

In Lenkom, Victor has been served by the 29th season and is extremely rarely distracted by entrepreneurship. With Alexandra Zakharova. Photo: Archive MK.

In Lenkom, Victor has been served by the 29th season and is extremely rarely distracted by entrepreneurship. With Alexandra Zakharova. Photo: Archive MK.

How is Daniel mastered in the family?

Victor: "Already mastered, this is absolutely my child. Even, they say, look like me on me. Modeably hooligany, moderately obedient and talented. He has abilities for music. So a little later give data to the music school. He is already able to swim. Last year, for fifteen minutes I learned to ride a two-wheeled bike. There were problems with speech: some letters did not succeed. So now we are engaged in the speech therapist. In general, in terms of development, it fully corresponds to his five-year-old age. "

He goes to kindergarten?

Victor: "We gave it to kindergarten, but since we live outside the city, not all of us arranged in this garden. So now Danya with mom, nanny helps us. But he will go to school in Moscow. "

The lawyer Mikhail Bushchevsky told about his adoptive children, how difficult they were adapted: they were hand, they were afraid of foreign people ...

Victor: "Receptions is another. Different forms exist - patronage, guardianship, adoptive family. Danya is our son, he wears my surname. I am very glad with Luce that he appeared in our family. We ourselves loosened for several years. The house was again filled with children's laughter, toys, books. "

Did you know who his biological parents?

Victor: "Everything you knew in the house of Baby, we were told."

What parameters did you choose the kid?

Victor: "One criterion: the heart is eaten or not. People and I did not discuss in advance who we want - a boy or a girl. As soon as they saw Danya, they understood: our child. They drove out of the house of Baby and just said that it was necessary to make all the documents faster. And never doubted the correctness of the decision. "

How long did the bureaucratic Volokita stretch?

Victor: "We are, of course, first a little dumbfounded by the number of references that had to collect. But everything decided fast enough. We were also helped by regional authorities, and Moscow guardianship.

And you did not scare that in a boy can a bad heredity manifest?

Victor: "Do not think about it. It is just necessary to go to the child with an open heart, love him, engage in his upbringing and not wait for something there will manifest. This is extra nerves. Now I became a calmer and wise father. I remember how I was in my youth, when my senior appeared on the world, Boris: I fussed a lot, twitching. And now I, what is called, distributed in life, and to raise children. I spend less soulful forces on it. This does not mean that I do not engage in children, no. But I will foresee some things and calmly warn, give advice. "

How did you react to the law on the ban on the adoption of Russian children by the Americans?

Victor: "How can you compare the" Magnitsky law "with the" law of Dima Yakovlev "? Obviously: this is a policy. "

Politics do not interest you?

Victor: "I'm not climbing there, but I have my opinion. If you do political activities, you need to sacrifice the profession, and I'm not ready. "

Half a century lived. What are your plans for the next fifty years?

Victor: "Do not stop in the profession. I am open for a wide variety of offers - ranging from the theater and cinema and ending with entrepreneurs. I hope to develop and improve your hobby. I also want to ride around the world, to visit those countries where it was not yet. "

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